The Anniversary That Won’t Go Away 🕯️ Hong Kong has banned the annual Tiananmen vigil in an attempt to emulate the way China has erased the memory of the event. It won’t be so easy. #TiananmenSquareMassacre #TiananmenVigil…
An artist's impression of a lone Hong Kong protester standing outside Victoria Park tonight. #TiananmenMassacre #TiananmenVigil
A call for Hong Kongers to wear black all week. #TiananmenSquareMassacre #TiananmenVigil
Despite the ban on gatherings and threats from #ccp, for the 31st consecutive year, Hong Kong still managed to host the world’s largest June Fourth vigil. #TiananmenVigil #TiananmenSquareMassacre #StandWithHongKong Drone video by Kenny H for Studio Incendo
2020年6月4日、政府から禁じられても、天安門事件追悼のためにビクトリアパークに集う市民。2枚目は、天安門事件翌年1990年からの6月4日。31年間、事件が風化しないように世界へ発信し続けてきた、香港のキャンドルの光。蘋果日報より #6431truth #我在這裏悼念六四 #TiananmenVigil #香港 #HongKong
In Mongkok, #HKPolice is arresting #Hongkongers for commemorating the 31st anniv. of #TiananmenSquareMassacre. This is the 1st yr that 🇨🇳#CCP & #HKGov banned #TiananmenVigil in #HongKong. HKers still go out en masse tonight, holding memorials at many locations across the city.
It seems the government ban of the #TiananmenVigil did not deter anyone, and only helped spread it across town.……
“Liberate #HongKong; Revolution of Our Time”. A round of slogan chanting at #TiananmenVigil
[This year might be the last year of annual #TiananmenVigil in #Hongkong] 1. 31 years ago, Beijing crushed dissents with tanks and guns. 31 years later, Beijing is ripping out our democratic aspiration with a tyrannical law.