Had a great interview with @GenevaSummit, which detailed my growing-up experience and life as a prominent activist. Stay tuned for my appearance at the Geneva Summit. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/GenevaSummit/s…
We need to safeguard our shared democratic values together. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/samuelmchu/sta…
@joshuawongcf, @chowtingagnes and Ivan Lam will appear in court tomorrow. They could be locked immediately if the court considers it necessary. Hope everyone is closely following the development of their cases. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/joshuawongcf/s…
An essential read. We need more support for the individuals and organizations that have committed themselves to democratic struggles around the world. #StandwithHongKong The U.S. democracy agenda can’t focus simply on supporting democratic governments. foreignpolicy.com/2021/09/13/bid…
We continue our battle regardless of where we are. On June 4th, we are hosting a rally with Ukrainian groups in London to remind everyone of the threats from dictators; On June 12th, we are united to light the spirit of Hong Kong protest. Come join us. #StandwithHongKong
Thank you @BritishVogue for featuring my story as #MrVogue in the #Septemberissue. We need to call for larger accountabilities to authoritarian governments and protect democratic values as global democracy dwindles. Hope that my story can spark more action. #StandwithHongKong
One of the most powerful Reddit "Ask Me Anything" threads by an amazing individual. If you want to understand Hong Kong's political landscape and problems with a "foreigner" /expat lens, you may want to read this. #StandwithHongKong reddit.com/r/IAmA/comment…
「拡散希望」 実は本日(10/1)の #産経新聞(全国版)に #日中国交正常化50年 に対しての意見広告を民族団体連帯で掲載いたしました。 滅多にない機会ですので皆さんに是非一冊をご購入していただければ幸いです。 我々の声がもっと響きますように。 #光復香港時代革命 #StandwithHongKong
Another barbaric action from CCP. I am standing shoulder to shoulder with the parliamentarians and civil society actors that try to hold CCP accountable. Indeed, being targeted by the villian is a badge of honor. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/StuartKLau/sta…
A Lunar New Year good news: Excited that my book “Freedom” is shortlisted in "the Best Political Book by a Non-Parliamentarian" of Parliamentary Book Awards📚 I hope this book reminds us how much we need to do to protect freedom. #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/PublishersAsso…
Full Version about the police didn't obtain court's order / the owner's permission for getting in private areas to mount operation. The Journalist was brutally beaten by police. @SolomonYue #StandwithHongKong #HongKongProtest #StandwithHK #HKPoliceTerrorism
With David Kramer, at 1045am EDT, I am sharing my first-hand experience of being politically persecuted in Hong Kong and the future of the democratic movement at the Sedana Forum. Stay tuned and register at thesedonaforum.org #StandwithHongKong
"You always rebel for ideas, a collective future, something that is much bigger than yourself. It will push you to become a better person, to live a life with purpose. Rebel for love. The love for life, for your community, for your friends." #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/nathanlawkc/st…
It's our pleasure to share our thoughts on the integration of HKers with Deputy Mayor @debs_wb and her team. We are here to work together and to help all HKers, especially those in need. Looking forward to our further collaborations. @MrWinMarshall #StandwithHongKong twitter.com/debs_wb/status…
A powerful piece from my friend @joshrogin on why we should help Hong Kong exiled democratic activists. @SunnyCheungky @jooeysiiu @hkdc_us @hk_watch // Their struggle could last decades. We must show them they are not fighting alone.// #StandwithHongKong washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/…
Friends in 🇳🇱: A special event is coming! I am going to speak at the @DeBalie Freedom Lecture, sharing my thoughts about the struggle of Hong Kong and why we should not take freedom for granted. Looking forward to meeting you all! #StandwithHongKong debalie.nl/programma/what…
To all freedom lovers around the world: It is never too late to stand up for Hongkongers and all those who have been suffering from oppression. #FridaysForFreedom #StandwithHongKong
Thank you so much for your support to Hong Kong democratic movement. Looking forward to future collaboration on defending our democratic values and freedom. #StandwithHongKong @petras_petras @bueti twitter.com/petras_petras/…
So the rather grandly titled @UkCommittee (read: die-hard Golden Era pro-China lobby) is attempting to blindside MPs into believing it's an impartial outfit. I went to their help desk to ask for some "advice". Look forward to the reply. #StandwithHongKong #StandwithUyghurs
先ほどの国連人権理事会 #UNHRC にて私のビデオメッセージが流されました。 media.un.org/en/asset/k1r/k… @hrw_tokyo からお誘いがあって、香港の人権問題について発信していただきたい旨をいただき、以下のビデオを作成いたしました。 どうか香港のことを忘れないでください。 #StandwithHongKong
【写真添付忘れのため、再投稿】 拡散希望! 【六四天安門追悼ナイト】 日時:6月4日 18:00-19:30 場所:新宿駅南口 ドレスコード:黒 現場キャンドルライト配りあり ※身の安全のため、個人情報が漏れないよう自己管理をお願いいたします。 #香港 #天安門事件 #StandwithHongKong
It’s one thing not to know, and it’s another to refuse to act. Please tweet them at this handle @KingsCollegeLon and let them know that her honour is a daily insult to Hong Kong people, many of whom are suffering. Time for Kings to #StandwithHongKong
今日雨の中 #香港デモ4周年 のデモ行進に参加していただいてありがとうございます。 国家安全法の取り締まりが強まっているでも多くの方に参加していただいて香港人の独裁政権に抗う意思は十分に示していると思います。 日本の皆さんにもぜひ応援を! 写真:@hanayanomorry #StandwithHongKong