I was not embarrassed — the CCP just cant read human emotions as an inhumane regime.
Mr. Gao was embarrassing and shaming himself by showing poor manners, disregarding the discussion topic and spreading misinformation about the court case. It's just hilarious.
#StandwithHongKong twitter.com/globaltimesnew…
Our friends in the east coast!
Thank you for all the hard work to spreading the awareness! We are together💪
URGENT! Hydrogen Cyanide gas detector sounded its siren IN THE SURROUNDING instead of putting it nearby the tear gas canister yesterday!
That's what we see #hongkongpolicebrutality to abuse of the tear gas & doubt the quality of chinese-made TG.
Please RT & #StandwithHongKong
🏴While I am in the UK, I continue to fight for democracy.
Nathan Law: Why I fled Hong Kong | Comment youtu.be/LCgWOQz3YE0 via @YouTube
Pleasure to meet with Jens Galschiot, the creator of “Pillar of Shame”, and thank him in person for standing up for human rights.
Still have a lot of advocacy work in #Rome during @ipacglobal meeting and G20.
Thrilled to be invited by @TheEconomist to contribute my thoughts. It's a great opportunity to amplify the voices of people in Hong Kong. Hope you enjoy reading it.
The World in 2021 – Nathan Law says the battle is not over in Hong Kong economist.com/the-world-ahea…
An appalling fact:
After being sentenced in total for 14 months in two cases, there are still one National Security Law charge and four criminal charges pending on Jimmy Lai.
The judicial system is weaponized to persecute democratic activists in Hong Kong.
国安法や昨年以来デモに参加し正当な理由なく逮捕、起訴された香港人のみなさん、民主運動に参加し声を上げたことで非人道的扱いを受ける結果になった香港人の皆さん、そうした方々のために声を上げ続けます。賛同が広がりますように。#FreeHongKong #StandwithHongKong chng.it/RYLCv2Dy
In 2021, Hong Kong lost at least 59 media / NGO / civic organisations, who dared to voice their support for freedom and democracy. Many were forced to disband due to the National Security Law 🇨🇳.
Here’s to 2022…
“She is someone who takes on very heavy responsibilities and duties that are often larger than herself but she never hesitates to stand up for what she believes in,”
Agnes Chow, Hong Kong’s Reluctant Democracy Icon vice.com/en/article/4ad… via @VICE
Winston has been a force of good in helping Hong Kong people in the UK and voicing support to the democratic movement. Really thankful for his commitment to helping the people in need.
#StandwithHongKong twitter.com/prcmarshall/st…
Our journalist discovered 28.6ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1237 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests
This would be definitely humanitarian cruises!
YouTube full version: youtu.be/uxdH-sBzNsw
OSHA: 10ppm
Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Facing the risk of being extradited back to China & Hong Kong and decades of imprisonment, I sincerely urge democratic countries to lift extradition treaties with these regimes to protect human rights defenders.
#StandwithHongKong twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
G7 should work together and hold China accountable. It's nothing to do with racism -- it's to protect individuals in Xinjiang and Hong Kong. Stop using "anti-racism" as protection to dictators. Genocide deniers are not our allies.
#StandwithHongKong twitter.com/SecBlinken/sta…
This documentary shows you the democratic protests in Hong Kong and exiled activists' lives in the UK. We are all fighting at our positions and hoping to bring justice to Hong Kong.
youtu.be/h4yFRO-m0y0 via @YouTube
Exciting news -- I will be in the US in early December to present the US edition of "Freedom." The struggles of Hong Kong are an important lesson to the free world.
Let me know if you are interested in having a review, an event or an interview covering it!
I always believe in the power of cultural exchange and community building.
The launch of #HKUC marks a new chapter of Hongkongers community in the UK.
Thank you for everyone who have come to the ceremony and share this remarkable moment with us.
3. We all fight for democracy and peace. But to achieve it, we need to hold those in power accountable, instead of silencing the unheard. I hope the world can support Hongkongers' struggle and fight for preserving democratic values for all of us. #StandwithHongKong
Mr. David Perry, QC quitted from the case of prosecuting Jimmy Lai, the pro-democracy media mogul. DOJ of HK says "growing pressure and criticism from the UK community" ensued since he took the duty.
It's indeed good news. Lesson learned for everyone.
The EU must now take concrete action to sanction Hong Kong officials. Great concern without action is just empty words. The EU must do what is needed to defend democracy, or risk being a hypocritical promoter of European values.
#EU must #StandwithHongKong
#47NSL twitter.com/EUinHKandMO/st…
Honoured to meet with the Acting High Commissioner for Canada in the UK @stefaniebeck19 at the #Canadahouse. The civil society from Hong Kong continues to engage with the world and speak up for our democratic struggles. We never give up.
#StandwithHongKong twitter.com/stefaniebeck19…
In tandem with the latest BNO welcome package, the UK government has been demonstrating its commitment to the joint declaration's obligation.
I will continuously speak up for Hong Kong and am always available for advice to the government and civil society.
#StandwithHongKong🏴 twitter.com/DominicRaab/st…
#外國人 #加拿大 #Canada #溫哥華 #Vancouver #StandwithHongKong #LIHKG