The auxiliary bishop of #HongKong Catholic Diocese, Joseph Ha, has arrived at #PolyU, trying to call on the police and protesters 2 exercise restraint. His assistant says he's there to join pandem lawmakers and scholars 2 try & de-escalate & avoid serious injuries or even deaths
He is a 16 yrs old high school kid and he is my tutorial student He and his classmates are trapped in the #PolyU He tells me that he can only resist... He is just a kid. We need to help him and others. Tell the World that we need to prevent another massacre in #PolyU #SOSHK
He is a 16 yrs old high school kid and he is my tutorial student He and his classmates are trapped in the #PolyU He tells me that he can only resist... He is just a kid. We need to help him and others. Tell the World that we need to prevent another massacre in #PolyU #SOSHK
#HongKongPoliceTerrorists are treating FIRST-AIDERS & JOURNALISTS like criminals, holding them captive. Not only university students are inside #PolyU, but high school kids too. I hope they don’t suffer the same fate! #SOSPolyU @StateDept @RepMcGovern @SenTedCruz @SolomonYue
Doctors, nurses, first aiders are being arrested and treated like prisoners of war. Where are all the iNGOs? Can we do something on it? This is unacceptable in any standards. The internstional community have to ACT. People could die without proper treatment. #PolyU #HongKong
Many first aiders at #PolyU conducting humanitarian assistance are being locked down in the campus and facing attacks. The police have been arresting them to prevent proper medical treatment for people in need. This is War Crime. Stop raiding in PolyU and let all to leave safely.
The #HK police force just released a video saying that they would shot live ammunition if the resistance in #PolyU continues. We are so worried about the upcoming possible slaughter and urge the international community to deescalate the situation by holding the govt accountable.
Polytechnic University #PolyU social sciences scholar Chung Kim-wah (R) told #RTHK he's heading back to campus to try and bring out some 20 students from his department. He says he believes they're not violent protesters but are only doing "resources-sorting" #HongKongProtests
UPDATE: Thank you all for caring about William Devlin, he has left #PolyU safely.
Thank you all for caring about William Devlin, he has left #PolyU safely. However, hundreds of students are still TRAPPED in #PolyU and besieged by #HKPolice. It will be #Tiananmen2019 if nobody saves them. Free world, we need your help. #SOSHK twitter.com/SunnyCheungky/…
Thank you all for caring about William Devlin, he has left #PolyU safely. However, hundreds of students are still TRAPPED in #PolyU and besieged by #HKPolice. It will be #Tiananmen2019 if nobody saves them. Free world, we need your help. #SOSHK twitter.com/SunnyCheungky/…
各位,理工大學正值危急存亡之秋,香港大專學界超過10間學生會呼籲大家馬上去九龍救人! #PolyU is going to perish if we do not offer help ASAP All students’ unions in HK urge #HKers to rescue students in #PolyU Dont let massacre happen! #SOSHK
各位,理工大學正值危急存亡之秋,香港大專學界超過10間學生會呼籲大家馬上去九龍救人! #PolyU is going to perish if we do not offer help ASAP All students’ unions in HK urge #HKers to rescue students in #PolyU Dont let massacre happen! #SOSHK
Guys, #PolyU is in dire situation It is completely surrounded by #HKPoliceTerrorists No one can go in or leave We need to save them. Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be huge casualties Massacre could happen Polices are already equipped with rifles and snipers Save them Now
🇺🇸#US Citizen William Devlin is now trapped in the #PolyU and besieged by #HKPoliceTerrorists Plz tell each senator and congressman and update the @StateDept & @WhiteHouse If #PolyU has fallen, many lives will be jeopardised. We need to fight against the #HKpolice NOW #SOSHK
🇺🇸#US Citizen William Devlin is now trapped in the #PolyU and besieged by #HKPoliceTerrorists Plz tell each senator and congressman and update the @StateDept & @WhiteHouse If #PolyU has fallen, many lives will be jeopardised. We need to fight against the #HKpolice NOW #SOSHK
Our journalist discovered 28.6ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1237 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests This would be definitely humanitarian cruises! YouTube full version: youtu.be/uxdH-sBzNsw OSHA: 10ppm Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Our journalist discovered 29.7ppm reading of HCN monitor at 1154 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests This would be definitely humanitarian cruises OSHA: 10ppm Nearly 3 times OSHA standard measured! Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
Our journalist discovered “OL” meaning “OVERLOAD” reading of HCN monitor at 1148 near #PolyU science museum (Max. Reading 30 ppm) in #HKprotests This would be definitely humanitarian cruises OSHA: 10ppm Over 3 times OSHA standard! Please RT and #StandwithHongKong
#HKPoliceTerrorists are ready to invade another university campus - #PolyU #HKpolice just announces they will use LETHAL & FATAL 致命 weapons to shoot students Students are going to sacrifice themselves. Plz rescue them ASAP Plz condemn police brutality #SOSHK #PolyMassacre
9.3 ppm of [HCN] in air was found by our journalist a few minutes later near #PolyU at 2216 on yesterday. almost meet the OSHA PEL (10ppm). & around 2 times of ACGIH (4.7ppm)!! HKers are under the threat of exposure of Chinese made tear gas every day. #StandWithHongKong
Our Journalist found the reading of HCN content in air is 5.5 ppm at 22:14 nearby #PolyU on yesterday which is over the limitation of ACGIH (4.7 ppm)😨 Please RT and #StandWithHongKong