CNNの日本語記事です。#ウイグル #Uyghurs ”中国政府は新彊以外の地域に住む女性に対してより多くの子どもを産むよう奨励しているが、政府の記録によると、弾圧が始まる前年の14年には新彊での不妊手術件数は3214件だったが、18年には6万440件に跳ね上がった” cnn.co.jp/world/35157593…
#IPAC 🇬🇧 members Baroness Helena Kennedy and @DavidAltonHL propose a cross party amendment to the Trade Bill to block trade deals with genocidal states. If passed, this would open the way for the UK High Court to consider allegations of genocide against #Uyghurs and others.
#IPAC 🇨🇦 co-chair @GarnettGenuis MP leads the Opposition in calling for the Canadian government to formally label the Chinese government's persecution of #Uyghurs a genocide. theglobeandmail.com/politics/artic…
自動翻訳 #ウイグル "靖国神社前 #Uyghurs 祖国の状況の悪化に対する意識を高めています。彼らはチラシを配布し、日本社会からのより多くの支持を得るために、東京でのこの焼け付くような日に公衆から署名を集めています。 " #UyghursLivesMatter twitter.com/uyghurinfo/sta…
⚠️The tireless @Nus_Ghani has secured an Urgent Question tomorrow on “the treatment of Uyghur women in Xinjiang’s detention camps” How much more evidence do you need? Give #Uyghurs their day in court. bbc.com/news/world-asi…
It’s easier to lie to someone than convince them they’re being lied to... (请点开链接查看完整版哦!) youtu.be/w9Ii9op2L6g #CCPChina #FreeHongKong #Uyghurs #TrumpLies #YangGang #Yang2024
Watch this video, reportedly of #Uyghurs sleeping next to their machines in a cotton factory in Aksu, Xinjiang. Freezing conditions. Inhumane. Would you like to live this way? twitter.com/WeiwuerXW/stat…
Coverage of #IPAC UK cross-party efforts to allow domestic courts to consider alleged genocide against #Uyghurs perpetrated by the Chinese state. smh.com.au/world/asia/us-…
The courage. The BBC report seems to have given others the confidence to speak out about rape and torture in the camps. #Uyghurs twitter.com/democracynow/s…
#ウイグル #Uyghurs #UyghurGenocide #中国 「ウイグル人という罪」(扶桑社刊)より fusosha.co.jp/books/detail/9…
#IPAC 🇩🇪 co-chair @MargareteBause MdB calls for political leaders to not attend the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, to signal concern with the Chinese government's abuses of #Uyghurs and violations of international law. twitter.com/MargareteBause…
#IPAC advisor @adrianzenz giving harrowing reports of forced labour and birth suppression of #Uyghurs in Xinjiang to @BBCNewsnight. Forced labour and internment in 're-education camps' are attempts to "coercively re-engineer Uyghur society".
Now THAT is what robust action on #Uyghurs looks like!! 👏👏👏 bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Yet more evidence of the unrelenting brutality suffered by #Uyghurs. This report is important, and worth a few minutes of your time. 1/2
1. Detailed account by @VanessaFrangvi1 on #Chinese meddling at universities in #Belgium, where Chinese embassies: -threaten to end cooperation w/ uni if continuing her #Uyghurs studies -recruit students to collect info on diaspora & expertise on #China plus.lesoir.be/328813/article…
#HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, friends across #China: as criminal #CCP regime continues its 20th Party Congress, here's my message which I wrote earlier today, in my own hand, following the brutal attack in Manchester and ahead of the launch of my new book, #TheChinaNexus:
#IPAC adviser on #Uyghurs @MahmutRahima explains her frustration at the lack of international action over suspected genocidal atrocities in the her homeland. independent.co.uk/voices/trump-c…
扶桑社刊「ウイグル人という罪」(2021発行)より 1/2 #ウイグル #Uyghurs
1/ Think Tank @ASPI_org found that over 80000 #Uyghurs as forced labour from #Xinjiang’s #ReEducationCamp are forced to work in factories for 83 well-known global brands, including @Apple, @BMV, @Gap, @Nike, @Samsung, @Sony, @volkswagen and #Huawei.
EU ambassadors OK human rights sanctions on China | Politico #IPAC 🇪🇺 members have repeatedly called for the EU 'Magntisky' act to be used against Chinese officials perpetrating abuses on #Uyghurs. politico.eu/article/eu-amb…
Turns out it was @BarryGardiner who has NEVER spoken on #Uyghurs, but was happy to celebrate genocide denying former ambassador’s departure, received significant sums from “spy” Christine Lee. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
Over 10 dead including a three year old, in a fire in #Urumqi #Uyghurs unable to escape because their doors were reportedly locked from the outside by China’s covid enforcers. This isn’t just an appalling tragedy. It’s state sponsored manslaughter.
Shaun is right about this. Londoners don’t want to pay for #Uyghurs to be oppressed. @SadiqKhan should order an urgent audit to root out all contractors complicit in atrocities in Western China. twitter.com/ShaunBaileyUK/…
Crucially important. 131% increase in imports from the #Uyghur Region. We say we care about ending slavery. We say we care about #Uyghurs. But our actions speak differently. twitter.com/fbermingham/st…
多くのウイグル人は中国の各工場で強制労働させられている一方中国の国歌を強制的歌わせられている。 もし、彼らが歌えなかったり、教えた歌を覚えていなかったりしたら、彼らは、死や #強制収容所 に永遠に拘留され、子供たちに二度と会うことができないから。 #ウイグル人強制労働者 #Uyghurs