The #Taiwan-#Palau travel bubble is a go! This great #Tourism initiative reflects the success of pandemic management measures & strength of 2-way ties. It also shows what can be achieved with friendship, cooperation & trust. We look forward to President Whipps' March 28 arrival!
Taiwan's #Tourism industry is in the winners' circle! The latest survey by respected zine @GTmag ranks #Taipei as the No. 1 leisure destination in #Asia for the 3rd straight year, #Taiwan No. 2 for international adventure travel & @taoyuanairport No. 4 for layovers. Read more🔽…
【庭園開放~5/20】 由緒ある5棟の茶室が点在する庭園は、1年でもっとも美しい時期です。今年は特別に、例年より長い5月20日(日)までお楽しみいただけます。ぜひ散策してみてください。#Tokyo #Tourism #Garden #东京 #观光 #庭园 #도쿄 #관광 #정원