マンガ「私の身に起きたこと ~とある在日ウイグル人女性の証言~」1/6 全22頁 #ウイグル #Uyghurs #私の身に起きたこと #無料マンガ
[City-wide testing by three #China-based laboratories, with one allegedly involved in DNA collections of #Uyghurs] 1/ #Hkgov has just announced a city-wide #Covid19 testing. Without proper tendering procedures, #Carrielam directly granted 150,000,000 HKD for the project.
[No one should be left out of the team for his words for justice] 1. I am deeply disappointed by @Arsenal's decision to take @MesutOzil1088 out of #PremierLeague squad, just because he has spoken out for #Uyghurs now detained in hundreds of internment camps in #Xinjiang.
トルコでの告発、ニュースに。#ウイグル #Uyghurs
🔥🔥🔥 WOW. Largest statement so far to rebuke China for #HongKong and #Uyghurs. Thank you to all who worked on this. But the PRC will likely ignore it. The time for these sentiments to be translated into concrete policy is long overdue. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
#ウイグルを助けたい こんな呼びかけをしてくださってる方がいました。日本発ですね!ひとりでも多くの方に、すぐ隣国で起きている事を、彼らの声なき声を知って欲しい。 #ウイグル #freeuighur #Uyghurs twitter.com/milk_complex/s…
Yes, we did. Join the #fightback for common values in defence of #Uyghurs #HKers #Tibetans and others abused by this unapologetically cruel regime. telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/09/3…
昨日聞いた、素敵な話✨ 米政府関係者の方から直接聞いた方の話。↓#私の身に起きたこと をトランプ大統領が読んでくださったとのこと🥲🇺🇸本当なら嬉しすぎます🎌☪️🇺🇸🙏🏻🎌 #ウイグル #Uyghurs 「What has happened to me」~A testimony of a Uyghur woman~|清水ともみ note.com/tomomishimizu/…
Change in population of #nativeAmericans in the #US vs #Uyghurs in #China. Which one would you call #genocide?
A sickening, horrifying report. No more words. No more excuses. We have to act. #Uyghurs bbc.com/news/world-asi… twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
As #HK IT analysts found out, #Dahua, #China’s partially state-owned CCTV producer, includes special functions for detecting #Uyghurs w/ its products. Dahua reportedly helps #CCP to monitor Uyghurs & #Muslim minorities in #Xinjiang SDK available on GitHub bityl.co/4GlC
BREAKING: today #IPAC publishes devastating new research by @adrianzenz raising the prospect that #Uyghurs and other minorities in the Xinjiang Region are victims of mass atrocity crimes. The world cannot stand idly by. Today #IPAC commits to action. ipac.global/campaigns/uygh…
Further disturbing evidence of government birth suppression campaigns against #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang. Featuring comment from #IPAC advisors @MahmutRahima and @adrianzenz. amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/30…
3/ Since such functions can't be found on ordinary user interface, that can only be possible with the help of state-sponsored hacking. It's utterly alarming that police begins to hack mobile devices of #HKers, just like #China hacking iPhones & Android devices to target #Uyghurs.
BREAKING: @Siobhain_Mc leads 140 MPs and Peers from all parties in a letter to @AmbLiuXiaoMing about the anti-Muslim atrocities of the Chinese Communist Party. The PRC thinks this is going to blow over. Here’s a promise: until you #closethecamps it will not. #Uyghurs
#ウイグルジェノサイド 中国共産党の #強制収容所 から死ぬそう状態で出てきた犠牲者の写真です。 中国共産党の非道な政権で罪のないウイグル人を毎日のように網膜とDNAチェック、謎の薬を飲まされ妊娠できない体にされていた女性も多く人体実験、拷問され大量虐殺を継続的に行っています。 #Uyghurs
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani leads UK parliamentary enquiry into suspected mass atrocities against #Uyghurs in Xinjiang. telegraph.co.uk/politics/2020/…
🔥🔥⁦@MPIainDS⁩ on #Uyghurs #Tibetans and #HongKong showing that ⁦@GOVUK⁩ have a serious headache on their hands over Clause 68 - Genocide Amendment. “However important trade is to us, it is not worth it for the loss of those lives”
As the #CCP begins its #ChinaNationalDay celebrations, I have handwritten this personal message for the peoples of #China, #Tibet, #HongKong, #EastTurkistan, #Uyghurs and #Taiwan, and for everyone suffering under #XiJinping's regime With 💕and 🙏and solidarity
北海道新聞様がウイグル弾圧を記事にされたようです。ありがとうございます。より多くの方の目に触れますね。#ウイグル #Uighurs #Uyghurs twitter.com/hakogomu/statu…
UK parliamentarians lead condemnation of human rights abuses against #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang in a letter to the Chinese Ambassador to the UK. #IPAC is leading calls for independent investigations into allegations of mass atrocity crimes in the region. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
📢This is it, folks. The final vote on the #GenocideAmendment is today. Last opportunity to tweet/write to your MP to ask them to vote with their consciences + for #Uyghurs.
BREAKING: #IPAC 🇪🇺 MEPs lead calls for the EU to demand a UN led investigation into human rights abuses against #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang and to consider a Global Human Rights Sanctions Mechanism for Chinese government officials responsible.
Important. Canadian Human Rights Committee declares China is perpetrating genocide against #Uyghurs. #IPAC twitter.com/UyghurCongress…
証言者様ご自身が宣伝をして下さいました✨🥲ムハラムさん、グリスタンさん、ありがとうございます!#命がけの証言 #ウイグルを救え #Uyghurs #私の身に起きたこと twitter.com/aboutuyghurs/s…