In the meantime, #Belarus' dictator #Lukashenko deployed security forces to directly shot protestors and throw stun grenades straight at #Belarusians’ backs at #Orlovskaya street in #Minsk, when they held a peaceful protest today. #PoliceBrutalityMustEnd #StandwithBelarus
みんな聴いて!いまBBC報道でベラルーシで人々が非暴力デモや抗議行動、ゼネストをした結果、26年間も君臨したルカシェンコ大統領がついに折れて新憲法制定後に大統領選を再選挙するって!非暴力直接行動と直接民主主義が勝ったよ! We #StandwithBelarus in their fight for democracy! #FreeBelarus
4. Facing the shared destiny under tyrannical rules, we are all the oppressed. #Hongkongers can feel #Belarusians’ pain and sense of injustice, and therefore #HKers will #StandwithBelarus in their fight for democracy. #FreeBelarus #HKerswithyou
We are all against police brutality. We are all against autocracy. We are all against human rights violations. We are all together. We want justice. We need justice. #StandwithBelarus #FreeBelarus #HKerswithyou