Pre-registrations have begun for "Obey Me! Nightbringer," the newest entry in the Obey Me! series.
We'll be giving out rewards based on how many pre-registrations we get, so be sure to pre-register, give us a follow on Twitter, and mash that retweet button!
Obey Me! Nightbringer Is Out! 💐🎉✨
We have a message for you from the boys! Enjoy!
Is everyone enjoying the new game?
📲 Download from below
💜 1 day left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Lucifer: This is Lucifer. #ObeyMeNightbringer finally releases tomorrow. I am sure I don't have to ask, but you have finished your preparations, correct? Don't make more work for me like my brothers.
💜 11 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu: Karasu OS got a huge update that makes your D.D.D. easier to use!
This picture seems to be from a physical for the ex-angel demon brothers.
👇Let us know if you have any questions for Karasu!
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
💜 2 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Mammon: The Great Mammon is here! You've finished pre-registering for #ObeyMeNightbringer, right? I already had things prepared a year ago! No lie! It was already installed for me!
💜 12 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu here, your friendly AI assistant. Starting today, we'll be doing a countdown for the latest entry in the Obey Me! series, Obey Me! Nightbringer!
👇Have any fan letters for Karasu?
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe!
The Obey Me! Nightbringer official website is FINALLY open to view! Catch a glimpse of the boys' everyday life and their struggles there! Check it out!
My love for you transcends time.
☛ shallwedate.jp/obeyme-nightbr…
#ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
💜 9 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Barbatos: Greetings, Barbatos here. I hope everyone has already pre-registered for #ObeyMeNightbringer, as the Young Master is looking forward to meeting you all. Please take care not to be rude or sour the Young Master's mood.
💜 10 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu: Recently, an app developed by a famous sorcerer has become all the rage in the Devildom, but I wonder if this physical exam pic has anything to do with it?
👇Check out the Karasu fan art!
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
💜 8 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu: It looks like you can monitor people in the app Wanderers' Whereabouts. This is perfect for keeping an eye on those prank-loving demons 👀
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
👇Give us a ❤ if you wanna see Asmo and Solomon's pact 💋
💜 4 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Satan: Did you do it? Who touched my D.D.D. without my permission and pre-registered for #ObeyMeNightbringer ? ...Whatever, make sure you pre-register too.
💜 12 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Solomon: Hey, there. Solomon here! Has everyone already pre-registered for #ObeyMeNightbringer? Your exciting new life in the Devildom is going to start before long! Isn't that exciting?
💜 4 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu: Luke is still dressed for the Celestial Realm and saying he doesn't trust demons, but Simeon seems to be pretty relaxed.
👇Let's let Luke know all the good things about demons!
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
💜 7 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu: In the picture we released, did anyone notice someone wearing something different? 😇
👇Let us know what kind of clothes you would like the boys to wear 👂
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
💜 3 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Leviathan: It's me, Leviathan! Have you finished your #ObeyMeNightbringer pre-registration yet?! What about me? I noticed I had it done after I finished an anime all-nighter. I guess I'm just so awesome I did it unconsciously!
💜 6 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Beelzebub: Beelzebub here. Have you finished pre-registering for #ObeyMeNightbringer yet? For some reason, I had already pre-registered before I knew it. Maybe Levi did it for me...?
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈
📖Story Hint 💡
Nightbringer will shed light on the "true feelings" the brothers push down.
#ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
㊗Obey Me! Nightbringer 本日リリース💐🎉✨
Obey Me!チーム一同、本当に感謝の言葉しかありません。
#ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべない
💜 5 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Karasu: I think it goes without saying, but these two don't know the meaning of the word relax. At least Lord Diavolo kicks back with some chips sometimes 😈
👇What sides of Barbatos would you like to see?
#ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out!
Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑
Today is Lucifer💙
Download now! 👇
💜 8 days until the release 💜
Diavolo: Hey, Diavolo here. Has everyone out there pre-registered for #ObeyMeNightbringer? I'm so excited for the release of the game that I've been annoying Barbatos by asking how many days are left until the release almost every single day!
💜 6 days until the release 💜
Take a peek at the boys' day-to-day life with Nightbringer! Give them presents and enjoy talking with them!
Look forward to a side of the boys you can't see anywhere else!
💜 11 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Simeon: Hello, everyone! Have you finished pre-registering for #ObeyMeNightbringer? If you have, can you tell me how to do it...?
📲 Download from below
💜 10 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜
Luke: Luke here. Has everyone finished their #ObeyMeNightbringer pre-registrations? You better get them done soon, or else Michael might give you a pop quiz later!