#赤旗日曜版 #10月3日号 1️⃣ #気候危機 人類の存亡かけて 🚲小野りりあんさん システムを根っこから変える #UprootTheSystem 🌹加藤登紀子さん 未来のために声あげよう 🗽NYCアクション現地リポート #ClimateAction 🇩🇪ドイツ選挙では最大争点に 📣日本共産党「2030戦略」とは jcp.or.jp/web_policy/202…
We’re back! Today we were over 100 000 on the strike in Berlin and 620 000 in Germany alone along with many others all over the world, asking world leaders to #UprootTheSystem . There were strikes in over 80 countries! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
#気候危機もう見て見ぬふりはもうできない →だから #UprootTheSystem → つまり、資本主義をぶっ壊せということです。 今こそ、#脱成長コミュニズム
パリ協定の1.5℃目標のため、今すぐに行動を変える必要があります。日本は最大のCO2排出源である石炭火力発電ゼロを2030年までに実現させ、脱化石燃料を確実にしなければなりません。 #世界気候アクション0924 #気候危機見て見ぬふりはもうできない #気候変動は選挙の争点 #UprootTheSystem
On Friday October 1st, I will join the climate strike in Milan with local and international activists. We will demand real climate action based on climate justice, which is the only way to stop the climate crisis. #anotherworldisnecessary #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture
This Friday there are global climate strikes happening all over the world! I’ll join the strike in Berlin, 12.00 at the Bundestag. To find out more about the strikes happening visit fridaysforfuture.org/september24/ See you in the streets! #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture #AlleFürsKlima twitter.com/FFF_Berlin/sta…
Join us on the global strike on Friday September 24th! All over the world we will go out on the streets again, calling for world leaders to #UprootTheSystem Find or register your local strike and read more at fridaysforfuture.org/september24 #FridaysForFuture
But remember; as soon as we decide to treat the climate crisis like a crisis - everything can change overnight. We can still make the seemingly impossible possible. #UprootTheSystem 4/4
"Germany ‘set for biggest rise in greenhouse gases for 30 years’" #MindTheGap between what people in power say - and what they actually do. #UprootTheSystem theguardian.com/environment/20…
You can use hashtag #StopFakeRenewables , tag EU officials and sign this petition: you.wemove.eu/campaigns/the-… Here’s a letter to EU officials from 62 global scientists on the issue: alfredodifilippo.com/2021/07/10/for… #UniteBehindTheScience #ClimateJustice #UprootTheSystem #FightFor1Point5