8コマでムリヤリ解説!マンガ 第5話の最後のコマをGIFアニメにしました 今晩きっといろいろな謎が明らかになるよ! そしてきっと新たな謎が生まれるんだよ...(いつもどおり) #サンファン #サンファンアート #ThunderboltFantasy
A conversation captured from space. Lou Zhen Jie: Look, princess. A typhoon has formed on that planet. Seven Blasphemous Deaths: It's nothing to do with us...but I'm really missing land right now😢 Typhoon Chanthu approaches. Stay safe everyone! #ThunderboltFantasy #東離劍遊紀
May all pupils listen to their teachers on this Teacher's Day, bless them. Sha: Long time no see. Happy Teacher's Day...Master. Tie: Hmph, so the rebel does remember his way home. Door's open. #東離劍遊紀 #殺無生 #鐵笛仙 #ThunderboltFantasy #ShaWuSheng #TieDiXian
3/7 is Xiào Kuáng Juàn's PARTY time! 🎂 Xiao: Quitting my old job to become a pirate isn't too bad. Instead of mucking about in the Wasteland, I can live the high life on the sea! 😛 Lin: I hope you enjoy the rum😒🧪🍺 #ThunderboltFantasy #XiaoKuangJuan #東離劍遊紀 #嘯狂狷
8/19 is Lián Qí's birthday. Happy Birthday!🥳 Lǐn: Happy birthday~ Try one of these longevity peaches I handmade for you. Take care though because one of them is filled with Tabasco.😘 Lián: I see that you are the same as always.🤨 #ThunderboltFantasy #LianQi #東離劍遊紀 #廉耆
🎉上映情報解禁🎉 / 日本・台湾合作の人形アニメ 『Thunderbolt Fantasy』 劇場版2作が復活上映決定🙌 \ 秋葉原UDXシアターにて実施! 9/19(月・祝)『#生死一劍dreampass.jp/e4165 9/24(土)『#西幽玹歌dreampass.jp/e4166 #ドリパス #ThunderboltFantasy #サンファン #虚淵玄