#Ukrainian flag is proudly waving in #Hrushivka village in #Crimea. This is a strong sign that #Ukraine was, is & will be on the peninsula. Nothing can stop #Crimean resistance and faith that the day of liberation is coming. #CrimeaIsUkraine 🇺🇦
#NATO DB Toplantısı marjında görüştüğüm ABD DB Blinken’la, #Etiyopya, #Ukrayna, #Suriye ve #Kafkasya’daki gelişmeler ile ikili ilişkilerimizi ele aldık. Discussed w/@SecBlinken developments in #Ethiopia, #Ukraine, #Syria & #Caucasus and our bilateral relations. 🇹🇷🇺🇸
“The United States is rallying the world to stand with #Ukraine …Secretary Austin just brought together more than 50 countries pledging new commitments, this is a global effort to support Ukraine...we intend to announce..more HIMARS.” @POTUS @CNN #NATOSummit now
.@iaeaorg is expanding its presence in #Ukraine to help prevent a nuclear accident during the ongoing conflict. I’m proud to lead this mission to 🇺🇦, where we’re deploying in all of the country’s NPPs to provide assistance in nuclear safety & security.
Attended session of #NATO Foreign Ministers Meeting on Security in the Black Sea Region w/FM @DmytroKuleba of Ukraine. Emphasized once again our support to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of #Ukraine and #Georgia. @NATO @MFA_Ukraine @MFAgovge
【国連総会緊急特別会合】 ロシア侵攻の完全かつ無条件での即時停戦を求めるロシア非難決議を圧倒的多数の国が賛成 反対したのは、ロシア、ベラルーシ、エリトリア、シリア、北朝鮮のみ 歴史的な瞬間です #Ukraine
6 months into the war in #Ukraine, women continue to play a vital role in the humanitarian response. Yet women are not fully included in formal decision-making at ALL levels. Women's leadership and equal voice is essential to reflect their needs, protect lives and build peace.
UN Women is gravely concerned at the intensification of the military offensive in #Ukraine and its consequences on lives and livelihoods of all, in particular women & girls. We're committed to supporting Ukraine’s people. Full statement by @unwomenchief: unwo.men/n9mX50I5hm9
ロシア軍による侵攻が続く #ウクライナ への供与のため、防弾チョッキなどの #防衛装備品 を積み込んだ自衛隊機が、8日午後11時ごろに愛知県の航空自衛隊小牧基地を出発しました。隣国のポーランドに向かうとみられます。 写真特集→bit.ly/3tE7Q6q #Ukraine
⛸️#フィギュアスケート⛸️ 📷フォトギャラリー📷 “かなだい”が『ソーラン節&琴』を披露! 北京五輪王者、ウクライナのカップルも登場した #アイスダンス RDを特集 #Icedance #figureskate #世界選手権フィギュア #村元哉中 #高橋大輔 #かなだい #パパシゼ #Ukraine URL👉thedigestweb.com/photo/detail/i…
A European Powerhouse: Polish Military Aid To #Ukraine 🇵🇱🇺🇦 Updated with: - 30 PT-91 MBTs [To be delivered] These come in addition to the 30 PT-91s pledged by Poland several months ago. Full list: oryxspioenkop.com/2022/08/a-euro…
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 264 in #Ukraine and i just heard that russians on the other side of Dnipro are getting hit🔥 Perfect time to post this lovely art by Marta Panchuuk❤️ But most importantly, do you eat your watermelon sliced, spooned or in a smoothie?🙂
🍭Lollypops, bracelets &👊fist bumps for the kids in #Ukraine🇺🇦
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 254 in #Ukraine and did you know we have some awesome Castles? Kamianets Podilskyi was the backdrop to this lovely music video by Navka. It has such positive vibes, I'm going to dance to it to wake up❤️ What gets you out of bed every day?
Putin humiliated as hackers expose 600 in Russia's secret service and leak 87,500 emails #Ukraina #Ukraine express.co.uk/news/science/1…
🇺🇦They run to me and I hug them❤️ A little interview with Lyuba from Kindrativka #Ukraine
.@FedorovMykhailo As you know, #TRON is a fast growing blockchain with 80m global users and we will rally support from our community for #Ukraine🇺🇦! It will be great if you can open #TRX token donation support as well. Just the same USDT(trc20) address should be feasible. twitter.com/FedorovMykhail…
To ALL Chinese students in #Ukraine: save yourselves because your superpower #CCP fascist #China ISN'T coming to evacuate you. You should burn your🇨🇳passports & don't get caught w/ them. You claim you're Japanese. Average #Ukrainian people can't tell the difference. Stay safe!!! twitter.com/hoc_vinces/sta…
#Canada has closed airspace to #Russia aircraft and will donate $25 million in non-lethal aid. #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineUnderAttack Read:yac.news/blogs/news/ano… youtube.com/watch?v=uDsQYx…
The helicopter crash in #Brovary shows once again the huge price that #Ukraine is having to pay in this war. On this sad day, our thoughts are with the families of the victims and those who have been injured as well as with @ZelenskyyUa, who has today lost his interior minister.
Herzlich willkommen in Berlin, @SwedishPM Ulf Kristersson! Der @NATO-Beitritt Schwedens und Finnlands wird für die Sicherheit ganz Europas ein großer Gewinn sein. Wir setzen uns intensiv dafür ein, dass das zügig gelingt. Gemeinsam stehen 🇩🇪 und 🇸🇪 eng an der Seite der #Ukraine.
War is the destruction of everything. Where is civilization and where is humanity? It hurts to witness such backward conflicts in the age of development and scientific openness. Where is the world heading? Let’s strive for peace! #Ukraine #Russia
#BM Dünya Gıda Programı İcra Direktörü David M. Beasley’le bir araya geldik. #Ukrayna’dan tahıl ihracatı ve #Suriye’ye sınırötesi yardımları ele aldık. Met with Beasley @WFPChief, Executive Director of @WFP. Discussed grain export from #Ukraine & cross-border aid to #Syria.
#Moldova Meclis Başkanı Grosu ile Parlamentolararası diyaloğumuz başta olmak üzere ikili ilişkilerimizi ve #Ukrayna’daki son gelişmeleri ele aldık. W/@Igor_Grosu_md, Speaker of @Parliament_RM, discussed our relations including Interparliamentary dialogue & #Ukraine. 🇹🇷🇲🇩
"they pulled off a feat almost unparalleled in modern warfare: they helped defeat one of the largest standing armies in the world and held the capital. The Battle of Kyiv proved that volunteers could shape the course of a war" #UrbanWarfare #Kyiv #Ukraine militarytimes.com/opinion/commen…