#Mexico: A young girl has been kidnapped by an armed group in Tlajomulco de Zuñiga, Jalisco. See attached tweet. Help bring this to the attention of @FGRMexico @FGR_Jal @GobiernoJalisco @informador. #NiUnaMas #NiUnaMenos twitter.com/Livre_Noir_/st…
Outrage in Argentina over #femicide of Úrsula Bahillo. Despite filing complaints about death threats sent by her ex, a police officer, nothing was done to stop him from stabbing her over 30 times. (📹@brutamerica) #JusticiaporUrsula #NiUnaMas #NiUnaMenos
There's national outrage in #Guatemala over missing and murdered girls. Girls & women stage bike protests after an 8-year-old girl recently disappeared while playing on her bike & later found murdered. (📹@Sandra_Cuffe) #Femicide #NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMas #LasNiñasNoSeTocan
Que todas las Karen lleguen sanas y salvas a casa. Si no, sacaremos las garras. #8M2020 #8M #NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMas
Anti-femicide protestors were beaten, sexually assaulted, and raped by Mexican authorities according to a new report. #NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMenos Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=50cklN…
Anti-femicide protestors were beaten, sexually assaulted, and raped by Mexican authorities according to a new report. #NiUnaMenos #NiUnaMenos Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=50cklN…
Salvadorian refugee Victoria Salazar Arriaza was murdered by Mexican police in the resort city of Tulum. Protests have broken out across Mexico calling for #justiciaparavictoria. #NiUnaMenos #NoMurioLaMataron #femicide #EndImpunity Subscribe👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=ZFcCs6…
Where Mexican authorities fail Frida Guerrera succeeds. She is a journalist and detective who hunts down men who kill women. #Niunamas #NiUnaMenos #Femicide #EndImpunity Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=V6_0fW…
#Mexico Update: The young girl kidnapped yesterday is now with her family, she is alive and safe. Her family members extend their thanks for your help in amplifying this case. #NiUnaMas #NiUnaMenos twitter.com/YourAnonCentra…