We are doubling the number of work coaches at a cost of nearly £900m this year. Work coaches are the first point of contact for someone who loses their jobs and comes for help. They provide invaluable personalised support to help people work. #PlanForJobs
Encouraging economic growth figures this morning. There will be challenges ahead, but our successful vaccination programme and #PlanForJobs combined with the strength and resilience of the British people puts the UK in a strong position as we #BuildBackBetter from the pandemic. twitter.com/SkyNewsBreak/s…
🎡We're backing the events sector with a world-leading insurance scheme🎡 I’ve heard the calls from organisers and this new scheme, worth over £750 million, will help them plan events with confidence through to next year. Read more here: gov.uk/government/new… #PlanForJobs
Our #PlanForJobs is working. Unemployment is falling. The economy is recovering. We will continue to support people into work, ensure they get the skills they need to get good jobs and help businesses fill their vacancies. twitter.com/RishiSunak/sta…
Great to meet smart energy apprentices at @BritishGas this morning. Our #PlanForJobs invests in young people and gives them the high-tech skills they need for the careers of the future.
There's no denying the next few weeks are going to be difficult. But the end is in sight. That’s why we’ve redoubled our efforts to protect businesses, jobs and incomes. #PlanForJobs gov.uk/government/pub…
Great news for the UK’s TV & Film industry which will support thousands of jobs. Our #PlanForJobs is working and we’ve backed the sector with a £2bn Culture Recovery Fund, Restart insurance for TV, film and events as well as new flexi-apprenticeships. bbc.co.uk/news/business-…
On 25 November I will deliver the 2020 Spending Review alongside the OBR forecast, setting out spending plans for the next year so we can continue to prioritise our response to Covid-19 and protect jobs. #PlanForJobs gov.uk/government/new…
The UK now has 12 tech companies worth at least $10bn each and together they employ almost 50,000 people. It's great that we're now in third place globally behind only the US and China in hosting these businesses. #PlanForJobs twitter.com/TechNation/sta…
Great to be back in the shops today picking up presents for m̷y̷s̷e̷l̷f̷ the kids. The vaccine news is a positive step on our journey to defeat COVID. But the sector faces a tough winter. That’s why we’ve extended furlough alongside business rates holidays & grants #PlanForJobs
A year ago today, we outlined a #PlanForJobs. Now, two million fewer people are out of work than predicted. It tells me that the plan we put in place, the plan that we stuck to, that 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠. 👇
1.3 million fewer employees accessed the furlough scheme in March and April according to data published today that shows our focus on jobs continues to pay off 👇 #PlanForJobs
In an incredibly tough year @AnnelieseDodds has been a thoughtful and constructive Shadow Chancellor, I wish her all the best. Congratulations @RachelReevesMP on your appointment. I look forward to working together to ensure our #PlanForJobs continues to help the country recover
It was fantastic to visit green energy provider @BulbUK today, speaking to young people starting their careers thanks to the Government’s £2 billion Kickstart scheme. I am determined every corner of the UK benefits from our #PlanForJobs.
🏉Rugby Union: £135m 🏇Horseracing: £40m ⚽Football: £28m 🏎️Motorsport: £6m 🎾Tennis: £5m 🥅Netball: £4m 🏀Basketball: £4m 🏒Ice Hockey: £4m 🏸Badminton: £2m Read more about our £300 million Sport Winter Survival Package: bit.ly/36TIGp3 #PlanForJobs
Sector-Based Work Academies provide training, work placements, and a guaranteed job interview in high-demand sectors. The evidence shows they work, so we’ll expand them – tripling the number of places. #PlanForJobs
Exciting project which would create around 4,000 jobs in the factory alone and thousands more in the supply chain. #PlanForJobs twitter.com/andy4wm/status…
🧰 The Budget will take place on 3 March 2021 and will deliver the next phase of our plan to support our recovery from coronavirus and protect jobs. More: gov.uk/government/new… #Budget2021 #PlanForJobs
Excited to be in Ilfracombe this morning with @SelaineSaxby. Im visiting @PallCorporation who protect & purify pharmaceutical drugs including a majority of UK Covid vaccines. They’re announcing £60 million of investment at this site creating 200 new local jobs #PlanForJobs
Record numbers moving into employment and unemployment continuing to fall are more encouraging signs that our #PlanForJobs is working. We're investing in a high-skill, high-wage, high-productivity economy to level up opportunities across the country. twitter.com/RishiSunak/sta…
At #Budget2021 I promised to double the funding to help businesses take on new apprentices. Today we deliver on that promise and businesses can now claim £3000 for each new apprentice they hire. It’s another important part of our #PlanForJobs. More: gov.uk/government/new…
Our #PlanForJobs tripled the scale of traineeships and introduced incentives for employers to take on apprentices. @WorcesterBosch CEO Carl Arntzen showed me around their Training Academy this morning where I hope many more people can learn new skills and launch their careers.
Once complete, this factory will produce enough batteries for over 300,000 electric vehicles each year 🚗 Our #PlanForJobs is working. twitter.com/hmtreasury/sta…
Tasty news from @JustEatUK this morning who are building a new 20,000 square metre office in Sunderland and creating 1,500 new jobs. Further evidence our #PlanForJobs is working. twitter.com/JustEatTakeawa…
🌍A new report from the @IMFNews shows that the UK is forecast to have the fastest growth amongst all the G7 nations this year. That's more evidence that our #PlanForJobs is working.