In Yalta, Crimea, currently occupied by Russia:
"Are you not afraid of the counteroffensive?"
"We support Ukraine! ✊"
🚨🧵My translation of the Nov 19 #FSBletters from the #WindofChange inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin. Subject: Intrigues behind the letter Osechkin received by authors claiming to be Wind of Change who disclosed plans to attack #Kyiv via Belarus. Please share far & wide.
If Belarus has been holding private talks with the West without Putin's approval, as #WindofChange claims in the latest #FSBletters, assassination by #Russia makes a lot more sense. Makei would probably be the key conduit to the West for Lukashenko. twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
🚨🧵#FSBletters from #WindofChange to Osechkin dated March 28, 2023.
Subject: Terrorism and Stupidity
#Russia is planning false-flag attacks on civilians in occupied #Crimea to blame on #Ukraine.
"Vladimir, good day to you!
From #WindofChange right now about Russian bombers getting equipped with nuclear warheads:
"There is no clear strategy, the aim is to terrify and cause chaos. The Service (FSB) is being redirected to counter a coup. The wheels have come off and no one has any clue of what's… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚨🧵 My translation of Jan 17 2023 #FSBletters from #WindofChange inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin. Topics: #WagnerPMC commander Medvedev's escape to Norway, Prigozhin & MoD, Soledar & mobilization, FSB readying to pounce on weakened Prigozhin. Please share far & wide.
3/26付の #WindofChange からの12通目の手紙 #FSBletters で警告されていたように、GRUの仕業。クレムリンは、アルメニアがこの件で非難されるようなシナリオを画策するだろう。
ええ、起こってしまったか… twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…