Some friends are selling photo prints to raising funds for people of #Myanmar Find more prints here 👇👇 photos-for-myanmar.org If you are also a photographer and are interested write to team@photos-for-myanmar.org or @Aryel89959692 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
National Unity Consultative Council #NUCC and National Unity Government #NUG Joint Statement on Second Anniversary of Federal Democracy Charter #FDC #FDC #NUCC #NUG #nucc_nug_joint_statement #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Myanmar army spox. - no plan to enable the mobile internet so far bcos riots are brewed on social media and will need to cut the internet indefinitely. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
미얀마 군부에 자금을 대고 있는 포스코와 한국가스공사의 미얀마 군부와의 관계 단절을 요구하는 서명입니다. 일단 자금줄을 끊어야 그들을 조금이라도 막을 수 있습니다. 우리가 할 수 있는 최소한의 일 같습니다. 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar campaigns.kr/campaigns/328/…
As a memorial for historic ‘8888 movement’, protest leaders have called for banging pots and pans on 8th August 8 pm. We call for int’l community to cut all ties with SAC and engage @NUGMyanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Welcome new year 2023 and we want the world to know that we have not stopped fighting for even one day in Myanmar. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
HappeningNow: Thaketa Tsp, Yangon, got casualties while security police dispersed protest crowd. One person got it in the head (Critical) and one on leg. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
The central dry region has been marching, rallying and fighting since day one. It has never stopped. The revolution shall prevail. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
It seems that the letters were in fact authentic. IT’S A JOKE AND INSULT TO MYANMAR PEOPLE. APOLOGIZE NOW. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
「日本政府の手にはミャンマー国民の血が付いている」と怒りの声。#クーデター 後、少なくとも約2000人を殺害したとされる #ミャンマー 国軍。その軍人に教育訓練を施す防衛省。経験者に空爆関与の疑いも #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #東京新聞 tokyo-np.co.jp/article/184229
国際学生の日の16日、東京・池袋で、多くの学生の命を奪ったクーデターに抗議し、#ミャンマー 人らがデモ。「拘束中の学生達の解放を」「殺害された学生達に正義を」と訴え、日本政府の協力を求める。ミャンマーでは国軍の攻撃で勉強中の小学生10人以上か死亡する事件も。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#ミャンマー 国軍寄りの言動が露骨な日本ミャンマー協会の渡辺秀央会長。#クーデター は「合憲」、#NUG は「共産党」。軍政との面会に内閣審議官が同席。プロパガンダに利用され、対日感情悪化の恐れ。収入面は #日本財団 への依存度増。#東京新聞 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar tokyo-np.co.jp/article/195737
【ミャンマーで今、何が】 元将校の証言、軍の内部資料、衝撃の現地映像。 弾圧の実態に迫ります。 #NHKスペシャル #混迷ミャンマー 軍弾圧の闇に迫る 22(日)夜9時〜[総合] 決死の現地映像を公開 特設サイト #WhatsHappeningInMyanmarnhk.or.jp/special/myanma… 番組HP▼ nhk.jp/p/special/ts/2…
🚨NEW: Japan's defense minister told reporters on Jan. 28 #Japan is undecided whether it will accept new #Myanmar military #cadets for the new year in April. 1 year since the coup, and JP is still finding it difficult to cut ties with the #Tatmadaw! 😱 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Just found out #Myanmar military propaganda channel #MRTV has a @Twitter account (@mrtvwebportal) Earliest post of the account is on Feb4. Cannot verify if it’s setup by its respective ministry. @facebook took down army related pages on Feb21. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
A massive peaceful #SilentStrike has shut down entire country in Myanmar. People once again demonstrate power lies in the hands of the people - not the junta. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Harrowing story of Fascist SAC army: The army asked the civilians to run and then shot them death from behind. WHERE IS OUTRAGE???? #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar myanmar-now.org/mm/news/11580
21,345 years of human lives lost! It’s a loss to the whole humanity as these figures represent many young people and good-hearted people who had so much potential to contribute to the world! #RejectMilitaryCoup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/TheInsights_Ti…
これはただ若者たちが民主主義を勝ち取ろうとしているだけです。自分の命を顧みず、未来と民主主義のために戦っているの若者たちをとても尊敬します。頑張って一緒に民主主義のために戦いましょう。私たちの革命絶対成功できます。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #RejectMilitaryCoup #SaveMyanmar
The city of Mogok on #SilentStrike. Both small cities and big cities are defying against the junta. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #OurCityOurRuleOurWill
Police are still shooting into the crowd in Mandalay. The World ,Please Help Us #Feb20Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
We urge international news media to report and cover the air strikes that have killed hundreds of civilians in Myanmar. These are war crimes and should not go unnoticed by the international community. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
#ミャンマー でクーデター抗議デモを撮影して拘束され、禁錮計10年の判決を受けた映像作家 #久保田徹 さんらの解放を訴え、友人のジャーナリスト #北角裕樹 氏や #HRW 、在日ミャンマー人が日本外国特派員協会(#FCCJ)で会見。弁護士なしの審理やずさんな捜査を不当と批判。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar