> 誰でもいいからバットで頭を殴ろうと思った 「誰でもいい」と言いながら、こういう男は女にしか暴力を振るわない。自分より弱い相手をしっかり選んでやってんだよ。 これが女性差別でないなら、一体何なんだ。 #フェミサイド #femicide news.livedoor.com/article/detail…
University students in Tehran protest the misogynist murder of #Mahsa_Amini in #Iran #IranProtests #مهسا_امینی #MahsaAmini #femicide
#Kurdistan's mass #femicide graves: more than 20,000 Kurdish Women and girls murdered in so-called "honor killings". #endimpunity #stopfemicide yac.news/blogs/protect/…
Acid attacks against women are rising worldwide, raising awareness is the first step towards stopping them. #endimpunity #femicide Subscribe⬇️ youtu.be/CgZolGIK90c?li…
#Gynophobia is out of control & increasing worldwide. Women worldwide are being targeted in record numbers during COVID-19. Women and girls are being subjected to an increase of repression, #femicide, male violence, child marriage, and more. #EndImpunity youtube.com/watch?v=0sbBHw…
Software developer Sa’adat Aliyu (@IAmSoosy) has launched @HelpioNigeria. The app is designed to help people report rape and sexual assault in #Nigeria. #EndImpunity #femicide #gynocide Download it today here: play.google.com/store/apps/det… Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=FeH5JZ…
Kurdish #femicide is out of control in northern Iraq and victims are buried in unmarked graves. We call for an end of so-called "honor killings". #EndImpunity #EndFemicide #Kurdistan Subscribe⬇️ youtube.com/watch?v=vyV74a…
Salvadorian refugee Victoria Salazar Arriaza was murdered by Mexican police in the resort city of Tulum. Protests have broken out across Mexico calling for #justiciaparavictoria. #NiUnaMenos #NoMurioLaMataron #femicide #EndImpunity Subscribe👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=ZFcCs6…
The #femicide of teenager Shana Grice highlights police incompetence & complicity in the UK. Shana Grice reported her stalker Michael Lane five times in six months to Sussex police but they dismissed and ignored her until he murdered her. #ShanaGrice youtube.com/watch?v=ObFyPl…
Women are fighting to stop femicide around the world. Join us in bringing awareness to the growing epidemic of femicide. Together we can say enough is enough. #SarahEverard #ReclaimTheseStreets #ReclaimTheStreets #femicide #Endimpunity Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/gqrcOpnbfgc?li…
Police violently broke up the Sarah Everard Vigil, a woman kidnapped and killed by a police officer while walking home at night. #ReclaimTheseStreets #ReclaimTheNight #SarahEverard #femicide #EndImpunity Subscribe!👇👇 youtu.be/CY9PvyZJ3zs
Femicide is out of control in the UK. The recent murder of #SarahEverard is exposing the epidemic of violence and murder against women. #SarahEverardrip #TooManyWomen #notallmenbutallwomen #femicide Subscribe👇👇 youtu.be/gqrcOpnbfgc
Outrage in Argentina over #femicide of Úrsula Bahillo. Despite filing complaints about death threats sent by her ex, a police officer, nothing was done to stop him from stabbing her over 30 times. (📹@brutamerica) #JusticiaporUrsula #NiUnaMas #NiUnaMenos
At least six women are killed by men every hour in a global pandemic of femicide and sex-based violence that is being partly hidden by #COVID19 and mostly by misogyny. #femicide #orangetheworld #16days #16DaysOfActivism weforum.org/agenda/2020/11…
1 woman is killed by a man every 3 days in the UK. Femicide Census recommends a thorough collection of sex-desegregated data, ratification of the Istanbul Convention, and improved funding to provide safety and support. #femicide #orangetheworld #16days theguardian.com/society/2020/n…
#Turkey: Women who stand against impunity, #femicide, abuse, harassment, and rape are put on trial. In 2019, 440 women were murdered by men in Turkey, and women are standing trial for performing the Las Tesis dance in protest. #EndImpunity Report: ahvalnews.com/femicides/turk…