No more excuses. No more PRC vetos. The @GOVUK must accept this proposal to enable the UK to fulfil its obligations under the Genocide Convention and stand up for #Uyghurs. theguardian.com/world/2020/sep…
Twitter finally deleted this. Presumably embarrassed by the obvious double standard of “considering the wider context” re: Trump incitement to Capitol Hill violence but not millions of #Uyghurs in concentration camps. Thanks to everyone who reported. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
BREAKING: cross-party peers table amendment to the Trade Bill which: 👉Revokes trade arrangements made with states committing genocide 👉Creates a mechanism for the UK to make a preliminary determination of genocide. We don’t want trade deals with genocidal states. #Uyghurs
またご紹介しますが、頻繁に学校の先生から問い合わせがあり、高校、大学の授業等に使用されているようです。ありがとうございます✨授業には自由にコピーしてご使用下さい。若い方にぜひ知ってほしい。#ウイグル #Uyghurs #Uighur #東トルキスタン #人権 twitter.com/oreore1119/sta…
Something small you can do for #Uyghurs Report➡️it’s abusive or harmful➡️it directs hate against...➡️group of people➡️add 1➡️done. Link to offending tweet below.
#BREAKING under sustained pressure from #IPAC UK MPs and Peers running the #NoGenocideTrade campaign, @GOVUK announces new policies to confront China’s abuse of #Uyghurs but stops short of addressing alleged #genocide theguardian.com/politics/2021/…
Parliamentarians around the world from across the political spectrum would be gravely concerned if the exclusion of @MesutOzil1088 were due to his advocacy on behalf of #Uyghurs #StandTogether twitter.com/MesutOzil1088/…
マンガ「私の身に起きたこと ~とある在日ウイグル人女性の証言~」6/6 全22頁 #ウイグル #Uyghurs #私の身に起きたこと #無料マンガ
Difficult for companies to boast about their modern slavery statements and ERG credentials while employing members of a party which is enslaving #Uyghurs #IPAC dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9…
有志の方によるイタリア語翻訳版【修正がありましたので再投稿です】 私の身に起きたこと~とあるウイグル人女性の証言~イタリア語翻訳版|清水ともみ #ウイグル #Uyghurs #SaveUyghur #UighurGenocide #Uighurs note.com/tomomishimizu/…
X-Party amendment to Trade Bill preventing the UK pursuing trade deals with genocidal states. Backed by former Supreme Court Justice Lord Hope + many others. Debate+vote on 7th Dec. It must pass. ❗️No trade deals with genocidal states.❗️#Uyghurs
In its 99th year, the #CCP covered up a pandemic, causing untold death and suffering, continued atrocities against #Uyghurs, #Tibetans and other minorities, and exacted an all-out assault on human rights in #HongKong. Nothing to celebrate. twitter.com/sophia_yan/sta…
英語翻訳版が完成しました。#Uighur #Uyghurs What has happened to me~Testimony of an Uighur man2~私の身に起きたこと⑤英語翻訳版 note.com/tomomishimizu/…
「私の身に起きたこと ~とある在日ウイグル人女性の証言~」case6の表紙をnoteに追加しました。#私の身に起きたこと #ウイグル #Uyghurs note.com/tomomishimizu/…
“Build forward better”. What kind of building are we talking about @vonderleyen? More mass internment camps for #Uyghurs serviced by EU investment? twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…
参拝後、ブースへ。ウイグル人の皆さんが大勢参加して署名活動していました。立ち寄って署名くださった方がたくさん✨ありがとうございました!暑い中、お疲れ様でした。写真は証言マンガ⑤のローズさんと。#日本でもウイグル人権法を #ウイグルを助けたい #Uyghurs
Dear #HongKongers, #Uyghurs, #Tibetans, all peoples of #China, #Taiwan, #Myanmar/#Burma, #NorthKorea and everyone around the world who wants to #FightForFreedom: This is my message for you with 💕🙏👇 #HappyNewYear2023
noteにUPしました。 私の身に起きたこと~とあるウイグル人女性の証言2~台湾華語翻訳版「發生在我身上的事」‐維吾爾女性的證言2- 翻訳は、東京自耕農 LeoLee様  facebook.com/tokyofarmer/po… いつもありがとうございます#新疆 #ウイグルを助けたい #Uighurs #Uyghurs note.com/tomomishimizu/…
Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming fails to explain new harrowing footage of #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang. #IPAC is calling for an independent and impartial UN led investigation into alleged atrocities in the region. ipac.global/campaigns/uygh… twitter.com/BBCPolitics/st…
#IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chair Sen. @marcorubio spearheads bi-partisan efforts to require the US Secretary of State to make a determination on whether the Chinese government's persecution of #Uyghurs and other groups in Xinjiang constitutes genocide. Full text: docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/…
カザフスタンに訪問したことがあるジャーナリストの方に聞いたお話。現地で話をした人全員がマンガ「私の身に起きたこと」を知っていたとのこと✨英語版で皆読んでいるそう。英語版のリニューアル翻訳版を現在作成中。近日中に公開します💪🏻#ウイグルを知ろう #Uyghurs note.com/tomomishimizu/…
*Another* affirmation from the Biden Administration that China is committing genocide against #Uyghurs
#Facebook is facilitating the modern slave trade.#Uyghurs twitter.com/SamanthaJPower…
Wow. 3 x ⁦@RepDLesko⁩ asks “Do you agree that the Chinese Government persecutes the Uyghur population” Judge the answer for yourself. #TikTok #Uyghurs