Everyone has a role to play in helping to control the virus by staying alert and following the rules. This is how we can continue to save lives as we start to recover from coronavirus. #StayAlert
The common sense of the British people got us through that first phase of this disease. I am absolutely confident it will get us through the next as well. #StayAlert
There could be no greater mistake than to jeopardise everything we have striven to achieve by proceeding too far and too fast. We must all continue to #StayAlert, so that we can control the virus and save lives.
As we start to recover from #coronavirus, we all need to play our part by following the rules. This is how to #StayAlert ⬇️
We’re past the peak, but we can’t get complacent. Stay alert, keep 2 metres away from others and wash your hands regularly. #StayAlert
We will come back from this. And though the United Kingdom will be changed by this experience, I believe we can be stronger and better than ever before. #StayAlert
This weekend, we must all continue to stay alert and control the virus. #StayAlert
We can beat this virus together - but only if we all continue to #StayAlert and follow the rules on social distancing.
I know many of you will be enjoying the warmer weather today. If you’re out exercising or meeting a friend, remember to stay 2 metres apart and wash your hands regularly. #StayAlert
We all have a role to play in beating coronavirus. #StayAlert, control the virus, save lives.
Thank you for all you are doing to fight this virus. Let’s keep going. #StayAlert
Together we have made it through the peak, but we’re not yet back to normal. Please continue to #StayAlert and keep 2 metres away from others when outside.
Thanks to our collective national effort, we have protected our NHS and saved many lives. Let’s continue to fight this virus by staying alert and keeping 2 metres apart. #StayAlert
We must all continue to #StayAlert, and follow the rules on social distancing.
Thank you for all that you are doing. Please #StayAlert and continue to follow the government guidelines: gov.uk/coronavirus
Whilst we have been able to carefully ease some restrictions, we must #StayAlert to the very real risks of coronavirus. I would urge everyone to please remain vigilant this weekend and stick to the social distancing guidelines. If we let our guard down, cases will rise.
We all have a part to play in stopping the spread of coronavirus. Let’s continue to take extra care by keeping 2 metres apart and washing our hands regularly. #StayAlert
⬇️ THREAD ⬇️ To chart our progress and to avoid going back to square one, we are establishing a new COVID Alert System run by a new Joint Biosecurity Centre. That COVID Alert Level will be determined primarily by R and the number of coronavirus cases. #StayAlert
We all need to #StayAlert, act responsibly, and strictly observe social distancing rules. Do not meet others inside your home. Stay outdoors, keep 2 metres apart, and wash your hands regularly.
We all have a role to play in beating this virus. Thank you for all that you are doing. #StayAlert
As we begin to ease some restrictions, it’s so important that we continue to stay alert to the risk of infection. Keep 2 metres away from others and wash your hands regularly. #StayAlert
Thanks to your resolve and dedication, the five tests are being met and we can now start to ease some restrictions in England. As places begin to reopen, we must all continue to #StayAlert and keep 2 metres away from others.
We have published a roadmap for how and when the UK government will adjust our response to the COVID-19 crisis. You can read it here: gov.uk/government/pub… #StayAlert
Together we have made it through the peak, but we’re not yet back to normal. Please continue to #StayAlert, keep 2 metres away from others and wash your hands regularly. If you have symptoms of coronavirus, self-isolate and apply for a home testing kit: nhs.uk/coronavirus
From 4 July, your household will be able to meet with one other household at a time, including staying over. You should still remain socially distant from anyone outside your household. #StayAlert