Help us❗️Their families can’t still contact them. It’s 8pm in MST. There’s no law to detain protesters in Prison. It’s totally unlawful. BURMA REVOLUTION #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb22Coup
“တိုက်ပိတ်လိုက်လို့ ငြိမ်သွားမယ့်အထဲမှာ အမှန်တရားမပါဘူး” #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectMilitaryCoupInMyanmar
【ミャンマーで今、何が】 元将校の証言、軍の内部資料、衝撃の現地映像。 弾圧の実態に迫ります。 #NHKスペシャル #混迷ミャンマー 軍弾圧の闇に迫る 22(日)夜9時〜[総合] 決死の現地映像を公開 特設サイト #WhatsHappeningInMyanmarnhk.or.jp/special/myanma… 番組HP▼ nhk.jp/p/special/ts/2…
House of a #journalist in Hakha, Chin State was attacked by security forces with slingshot last night - local ethnic media reported. “They shot only into that house, nowhere else” it says. #JournalismIsNotACrime #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Contacts send to me. Army soliders pointed gun at a resident in #Yangon around 1 PM today. I will include another video I took other day in which police were pointing guns into apartments.#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
これはただ若者たちが民主主義を勝ち取ろうとしているだけです。自分の命を顧みず、未来と民主主義のために戦っているの若者たちをとても尊敬します。頑張って一緒に民主主義のために戦いましょう。私たちの革命絶対成功できます。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectMilitaryCoup #SaveMyanmar
#クーデター から1年7カ月。3日午後、高田馬場駅前で #ミャンマー 人と日本人の有志が募金活動。国軍による市民弾圧の写真を掲げ、支援を呼び掛ける。募金を寄せた道行く人に深々と頭を下げる。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
NEW: #Japan should immediately review its aid portfolio for Myanmar and suspend non-humanitarian projects that benefit the junta or military, @hrw said today. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar hrw.org/news/2021/04/2…
The junta just released a new statement that cancel no. 5, 7& 8 law. It basically said they can arrest and search anyone without administrator, or a warrant and can detain a person without reason for more than 24 hours We are in danger every day. Help us #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
5 soldiers, who were sent as reinforcements in Karen State, defected from SAC military and joined CDM. A moral blow to failing SAC fascist army. Look at their genuine smiles compared to SAC propaganda. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Welcome new year 2023 and we want the world to know that we have not stopped fighting for even one day in Myanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
📍Melbourne, Australia Global Myanmar asking .@dfat @ScottMorrisonMP to - recognise @NUGMyanmar - sanction generals, MEC,MEHL #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar @PearsonElaine @MsNicolaSW twitter.com/KyawSitThway4/…
#ミャンマー のクーデターから2年。#東京新聞#中日新聞 の連載最終回。「国民は耳と目を奪われた」。国軍、報道の自由も弾圧。#米国 はビルマ法で圧力強化。識者「日本は軍政のリスクを過小評価」。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar tokyo-np.co.jp/article/228500
No one in #Myanmar is safe ❌Nurses ❌Doctors ❌Civilians ❌Children ❌Refugees ❌Journalists ❌Paramedics ❌Aid workers ❌Prisoners of war ❌Displaced people ❌Sick and wounded #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance twitter.com/ICRC/status/13…
Dawei Watch now says total three killed today in wake of the brutal violence by security forces in #Dawei. At least 40 injured in two hospitals. They released the names of those killed 👉🏽 facebook.com/DaweiWatch/pho… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Myanmarcoup #MyanmarPoliceBrutality twitter.com/rinfujimatsu/s…
Dr. Sasa, a prominent Chin ethic, who is very closed to Aung San Suu Kyi was appointed by CRPH as United Nations Special Envoy for Myanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb22Coup