War puts women and girls at an increased risk of sexual and gender-based violence, especially those forced to flee. UN Women is bolstering protection and gender-based violence services, in partnership with local civil society and women’s organizations. #Ukraine
#Russia places Alexei #Moskalev under house arrest, his daughter in a children’s home for her picture opposing the war against #Ukraine #Wagnerpmc #StandWithUkraine #RussiaWarCrimes #StopRussia khpg.org/en/1608811915
#Borodianka, near #Kyiv, #Ukraine. 263 dogs in a dog shelter died from hunger and dehydration. #Russian occupants did not care and denied access to them. #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StandWithUkraine #StopRussianAgression #StopPutin
Phoenix TV, a pro-CCP🇨🇳 TV network partially owned by #CCPChina🇨🇳, has installed crews alongside the Russian invaders in #Ukraine🇺🇦. They use Traditional Chinese characters, as they also target Chinese audiences in countries outside of China. You know who your real friends are. twitter.com/ArthurKei_UA/s…
#Mariupol, #Ukraine. #Russian occupants collect bodies of killed citizens in underground passage on outskirts. They want to burn them in mobile crematoria or bury in mass graves. #Russia tries to hide its war crimes in Mariupol. #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StopRussianAgression
Look at our mentions and you will see all of the Russian disinfo bots. #YAC Here is a summary of their changing strategies regarding #Bucha and #Ukraine in the last day. twitter.com/Ex_Trac/status…
#Putin #ICC arrest warrant sends a powerful signal, but #Russia began deporting children from #Ukraine in 2014 #Lvova-Belova #StandWithUkraine #RussiaWarCrimes #PutinWarCrimes #StopRussia khpg.org/en/1608811992
🚨 20 torture prisons set up by #Russia identified in liberated #Kherson by #Ukraine's prosecutors after interviewing over 1,000 survivors who had been imprisoned. Still unknown how many Ukrainians were executed by Putin's fascist regime. storage.googleapis.com/istories/news/…
サイレンが鳴り響いています。 ウクライナの首都「キエフ」独立広場(Maidan square / Майдан Незалежності)。 livecam.asia/ukraine/kyiv_o… #ウクライナ #キエフ #Kyiv #Ukraine
🚨 #Russia launched an estimated 60 cruise missiles at #Ukraine, including several Kalibr cruise missiles from submarines in the Black Sea. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The New York Times reports that Chinese officials asked Russia to delay the invasion of #Ukraine🇺🇦 until the Winter Olympics were finished. Of course #CCPChina🇨🇳 knew. nytimes.com/2022/03/02/us/…
If you have been killed by a supersonic missile? What will Chinese think? Lucky!!! #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #偉大な翻訳運動 #Ukraine #UkraineCrisis
At the Human Rights Council @antonioguterres said we must show all the people of #Ukraine that we stand by them in their time of need. We support the Secretary-General's call to #StandUp4HumanRights.
This🇨🇳student in #Ukraine begs #CCP fascist #China's #WuMaos not to celebrating #Putler's #russianinvasionofukraine online. It puts his life at risk since #Ukranian people know #CCP🇨🇳is cheering 4 #RussianArmy. He must leave an air raid shelter when he is asked if he is Chinese. twitter.com/Byron_Wan/stat…
#AcceptWhomAllaahHasChosen The Series of Clarifications about Corona Virus and its Well-Concealed Secret Statement No. 58 Significant Statement for all the Nations of the Dominion of the World .. Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani #Coronation #COVID19 #Texas #Ukraine COVID-19… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Besieged #Mariupol, #Ukraine. City is in a humanitarian catastrophe: no food, no water, no electricity. People share food with each other and take water from puddles. A typical meal a day is 3 glasses of water with several cakes (if there is).
ウクライナ首都のキエフでウクライナ軍による民間人への武器の供与が始まった様子 泥沼化する状況だけは避けてもらいたい #Ukraine #Kyiv
Chinese students warn to report their teacher who supports #Ukraine over #UkraineRussianWar. Here we go - The 21st Century Cultural Revolution. @ThisIsWenhao @Tracy_Wen_Liu @maxseddon @EricLiu_USA @ArthurKei_UA #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
My statement today to the @iaeaorg Board of Governors on the situation and recent developments at nuclear power plants in #Ukraine, part 1 of 2 bit.ly/3FdZqJp
Yet another display of Western hypocrisy, cheering the boycott of #Russia over the war in #Ukraine, but condemns and accuses of "anti-Semitic" boycott campaigns against #Israel regarding the brutal apartheid imposed on Palestinians. mondoweiss.net/2022/03/europe… @Mondoweiss
⛸️#フィギュアスケート⛸️ 📷フォトギャラリー📷 “かなだい”が『ソーラン節&琴』を披露! 北京五輪王者、ウクライナのカップルも登場した #アイスダンス RDを特集 #Icedance #figureskate #世界選手権フィギュア #村元哉中 #高橋大輔 #かなだい #パパシゼ #Ukraine URL👉thedigestweb.com/photo/detail/i…
Another video from #Enerhodar near #Zaporizhzhia, #Ukraine, where Russian occupants fire on brave Ukrainian protesters. #HeroesNeverDie #GloryToTheHeroes #StandWithUkraine
Millions of women and children have fled #Ukraine for their lives. They have lost their homes, jobs, families, and safety. That trauma goes on every day and has been repeated for a 100 days. This war must stop now.