DasDokter 📜 (COMMS OPEN)(@DasDokter)さんの人気ツイート(新しい順)

"good" words rkgk #IRySart #AeruSeni
irys hoshino #IRySart
@Petra_Gurin he's an enigma
use your imagination #ksonART
📜COMMISSIONS OPEN📜 More info here: dasdokter.carrd.co RT's, Likes, & Shares is very appreciated, thanks! #commissionsopen #commission
pov you took jedah's glasses
hair tie
sitting rkgk
you need to explode! for the world's sake! #inART #IRySart #kronillust #ameliaRT
fanart i drew of IRyS dying in a glue trap #IRySart
chubberonii #kronillust
hope loves this song #IRySart #BaelzBrush
hope's gotta get 'er done #IRySart
hope gets a new cut #IRySart