Sorry, dear friends in #Beijing, it is your chum #VladimirPutin that invaded #Ukraine and started a war, not Nato, so cut out your outrageous lies and claptrap. And we have every right to watch Asia-Pacific - and to warn #CCP #China theguardian.com/world/2022/apr…
キーウ近郊イルピンの道路沿いには、破壊された民間車両が固めて置かれています。 いくつかの車両にはウクライナの国花ひまわりが描かれていました。 #Ukraine
🇨🇳 China amplifies Russian narrative of Ukraine war Since the start of Russia's invasion of #Ukraine🇺🇦, #CCPChina🇨🇳 has portrayed itself as neutral. But domestic coverage of the war and measures to control the discussion paint a different picture of where Beijing really stands.
When will Palestinians have the same right to self-defense that the US defends in #Ukraine? @MintPressNews
The Islamic Republic kiIled Hadis Najafi with 6 bullets and buried her at night during protests against the murder of #mahsa_amini. #Ukraine stand with Iranian people. #IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی
#ブロードウェイ ミュージカルの出演者らが歌い上げた渾身の「#民衆の歌」 TBSオリジナルのフルバージョンを作成しました。 停戦の兆しはまだ見えてきませんが、多くの人々にこの歌声が届きますように (NY支局一同) #ウクライナ #ロシアウクライナ侵攻 #ニューヨーク #Ukraine #BwayForUkraine
#Mykolaiv region. As a result of #Russian shelling,⬆️80 hectares of wheat burned down just in one day.Brave🇺🇦emergency services prevented the spread of fire on further 215 hectares. 🇷🇺continues to play hunger games with the world. #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine must be stopped
ウクライナに潜伏中のバンクシー。 新作が公式発表されましたが、まだまだ続きそう。街の惨状がほんとうに酷い。 #Banksy #Ukraine instagram.com/p/Ck1bqL6MsMu/…
【拡散希望】 キエフに住むウクライナ人の友達が拡散してほしい、知って欲しい、と送ってきた動画なのでもしかしたら本人撮影でなく転載もあるかもしれないけど投稿します。 (動画はツリーに続きます) ※衝撃的なものもあるので閲覧には注意して下さい。 #Ukraine #UkraineWar
Look who's lecturing #Russia about human rights at UN... @redfishstream #UkraineRussianWar #Ukraine
War in #Ukraine: a good opportunity for #Israel to boost the colonization of #Palestine. @Mondoweiss
📢BREAKING: #IPAC statement on the 23rd EU-China Summit 🇪🇺🇨🇳 signed by EU legislators. IPAC calls on @eucopresident @vonderleyen @JosepBorrellF to make clear to PRC counterparts that its purported neutrality on #Ukraine gives Putin a carte blanche to escalate his barbaric acts.
1️⃣ Warning of a Heavenly Eclipse Which is Bound to Occur Someday ​- 43 - Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 25-Ramadan-1443AH 26-04-2022AD fb.watch/hT-uMPzaC8/ #EclipseOfTheSkySomeday #LetWhoHatesMeDighisGrave #SkirmishWar #Ukraine Full Moon America COVID-15 #خليجي_25_بصراوي twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
A video of an audio statement in English titled: From Imam Mahdi to US President Joe Biden Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani 13-Dhul Qi’dah-1443 12-June-2022 AD youtu.be/Tf1pgCr_5TQ #TheDeathOfKingAndPrinces #SaudiArabia #UnitedStates #WashingtonDC #Ukraine COVID USA
#劇場版呪術廻戦0 #kabuletmiyoruz #NHS75 #にじ甲2023 #storm #Ukraine Garnacho - Mount - ナナミン - レディバグ - 椎名唯華 - ツダケン - わしほー - 乙骨くん - 大竹さん - メドゥーサ - りかちゃん - 真希さん - 荘司くん - しぃしぃ大谷 #caresults 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 mahdialumma.net/showthread.php…
「この重要な瞬間において、私は即時停戦と法の支配の再建を求めます。 我々には自制と理性が必要です。今すぐ緊張の段階的縮小が必要です」 @antonioguterres 国連事務総長、ウクライナ情勢について記者団に #Ukraine twitter.com/UN/status/1496…
Our co-founder and Chief Executive @benedictrogers spoke tonight at this online prayer gathering for #HongKong and #Ukraine "We will not be silenced," he said. 【🇬🇧 🇺🇸 🇭🇰 🇨🇦英美港加聯】再見加西 為香港及烏克蘭祈禱 這九個月 皆因有您 youtu.be/EUUeGNjCKWg via @YouTube
#Kharkiv, #Ukraine. See how one of the city districts looks like after Russian shelling. #ArmUkraineNow to #StopRussianAgression. #StandWithUkraine
#Russia seizes and imprisons former #Ukraine soldier, then kidnaps his three children ‘for adoption’ #Mezhevoi #Mariupol #StandWithUkraine #RussiaWarCrimes #StopRussia khpg.org/en/1608811855
#Mariupol, #Ukraine. Everything that has left from #Azovstal which was so bravely defended by 🇺🇦 heroes from #Russia's invaders who never managed to capture it, but turned it into the rubble by heavy bombs, rockets, projectiles. 🇷🇺 keep bombing 🇺🇦 cities, killing innocent people
【シェア希望_ウクライナ🇺🇦への国際通話等の無償化】​ ​NTTは、ウクライナへの国際通話等を無料にいたします。料金を気にすることなく情報収集・安否確認等をおこなっていただければと思います。 シェアのご協力も宜しくお願いいたします。 group.ntt/jp/newsrelease… #ウクライナ #Ukraine#Ukraina twitter.com/NTTPR/status/1…
Hakika Atakae Ona Allah kua haiwezekani kabisa kwa moyo wake kwamba ataridhika mpaka ingie furaha katika Nafsi Ya Arahman basi hakika yeye mapenzi yake kwa Allah ni makubwa kabisa .. 27 -09- 2022 youtu.be/sPbPkRcLp5o Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani #Russia #Ukraine COVID
Watch The Meeting Between Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani & His Supporters in Yemen - Part I. 22-March-2022 fb.watch/gd3EOK2p2v/ #ClimateAndCoronaWarWayOut #SkirmishWar 2️⃣ #ByElections2022 #earthquake #IranRevolution #Ukraine #Russia #USA #COVID19 Russia America Trump twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#MilesGuo, founder of the #NFSC, was the first to carry out a refugee rescue plan in #Medyca of Poland during the #Ukraine war. How could such a warm-hearted and compassionate man, the enemy number one of the evil CCP be a danger to the community? It can only conclude that the… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Do you trust #JoeBiden to handle the #Ukraine crisis?