#CHRISTMAS: People in #Kherson are spending their day donating blood. The recently liberated city was shelled by Russian fascists yesterday, resulting in 16 deaths and 64 injured. #Ukraine's spirit will not be broken.
Alle spüren die Kosten des russischen Überfalls auf die #Ukraine. Wir stellen uns diesen Herausforderungen: Wir unterstützen die Ukraine, statten unsere Bundeswehr besser aus und entlasten die Bürgerinnen und Bürger. Mein Interview mit @FunkeBerlin: bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuel…
On Independence Day, 6 months after #Russia’s invasion, #Ukraine’s🇺🇦 bravery emboldens nations on the frontline in the fight for democracy & shows the world it will rise up from the destruction of war. #Taiwan🇹🇼 will #StandWithUkraine to rebuild peace & prosperity. Slava Ukraini! twitter.com/ChairOlek/stat…
🧵Letter from inside the FSB to Vladimir Osechkin, Nov 24. #CSTO – offensive from Belarus “Greetings! At the CSTO Summit, Russia was preparing to shove a couple of clauses into the general protocol as a strawman for the upcoming attack on #Ukraine from #Belarus.
The US has no majority support on #Ukraine. news.cgtn.com/news/2022-04-2…
In times of uncertainty, strong partnerships matter even more. With @kishida230 discussed how we address global challenges together also in light of Japan’s imminent role as @G7 chair. 🇯🇵 is a hugely important partner in supporting #Ukraine & safeguarding multilateral order.
#EUCO will continue helping #Ukraine with its immediate liquidity needs, together with @G7 EUCO is ready to grant #Ukraine EUR 9 billion. Strong and concrete support to #Ukraine’s reconstruction.
#EUCO will continue helping #Ukraine with its immediate liquidity needs, together with @G7 EUCO is ready to grant #Ukraine EUR 9 billion. Strong and concrete support to #Ukraine’s reconstruction.
#EUCO will continue helping #Ukraine with its immediate liquidity needs, together with @G7 EUCO is ready to grant #Ukraine EUR 9 billion. Strong and concrete support to #Ukraine’s reconstruction.
Look at our mentions and you will see all of the Russian disinfo bots. #YAC Here is a summary of their changing strategies regarding #Bucha and #Ukraine in the last day. twitter.com/Ex_Trac/status…
#Zaporizhzhia, #Ukraine. #russian terror of peaceful civilians continues.
「この重要な瞬間において、私は即時停戦と法の支配の再建を求めます。 我々には自制と理性が必要です。今すぐ緊張の段階的縮小が必要です」 @antonioguterres 国連事務総長、ウクライナ情勢について記者団に #Ukraine twitter.com/UN/status/1496…
#Chernihiv, #Ukraine. This is how one of the cemeteries looks like now. The #Russian occupants inhumanly destroyed graves of Ukrainian soldiers who died protecting Ukraine from Russian aggression since 2014 #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #StopPutin
President of #Ukraine Zelenskyy implores the #NATO Parliamentary Assembly to designate #Russia as a state-sponsor of terror and to hold the terrorist state accountable for war crimes and terrorism by establishing an international tribunal.
All should support #Russia and #Ukraine in having dialogue and negotiation. The #US and #NATO should also have dialogue with Russia to address the crux of the Ukraine crisis.
#Prigozhin discarded as the face of prisoner-recruitment in #Russia. #Putin has placed #Shoigu in charge. Generals and prosecutors are being sent to prison colonies to form penal battalions for the front in #Ukraine. Less than 10% of convicts survived out of 40,000 recruits.… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Olga & Oleg, survivors of Putin's criminal missile strike on #Dnipro apartment buildings in #Ukraine. Photos by @lynseyaddario.
Answering The Call: Heavy Weaponry Supplied To #Ukraine 🇺🇦 Moved from PLEDGED to DELIVERED: - 3 Leopard 2A6s [Portugal 🇵🇹] oryxspioenkop.com/2022/04/answer…
This sounds promising - we will be providing additional military equipment & support to #Ukraine in time for the upcoming major Russian offensive over the next weeks. ✊ https://t.co/N9JpVN3NL6
🚨 Head of the National Security Council of Ukraine: We thwarted an assassination attempt on President Zelensky and eliminated a Chechen group sent to kill him #Ukraine #Russia #UkraineRussiaWar
Minister Wu briefed top journalists from #Lithuania🇱🇹 on relations between #Taiwan🇹🇼 & the #EU🇪🇺 member state during a video interview. Focus issues included bilateral cooperation, the impact of #Russia's war against #Ukraine🇺🇦 & #China's coercion. Our thanks to all participants!
Attended @g20org Foreign Ministers Meeting held in Indonesia. We must strengthen effective multilateralism & cooperation on food, energy and migration crises, the effects of which we feel more and more every day due to the war in #Ukraine. #worldisbiggerthanfive
#Russia: Since February 24th, at least 19,443 people were arrested for protesting against Putin's invasion of #Ukraine. This video from September in St. Petersburg.