THANK YOU SO MUCH #holoIDCup2022!! We are 最強 and we will 👊TONJOK👊 all the 邪魔ピーポ!!! Great teamwork, and super great fun!!! Big thank you for the organizers as well! #BigGarudaEnergy, BIG LOVE 💝💝
OTSUKARESAMA #holoIDCup2022 !!!!!!! GARUDA TEAM WON !! WOOOOHOOOO!!! #BigGarudaEnergy !!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Thanks for watching, everyone !! I am so happy that I'm able to participate ! Thanks a lot for Moona and Ollie who organized the event as well !! Otsuuuuu !!!!
GOGO!GarudaEnergy~~🥳🥳👍✨ とってもenjoyできました💮🥰 #BigGarudaEnergy
Garuda優勝!! I was camera person for Team Garuda, hope you all had fun watching!!! For those who missed it, here is the VOD: ➡️ #holoIDCup2022 #BigGarudaEnergy
【CAMERAMAN'S STORY】 #Pavolive #Pavolia_Reine #holoIDCup2022 was tons of fun!!! 🏆 As the cameraman of Team Garuda, I want to talk about Garuda during prep and mostly, about today's event! See you soon! 8 PM GMT+7 / 22:00 JST #BigGarudaEnergy 🦅