#Nigeria / #UK: Global solidarity continues to pour in for the #EndsSARS movement. Scenes from London at Trafalgar Square of a candlelight procession for victims of SARS and Nigeria Police. (📹@OgbeniDipo)
#Nigeria / #UK: global protests break out in support of the #EndSARS movement and to condemn the Nigerian government for the brutal killing of unarmed peaceful protestors. Scenes from London: "They've killed innocent protesters, it is unacceptable"
#UK: Visits to domestic abuse website have increased by 150% and the number of femicides tripled in the first six weeks of lockdown. 7 in 10 women killed by a man told someone they were suffering from domestic abuse. #orangetheworld #16days #Femicide independent.co.uk/voices/domesti…
Today I wished our good friend, @UKinTaiwan Representative Catherine Nettleton, farewell after four years of service in Taiwan. I was so pleased to see you enjoy your time here & am grateful for your hard work advancing #Taiwan-#UK relations.
#UK: PM Boris Johnson announces a new lockdown as a more infectious variant of coronavirus has appeared. "it may be up to more 70% more transmissible [but] there's no evidence that it causes higher mortality"
今のところ変異種は「毒性が高い」とか「ワクチンが効かない」とかいう悲観的なものではなさそうです。ただ感染力が高く、自国の医療体制の維持を考えれば周辺国は英国との往来を遮断せざるを得ません。#Brexit 交渉の結果が出る前に英国が一時的に孤立します。#UK nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO…
#유노윤호 #NOIR #U_Know #UK #TVXQ yes24からCD紹介引っ張ってきて訳したよー! だからみんないっぱいいっぱい買ってよーう!🥳 ブックレットが130ページ以上ってCDなの写真集なのー ぎえぇぇえぇー😱❤️😱
Minister Wu held a productive & rewarding meeting with @JohnDennisFCO. He welcomed the new head of @UKinTaiwan to #Taiwan🇹🇼, & discussed ways of further deepening friendship & expanding exchanges between the 2 sides. We wish the #UK🇬🇧 representative all the very best in the role.
JUST IN: David Perry QC has told #HongKong’s Department of Justice he’s not coming to #HK to prosecute pro-democracy activists over 2019 #HongKongProtests, citing pressure he’s been under in the #UK DoJ says another counsel has been appointed instead info.gov.hk/gia/general/20…
#UK lights up! #England #Wales #Scotland Northern #Ireland #イギリス も光に満ちている
Satomura is here ‼️ I signed and will be joining NXT UK🇬🇧 Be prepared 🇯🇵 今、ロンドンにいます。 WWE NXT UKのライバルを倒すためにきました✨✨✨ #NXTUK #WWE #仙女 #女子プロレス #ロンドン #London #UK
"UK Civil Society offers welcome to Hong Kongers" New op-ed by @benedictrogers To read: bit.ly/36lDKJU #BNO #BNO簽證 #hongkongers #UK #visa
残念なニュース。医療支援の募金のために自らが懸命に歩行する姿を見せて47億円を集めた英退役軍人ムーアさんがコロナに感染して亡くなりました。100歳でした。コロナ第1波のころの心温まるヒーローで、昨夏にはナイトの爵位も与えられていました。#UK bbc.co.uk/news/uk-englan…
Several accidents by British Glencore poisoned their drinking water, harmed people, and destroyed their farmland. Now villagers in Chad are fighting back with a legal complaint in the UK. #Chad #Glencore #UK #Oil Subscribe!👇👇 youtube.com/watch?v=Gy6qqh…
Met w/Foreign Minister @DominicRaab of #UK. -Wishing to broaden the scope of the Free Trade Agreement and reach bilateral trade target of $20 billion. -Discussed developments in  #Cyprus, #EasternMediterranean and #Libya.🇹🇷🇬🇧
A recent report revealed an epidemic of sexual abuse, sexual assault, and rape by UK police officers. #Metabuses #UK #ReclaimTheseStreets Subscribe👇 youtube.com/watch?v=5-JDVy…
Acid attacks are rising worldwide and it affects women disproportionally. Globally, there are 1,500 acid attacks a year. It's time to stop these attacks and #EndImpunity for the criminals behind them. #acidattack #UK #Pakistan #India #Bangladesh youtube.com/watch?v=CgZolG…
Met w/ Foreign Minister @DominicRaab of #UK in Geneva. -Confirmed our full support to new solution vision of the Turkish Cypriot side. -The only realistic solution is conduct of negotiations between two States rather than two communities.🇹🇷🇬🇧
The #Taiwan🇹🇼, #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #UK🇬🇧, #Australia🇦🇺 #GCTF on #COVID19 vaccine rollout was a boon for the 135 participating officials & experts from 36 countries. Experiences were exchanged, advanced strategies shared. Global🌐 health cooperation is key to combating #Coronavirus!
#Eurovision has given us Epic Sax Man. Now give it up for Magnificent Trumpet Lad James Newman! What a BOP! #OpenUp #UK
The strong showing of support for #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in #WHA74 is greatly appreciated by the government & people. Sincere thanks to the country's allies, as well as like-minded partners including the #US🇺🇸, #Japan🇯🇵, #UK🇬🇧, #Canada🇨🇦, #Australia🇦🇺, ... 1/2
The UK Government has published its latest Six-monthly Report on #HongKong, covering the period June to December 2020. Find out more about Six-monthly Reports - and why the #UK produces them - in the clip below. Read the #SixmonthlyReport: gov.uk/government/col…
英南西部コーンウォールのパワースポット、海に浮かぶセント・マイケルズ・マウントを眺めながら美味しいフード&ドリンクを楽しめるパブ、ゴドルフィン・アームス。ぷりぷりの魚介類と英国産スパークリングワインをお楽しみいただけます♪ #G7 #UK visitcornwall.com
2021年度 #英國工作假期計劃 第二輪抽選登記將於本港時間7月12日星期一中午12點至7月14日星期三中午12點期間接受香港特區護照持有人申請。 如果你想去 #英國 生活,工作,及讀書進修兩年,請瀏覽:gov.uk/government/new… #WelcomeToGREAT #工作假期 #UK #WorkingHoliday #YMS #YMS2021
次回のMタメBANG!は… 7/18(日)20:30~ 放送💜 🌠7/18 出演者🌠 #Highlight #ハンスンウ #OMEGA_X #ユウトのBANG では話題のあのアイテムを手作りしてくれました😉🌟 また #fromis_9#UK さんからのメッセージも届いていますので、こちらもお楽しみに🎀  #Mタメ #古家正亨 #下尾みう #ユウト