What is the #US hiding in the biolabs in #Ukraine?
The European Parliament has voted 637 in favour to grant Ukraine candidacy into the EU. #Ukraine #SlavaUkraini #StandingWithUkraine #Yac
Any hobby drones in #Ukraine ? Do you know what puts fear in the hearts of soldiers? Having to look up!! The fear of the unknown. Is that a killer drone? Is artillery coming next? Russians seem be lacking basic electoric warfare/anti-drone capabilities. Fly them at them. #Kyiv
My 6 year old daughter as I am watching @CNN updates on #Ukraine “Daddy, will that happen to us?” My only answer, “No baby, but they are fighting for us.” If Russia is not stopped in Ukraine, there are no limits to where he will go.
Präsident Selenskyj, die #Ukraine kann sich auf unsere Hilfe verlassen! Wir haben Sanktionen verhängt, die wirken. Viele der härtesten Folgen werden sich erst in den kommenden Wochen zeigen. Und: Wir schärfen die Sanktionen ständig nach. #Bundestag
Wir sind uns da mit unseren Partnern in der @NATO einig: Wir unterstützen die territoriale Integrität und Souveränität der #Ukraine. Und klar ist: Wir müssen die Ostflanke der Allianz stärken, um den Sicherheitsbedürfnissen Rechnung zu tragen. twitter.com/NATO/status/14…
ウクライナのゼレンスキー大統領が国民総動員令に署名、18〜60歳の男性市民の出国を全面禁止に news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw105796… ウクライナ政府は、ロシア軍による攻撃で少なくとも137人が死亡し、316人がけがをしたと発表。首都キエフの北にあるチェルノブイリ原発も制圧されたという。#Ukraine #ウクライナ
#Russia is now visually confirmed to have lost more than 100 surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems since it launched its invasion of #Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Including: - 12 9K33 Osas - 14 9K35 Strela-10s - 26 Buk-M1-2 and M2 TEL(AR)s - 31 Tor TLARs - 14 Pantsir-S1s
I just saw a tweet that says #Ukraine has the second highest potato consumption in Europe. What can i say, potatoes with salo is just too good🥰
🇺🇦Good morning, its day 262 in #Ukraine and i will start the day with some jolly women singing a cheerful folk song about nothing more than making dumplings❤️ They are called Varenyky and were a part of pagan rituals that brought abundance and a fruitful harvest. They are so yum!
President #Putin is bringing suffering and destruction upon his immediate neighbours. He is endangering the lives of countless innocent people in #Ukraine, Russia’s sister nation. There is no justification for this – it is Putin’s war. I call on him to stop the attack at once.
🇺🇦This doggy was found by one of our border guards in Donetsk #Ukraine. Because of his "physique" the four legged friend was nicknamed Banana. He accompanies the boys everywhere and when he hides behind their backs, the border guards know that shelling would be coming soon❤️
Die unerschütterliche Freundschaft zu Israel ist mir eine Herzensangelegenheit. Deshalb freue ich mich sehr auf das morgige Treffen mit Premierminister @naftalibennett - auch wenn uns die Lage in der #Ukraine sehr beschäftigen wird.
#Russia continues to launch long-range cruise missiles from 70-year old Tu-95 PROPELLER PLANES in total safety. Sending weapons to enable #Ukraine to defend itself by destroying them is considered 'escalatory.' What utter nonsense. Fascist pilot says "Good morning, Zelensky!" twitter.com/igorsushko/sta…
Good morning, its day 340 in #Ukraine and I want to share with you some russian memes that they thought was insulting. I don't know about you, but I think its fabulous😆
Heute habe ich mit @EmmanuelMacron und Chin. Staatspräsident Xi zur #Ukraine gesprochen: Wir unterstützen alle diplomatischen Bemühungen zur Konfliktlösung, unsere Außenminister/in treten dazu in enge Abstimmung. Wir fordern Schaffung humanitärer Korridore in den Kampfgebieten.
Fascist and former head of Russian space agency RosCosmos, Dmitry #Rogozin will reportedly lose his penis due to shrapnel damage sustained on his birthday in occupied #Donetsk. Precision Guided Munitions used by #Ukraine live up to their name.
Mr #Lukashenko you have not heeded our warnings ! You were warned - The Anonymous collective is officially in cyber war against the #Belarusian government. #Anonymous #Ukraine We are Legion ! We do not Forgive ! ! We do not Forget ! We are Relentless - Expect Us !
🇺🇦#Ukraine loves you Sydney❤️ #UkraineWillWin Tell me a fun fact about Australia Mine is a Platypus lays eggs🥚
It’s time to be firm, clear, and give #Ukraine our utmost support. First on the military front: munitions, artillery, vehicles, defence systems. These are the needs we must respond to now. Words are important, but not enough.
Ми не послаблюємо нашу підтримку: Німеччина надає новий пакет військової допомоги загальною вартістю 2,7 млрд. євро, в тому числі - подальші бойові танки Leopard-1, БМП Marder та системи ППО Iris-T. #Ukraine
We meant +18 HIMARS systems to #Ukraine 🤭 What time is it?
ピノの言葉。 【平和はきっと 隣の人となかよしになることから始まる】 ロシアとウクライナへ。 #ウクライナ #ロシア #戦争反対 #ピノ #アイス #国民総動員令 #ロシア国民 #内閣総理大臣 #プーチン大統領 #G7 #制裁 #反戦デモ #孤立無援 #ロシア各地 #国会中継 #露 #Russia #Ukraine
Flight carrying humanitarian aid for #Ukraine provided by the Red Cross Society of China has departed from Beijing.