💜リリースまであと12日💜 Hi! 皆様の魔界生活を応援するアシスタントAI、Karasuです。 本日よりイケメン悪魔調教ゲームObey Me!の最新作 Obey Me! Nightbringerリリースまでのカウントダウンを開始します。 👇Karasuへのファンレターはこちらまで #ObeyMeNightbringer #おべない
#obeymefanart #obeymemc #ObeyMeNightbringer Looking forward to Obey me! Nightbringer
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと6日💜 ベルゼブブ:ベルゼブブだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもうできたか? 俺は気づいたらできてた。……レヴィだろうな。 Obey Me! NightbringerのDLはここからだ🍖🍩🍗 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382…
Obey Me! Nightbringerリリース記念! 悪魔や天使、魔術師、死神からスペシャルボイスが到着🐑 本日はマモン💛 DLがまだの方はこちら👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべない #おべいみー
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖Story Hint 💡 Of all the brothers, Satan may be the least familiar to us. #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
We've reached 200,000 pre-registrations! Thank you so much! We are giving the below items out to EVERYONE ✨ ・D-Energy x5 ・AP x100 ・Grimm x20,000 Pre-register below! ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer
💜 10 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 Luke: Luke here. Has everyone finished their #ObeyMeNightbringer pre-registrations? You better get them done soon, or else Michael might give you a pop quiz later!
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out! Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑 Today is Satan💚 Download now! 👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer
💜リリースまであと10日💜 Karasu:最近魔界では高名な魔術師が開発したというアプリが話題ですがこの身体測定画像も関連があるのでしょうか🤔 👇Karasuのファンアートはこちらまで #ObeyMeNightbringer #おべない
Obey Me! Nightbringerリリース記念! 悪魔や天使、魔術師、死神からスペシャルボイスが到着🐑 本日はサタン💚 DLがまだの方はこちら👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべない #おべいみー
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out! Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑 Today is Leviathan🧡 Download now! 👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer
「じゃ、またあとで!」 #ObeyMeNightbringer
💜 5 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 Karasu: I think it goes without saying, but these two don't know the meaning of the word relax. At least Lord Diavolo kicks back with some chips sometimes 😈 👇What sides of Barbatos would you like to see? #ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと11日💜 シメオン:やあ、こんにちは。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもう終わった? もし終わってたら、俺にやり方教えてくれない……? 📲アプリDLはここからだよ ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382…
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと8日💜 ディアボロ:やあ、ディアボロだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもうすんだかい?私は楽しみすぎて毎日バルバトスに今日が何日か聞いてしまって呆れられてるんだ。 早く君に会いたいよ!
Obey Me! Nightbringerリリース記念! 悪魔や天使、魔術師、死神からスペシャルボイスが到着🐑 本日はレヴィアタン🧡 DLがまだの方はこちら👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべない #おべいみー
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out! Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑 Today is Thirteen💀 Download now! 👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame #ObeyMeNB
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖Story Hint 💡 Leviathan meets his first best friend thanks to an unexpected person. #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
💜 4 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 Karasu: Luke is still dressed for the Celestial Realm and saying he doesn't trust demons, but Simeon seems to be pretty relaxed. 👇Let's let Luke know all the good things about demons! #ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
💜 6 days until the release 💜 Take a peek at the boys' day-to-day life with Nightbringer! Give them presents and enjoy talking with them! Look forward to a side of the boys you can't see anywhere else! #ObeyMeNightbringer
📡 The opening song for #ObeyMeNightbringer, Devil's Way, will be released on March 24! / It's finally out tomorrow! 😈✨ \ We hope you'll pay special attention to the lyrics as they highlight the struggle of the boys as they turn from angels to demons. #DevilsWay
아아, 고마워요, 친절한 당신. #obeymeBarbatos #obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer
㊗Obey Me! Boysが歌う #ObeyMeNightbringer オープニングテーマソング 遂にリリース決定🎊 リリース日:3月24日(金) 曲名:「Devil’s Way」 これからはいつでもどこでもあなたの身近に…🎧 リリース後にはボーカルOFFバージョンも公開! お楽しみにっっ👏 #DevilsWay
📡 The opening song for #ObeyMeNightbringer, Devil's Way, will be released on March 24! We're releasing the jacket art for "Devil's Way" today! Check out our official website if you are interested in the designs! shallwedate.jp/obeyme-nightbr… #DevilsWay