Next time you find no drugs at Mulago National Referral Hospital, please know that someone profits from that scarcity. This private pharmacy - owners 'unknown' - is located at Mulago's entrance. The land it occupies was previously the hospital's. #UgandaHealthExhibition #Labisa
Kanisa Mu Misa, Etaala Mulisa Yakisa! Kitone yolesa, Obubbi bwolaba Mulisa 🎶 Labisa 👁️👁️ Mulisa🔦🔦 Kabisa🔥💥 #Labisa Full video: youtu.be/5BWqu63RUJk
No child is born to die and no mother should die giving life. #UgandaHealthExhibition #Labisa
This video explains the health worker deployment challenges facing our public health facilities. Please spare some time to watch it. #UgandaHealthExhibition #Labisa
I passed by studio and linked up with my friends Nubian li, Feffe Bussi Music, Zex Bilangilangi and Sizza Man. We came out of studio with #Labisa. Enjoy it in the link here youtu.be/5BWqu63RUJk
Despite saving many lives in the process, it is disturbing that the regime saw no better way to treat the prospective medical interns' request for deployment than this indignity. We have a country to save, my friends! #Labisa #UgandaHealthExhibition #WeAreRemovingaDictator
We appreciate the development aid rendered to Uganda, but reiterate our call upon the international community to make the observance of human rights and democracy a pre-condition for the same. #WeAreRemovingaDictator #Labisa #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners