Dostum #Sırbistan Dışişleri Bakanı Nikola Selakoviç’le birlikte #YeniPazar’dayız. İlk olarak Belediye Başkanı Nihat Bişevac ile biraraya geldik. In #NoviPazar, with my friend Foreign Minister Nikola Selaković of #Serbia. First had a meeting with Mayor Nihat Biševac.
Visited Bayraklı Mosque, which will be restored by @Tika_Turkey, with Maja Gojkovic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information of #Serbia. Will continue to work together to protect our common cultural heritage. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan DB dostum Nikola Selakoviç’le görüştük. Sırbistan’la işbirliğimizi her alanda güçlendirmeye kararlıyız. Met w/my friend FM Nikola Selakovic. Determined to strengthen our cooperation with #Serbia in every field.🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Canlı📡 #Sırbistan Dışişleri Bakanı Nikola Selakoviç’le Ortak Basın Toplantısı 🇹🇷🇷🇸 #Live📡 Joint Press Conference with Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic of #Serbia 🇹🇷🇷🇸 twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Many are claiming what's happening in #Ukraine is the "largest military operation in Europe done by Russia since the Second World War." But They fail to remember NATO s horrible crime on #Yugoslavia #Serbia in 1990s. #worldwar3 #WWIII
#Sırbistan Başbakanı Ana Brnabiç'le ortak projelerimizi değerlendirdik. İşbirliğimizi her alanda daha da derinleştireceğiz. Evaluated our joint projects with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic of #Serbia. Will further deepen our cooperation in every field. 🇹🇷🇷🇸 @SerbianPM
We are honored to host Prince of Wales Charles and Duchess of Cornwall Camilla in #Serbia #RoyalVisitSerbia
#Austria will support #Serbia's #EU integration process and opening of the six #chapters.
Belgrade-#Novi Sad section of the Hungary-#Serbia railway has been put into operation, marking an era of high-speed railway for Serbia. Glad #China can make a little contribution to that. twitter.com/AmbChenBo/stat…
In Berlin for the second day of our official visit. I sat down with Chancellor Angela Merkel to discuss our bilateral relations with Germany, Serbia's strategic goal of European Union membership and regional affairs. #Serbia #Germany #EU 🇷🇸🇩🇪🇪🇺
Hosted my friend Ivica Dačić Deputy PM & FM of #Serbia. Discussed the issues of trade, economy, investments, tourism, culture & counter-terrorism. Our bilateral trade volume has almost reached to $ 2.5 billion. Our goal is $5 billion. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
Met w/my friend FM Nikola Selakovic of #Serbia. Signed Agreement on the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Properties. Our trade volume target is $5 billion. Will soon sign agreement that will make possible travel w/ID. Will open a Consular Office in Niš.🇹🇷🇷🇸
Good relations between #Serbia & #USA give us opportunities to improve lives of our citizens. With @SenJohnMcCain
With Director-General for EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement @DanielssonEU on #Serbia's #EU path and #migrantcrisis
Today is a historic day. Officially inaugurated our Consulate General in #NoviPazar with Foreign Minister Selaković of #Serbia. May it serve to the best interest of our citizens as well as of our brothers and sisters from #Sandžak!🇹🇷🇷🇸
Exciting to explore collaboration opportunities for Serbian Start-Ups and to encourage companies in Luxembourg to explore opportunities in #Serbia. Thank you @host_lu for hosting this event.
At today's #EBRDwb in London, #Serbia will be presented as good practice example due to implemented economic reforms
#Serbia will not build walls and fences but we will always protect our borders and our people. #migrantcrisis
President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Aleksandar Vučić on his reelection as president of #Serbia. We cherish the mutual trust and friendship with Serbia and look forward to greater development of the relations to bring more benefits to the two peoples.
I invited #Hessen's PM Volker #Bouffier to visit #Serbia where he had often spent time during his childhood.
A true friend of #Serbia has died. My condolences to the German Government and family of Guido #Westerwelle @GermanyDiplo
Here with the leaders of the Western Balkans at the annual gathering of @EBRD in Sarajevo. Our common priority is a connected and stable region. How we connect the region is important for all of us. #Serbia is connected for our economy, infrastructure and digital future.
At the ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of Luxembourg's liberation during World War II. #Serbia and #Luxembourg remember all those who fought and all who lost their lives. We stand united against fascism then and always. #LestWeForget
Serbia donated 500.000€ for #Syria. #Serbia is part of solution, we do everything to preserve stability in #Balkans
I thanked the outgoing Ambassador of #Mexico José Ramírez for supporting territorial integrity of #Serbia @SRE_mx