We appreciate the development aid rendered to Uganda, but reiterate our call upon the international community to make the observance of human rights and democracy a pre-condition for the same. #WeAreRemovingaDictator #Labisa #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners
Despite saving many lives in the process, it is disturbing that the regime saw no better way to treat the prospective medical interns' request for deployment than this indignity. We have a country to save, my friends! #Labisa #UgandaHealthExhibition #WeAreRemovingaDictator
I also thanked our outgoing leaders for the great work done over the years, and tasked the new leadership team to work even harder in pursuit of the struggle for a better country. #WeAreRemovingaDictator
Ugandans, WE ARE ON OUR OWN. #WeAreRemovingaDictator
Thank you comrades, please don't let up on the pressure as it is through such actions that we get closer to freedom! #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners #BringBackOurPeople #WeAreRemovingaDictator
I urged them to remain loyal to the truth because that is all we have to give in this struggle. #PeoplePowerOurPower #WeAreRemovingaDictator #BringBackOurPeople
Honoured that our documentary film "Bobi Wine: The People's President" has won two awards at the 2023 Millenium International Documentary Film Festival in Belgium. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success that this documentary continues to be. #WeAreRemovingaDictator
I challenged them to embrace unity, and shun the small divisions as they can easily derail our mission. #PeoplePowerOurPower #WeAreRemovingaDictator
Ultimately, we shall have to put an end to this rampant misuse of power and abuse of citizens' rights. #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners #BringBackOurPeople #WeAreRemovingaDictator"
Later on our way from the burial, we passed through Iganga, Kayunga and other towns where we were given a warm and resounding reception by the residents. Happy to see our people still committed to the cause for change. People Power, Our Power! #WeAreRemovingaDictator
Exactly two years later today, we've never forgotten you comrade. We've never forgotten who ended your life. We've never given up on the cause for which you paid the ultimate price. Keep resting well, Francis Ssenteza Kalibbala. #WeAreRemovingaDictator
As for the rest of us, comrades, these ugly events not only validate our struggle but also remind us that we have a country to save. #WeAreRemovingaDictator
But again, comrades, this can only remind us of how deep our country has sunk when it comes to impunity. That's why #WeAreRemovingaDictator
Happy to catch up with and spend some time with Hon. @ZaakeFrancis and other comrades. It's good but unsurprising that Hon. Zaake is still on course and committed to the struggle against misrule and abuse of office by those who wield power. #WeAreRemovingaDictator
Supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom, the show will feature songs that address issues of human rights violations, corruption, xenophobia and autocratic leadership in Africa. #WeAreRemovingaDictator #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners