Hosted my friend Ivica Dačić Deputy PM & FM of #Serbia.
Discussed the issues of trade, economy, investments, tourism, culture & counter-terrorism.
Our bilateral trade volume has almost reached to $ 2.5 billion. Our goal is $5 billion. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Canlı 📡
#Sırbistan Cumhuriyeti Başbakan Birinci Yardımcısı ve Dışişleri Bakanı Ivica Dacic ile Ortak Basın Toplantısı
Joint Press Conference with Ivica Dačić, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of #Serbia
📍Ankara twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
#Sırbistan ziyaretimiz
Visit to #Serbia 🇹🇷 🇷🇸
#Sırbistan Ziyaretimiz
Visit to #Serbia 🇹🇷🇷🇸
Met w/my friend FM Nikola Selakovic of #Serbia.
Signed Agreement on the Fight Against Illicit Trafficking of Cultural Properties.
Our trade volume target is $5 billion.
Will soon sign agreement that will make possible travel w/ID.
Will open a Consular Office in Niš.🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan Başbakanı Ana Brnabiç'le ortak projelerimizi değerlendirdik. İşbirliğimizi her alanda daha da derinleştireceğiz.
Evaluated our joint projects with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic of #Serbia. Will further deepen our cooperation in every field. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan’daki ikinci toplantımızı Meclis Başkanı dostum Daçiç'le yaptık. İlişkilerimizin parlamenter boyutunu daha da geliştireceğiz.
Had 2nd meeting in #Serbia w/my friend Ivica Dačić, Speaker of National Assembly of #Serbia. Will further develop parliamentary relations.🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan’daki ikinci toplantımızı Meclis Başkanı dostum Daçiç'le yaptık. İlişkilerimizin parlamenter boyutunu daha da geliştireceğiz.
Had 2nd meeting in #Serbia w/my friend Ivica Dačić, Speaker of National Assembly of #Serbia. Will further develop parliamentary relations.🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan Cumhurbaşkanı Vuçiç'le çok iyi düzeydeki ikili ilişkilerimizi ve başta Ukrayna ve Bosna-Hersek olmak üzere bölgesel konuları ele aldık.
Discussed w/President @avucic of #Serbia our excellent bilateral relations & regional matters, in particular Ukraine & BiH.🇹🇷🇷🇸
İkili ilişkilerimizi ve bölgesel gelişmeleri ele almak üzere Balkan ülkelerine ziyaretimizin ilk durağı #Sırbistan'dayız.
In #Serbia, first stop of our visits to Balkan countries, to discuss our relations & regional developments. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Aleksandar Vučić on his reelection as president of #Serbia.
We cherish the mutual trust and friendship with Serbia and look forward to greater development of the relations to bring more benefits to the two peoples.
Belgrade-#Novi Sad section of the Hungary-#Serbia railway has been put into operation, marking an era of high-speed railway for Serbia. Glad #China can make a little contribution to that. twitter.com/AmbChenBo/stat…
Many are claiming what's happening in #Ukraine is the "largest military operation in Europe done by Russia since the Second World War." But They fail to remember NATO s horrible crime on #Yugoslavia #Serbia in 1990s.
Bağlantısızlar Hareketi 60. Yıldönümü Anma Toplantısına katılmak üzere #Sırbistan’ı ziyaretimiz.
Visit to #Serbia to attend the Commemorative Meeting for the 60th Anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
Met w/my friend Ivica Dačić, President of National Assembly of #Serbia, whom I got together with in Belgrade a short time ago. His extensive experience in politics & diplomacy will significantly contribute to rapid development of our interparliamentary relations.🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan Ziyaretimiz.
Visit to #Serbia. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan Ulusal Meclisi Başkanı dostum Ivica Daçiç’le görüştük.İlişkilerimizin parlamenter boyutuna büyük önem veriyoruz.
Met w/my friend Ivica Dačić, President of the National Assembly of #Serbia.We attach great importance to the parliamentary dimension of our relations.🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan İslam Birliği Riyaseti Reisul Uleması Sead Nasufoviç ve Sancaklı kardeşlerimizle biraraya geldik.
Met with the Grand Mufti of the Riyaset of the Islamic Community of #Serbia, Sead Nusufović and our brothers & sisters from #Sandžak.
Today is a historic day.
Officially inaugurated our Consulate General in #NoviPazar with Foreign Minister Selaković of #Serbia.
May it serve to the best interest of our citizens as well as of our brothers and sisters from #Sandžak!🇹🇷🇷🇸
Dostum #Sırbistan Dışişleri Bakanı Nikola Selakoviç’le birlikte #YeniPazar’dayız. İlk olarak Belediye Başkanı Nihat Bişevac ile biraraya geldik.
In #NoviPazar, with my friend Foreign Minister Nikola Selaković of #Serbia. First had a meeting with Mayor Nihat Biševac.
Visited Bayraklı Mosque, which will be restored by @Tika_Turkey, with Maja Gojkovic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture and Information of #Serbia. Will continue to work together to protect our common cultural heritage. 🇹🇷🇷🇸
#Sırbistan DB dostum Nikola Selakoviç’le görüştük. Sırbistan’la işbirliğimizi her alanda güçlendirmeye kararlıyız.
Met w/my friend FM Nikola Selakovic. Determined to strengthen our cooperation with #Serbia in every field.🇹🇷🇷🇸