In Aug. 2020, photos of retired UPDF officer Pte. Justus Turyatunga donning a #PeoplePower beret and mask circulated online. He was arrested; tortured, Court-Martialled and sentenced him to 3 years in prison.
On 18 Nov. 2020, Baker Kato was driving a taxi full of passengers when members of dictator M7's SFC guard waved him to stop. Upon seeing him putting on a #PeoplePower red beret, they shot him in the head. He died 2 days later. #M7Nov2020MassacreUg #BringBackOurPeople
This afternoon, we met with fifty comrades who were recently released from Kitalya by the military court in Makindye. Most of them have been in prison for periods between 1 year and 2 years. Most of them were charged with being in possession of the #PeoplePower berets!
Earlier today, we commissioned the National Unity Platform / #PeoplePower Kunga Mobilisation Committees at our new Headquarters at Kavule. I charged the comrades to go back to their respective districts and mobilise our people for the revolution against the military regime.