#ミャンマー の駐日外交官で #クーデター への抗議で職務を離れる不服従運動(#CDM)に加わったアウンソーモー氏が会見。#安倍元首相#国葬 に軍政下の大使を参列させる日本政府に対し「ミャンマー人の思いに反する。国際社会は日本が軍政と結託していると見る」と指摘。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Better late than never. Welcome to CDM. All civil servants in embassies should stop working for the genocidal murderers, terrorists and fascists. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Vid recorded in Sanchaung tsp. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Villages in Sagaing Region are being burnt down one by one. International community refers @ASEAN to handle Myanmar. But there is no ASEAN to be found! Not even a statement!!! They are just giving SAC time to crack down the people!!! So outrageous!!! #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
RESIST ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 Don’t stop talking about #Palestine #Colombia #Myanmar Let’s fight for freedom and stand in solidarity for #FreePalestine #SOSColmbia #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar Down the systematic oppression! @DominicRaab .@cvdom2021 .@MuhammadSmiry @HKGlobalConnectjfco twitter.com/Milktea_Myanma…
#ミャンマー ・ザガイン地域で11日、国軍の空爆で民間人ら少なくとも50人が死亡とイラワジなど報道。2021年のクーデター以来、最悪規模の空爆被害の可能性。#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar irrawaddy.com/news/burma/at-…
About 60 security forces came with 5 vehicles raided Student Union office of #Yangon University around 4PM today - no students presence at the office. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Creative and daring demonstrations for ‘8888 uprising’ were staged by youths in Yangon today. The spirits of ‘8888 uprising’ live on. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
⚠️SAC terrorist junta is continuing its bombing campaign against the Karenni state, more innocent civilian lives are threatened on a daily basis. Just sell us aerial defensive weapons. Don’t let this one-sided slaughtering continue anymore. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Yadana workers urge Total to stop military receiving gas revenue. @Total should send the revenues towards @NUGMyanmar, our legitimate government. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #May26Coup myanmar-now.org/en/news/yadana… via @addthis
We joined “Silent Strike” On #HumanRightsDay December 10. Against the military dictatorship to take back the lost Human Rights. #SilentStrike #OurCityOurRules #MilkTeaAllience #Dec10Coup #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
‘37 years in jail’ (in total) for staying home and closing shop on #SilentStrike day. What an absurd. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
When asked by a journalist about Japan's reaction to the situation in #Myanmar, #Japan's FM Toshimitsu Motegi quoted The Little Prince, saying "What is essential is invisible to the eye." Absolutely embarrassing. #SaveMyammar #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar mofa.go.jp/press/kaiken/k…
Public Pledge to root out fascist military was held on water to avoid the disruption from SAC. As much as security situation allows, the people of Myanmar are making their voices heard. Are you listening to them, int’l community? #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
Burnt alive again by SAC military. Where is ‘Responsibility to Protect’? The violence suffered by Myanmar people is surmounting everyday. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/Khithitofficia…
I am going to take part too ! Join us #poets of twitter! Write a poem to .@Raise3Fingers of Hope, Resistance, Solidarity on #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #MilkTeaAlliance We will be doing a poem reading session too on #TwitterSpace ! @cvdom2021 @nslwin @NiaoCollective twitter.com/Raise3Fingers/…
ヤンゴン在住フリージャーナリストの北角裕樹さんが取材中にミャンマー警察に逮捕された。ミャンマー国軍に対して言葉に表せない憤りを感じている。即時解放を。Journalism is not a crime. Call for the immediate release of Mr.Yuki Kitazumi. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/05dcd…
“We are fugitives now,” Myint Htwe told Reuters by phone from one of several hideouts, having left his wife and two children behind for their safety. “We are working in secret, together.” reuters.com/article/us-mya… @poppymcp #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
在日ミャンマー人たちが、日本の国際連合大学前で仏教式のお祈り(パタナ)を行いました。🙏🏻 ミャンマーの平和が早く戻るように祈ります。 SUPPORT FEDERAL DEMOCRACY #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #SaveMyanmar #Mar20Coup #RejectMilitaryCoup
HappeningNow: In Yankin tsp, Quarter2. Military truck drove in, to station at administration office. Neighbourhood has gathered to express “We don’t now want any solider or army related” nearby. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
LID 101 threatens the villagers that they will kill them all and burn the whole village down for daring to oppose them. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar
【NHKミャンマー特設サイト】 NHKでは 現地で撮影された 弾圧の実態を記録した貴重な映像や 調査で分かったことを 公開しています 情報や映像は引き続き 募集しています⬇️ nhk.or.jp/special/myanma… #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #ミャンマーいま
Myanmar Junta is holding senior foreign executives of major telecommunications quasi hostage, in an effort to pressure them into installing spyware to hunt down protestors. Meanwhile the US has imposed new sanctions. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July5Coup yac.news/blogs/news/mya…
Between The Fascist Junta And COVID19, Myanmar Faces A Catastrophic Healthcare Collapse. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #July6Coup yac.news/blogs/news/bet…
This morning, some Yangoners say soldiers deployed around the premises, are pointing guns at the vehicles and asking to turn back around. Journalists can’t get a closeup sight of it so far. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar twitter.com/soezeya/status…