As announced during today's livestream, for the latest installment in the Obey Me! series Obey Me! Nightbringer, we have set up new socials. Check our bio for the link to the new accounts and give Obey Me! Nightbringer a follow! 💖 #Obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer
\🎬イベント上映ニュース✨/ 総集編Obey Me! The Anime -Best Party-の舞台挨拶が決定しました😈💕 3/25(土)TOHOシネマズなんばにてObey Me! Boys7人が大集合🎊 ご参加お待ちしております🌟 チケット予約情報、開催時間につきましては続報をお待ち下さい! #Obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer
I could write an essay about how this scene is like Lucifer unbelievably looking down at his “creation” and Satan being mad and trying to reach and question his “creator” why he must bear such a sorrow memory🫠✊🏻💙💚 #obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer
😈 Obey Me! Nightbringer opening movie 💜 Check out the opening movie we premiered during Meet and Greet 2023! 💕 It's such a cool opening that we couldn't wait to share it with the world! 💖YouTube #ObeyMeNightbringer
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer オープニングムービー公開💜 Meet and Greet2023で発表されたオープニングムービーを公開いたします💕 とてもかっこいいオープニングムービーになったので、全世界の皆様に是非見ていただきたい!! 💖YouTube #ObeyMeNightbringer
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer オープニングムービー公開💜 Meet and Greet2023で発表されたオープニングムービーを公開いたします💕 とてもかっこいいオープニングムービーになったので、全世界の皆様に是非見ていただきたい!! 💖YouTube #ObeyMeNightbringer
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖Story Hint 💡 The story takes place in a post-Great Celestial War Devildom. What do you think life was like before the brothers became the Seven Rulers? #Obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖ストーリーヒント💡 物語の舞台は天界大戦直後の魔界。 地獄の七大君主と呼ばれるようになる前の兄弟たちはどんな日々を過ごしていたのか、皆さんの予想を教えてください👂 #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべいみー
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖Story Hint 💡 Nightbringer will shed light on the "true feelings" the brothers push down. #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖ストーリーヒント💡 Nightbringerでは兄弟たちの押し殺した「本音」に光をあてていきます。 #Obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer #おべいみー #おべない
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖Story Hint 💡 Of all the brothers, Satan may be the least familiar to us. #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖ストーリーヒント💡 兄弟たちの中で、現在と最も印象が違うのはサタンかも…? #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべいみー #おべない
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖Story Hint 💡 Leviathan meets his first best friend thanks to an unexpected person. #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 📖ストーリーヒント💡 レヴィアタンと初代親友との出会いは意外な人がきっかけでした。 #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべいみー #おべない
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 皆さんの気になる声に応えます📡 今のObey Me!はサービス終了するの? 👉ご安心ください!「サービスの終了はしません」  『Obey Me! Nightbringer』はObey Me!の世界をさらに深く広げることを目標に作られたゲームになっています。 #ObeyMeNightbringer #おべない
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 Answering your questions! 📡 "Wait...Obey Me!'s shutting down?!" 👉Nope! Nah-uh! No way! Obey Me! Nightbringer was created to further develop and grow the world of Obey Me!, not replace the OG Obey Me! #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 Obey Me! Character Songs are getting remixed! 🎶 How do you think your favorite songs will be remixed? Let us know in the comments! 👂 Here's your first taste, Lucifer's Arcadia! #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer😈 Obey Me! Character Songs are getting remixed! 🎶 How do you think your favorite songs will be remixed? Let us know in the comments! 👂 Today we've got Mammon with Are You Ready? #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
😈Obey Me! Nightbringer - Story Teaser📖 The story focuses on the demon brothers' past, including Levi's encounter with Henry 1.0 🐍 Catch a glimpse of Levi and Henry in Lesson 7-17, or in The Anime S2E9 - A Friend in Need. Watch it now on DevilTube! #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
The dev team's favorite scenes from the OP - Vol. 2! "The look on their faces... What are they hiding?" 😈 "Asmo's beautiful face!!!" 💗 Which part did you like? 🎬☛ #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
オープニングムービー開発チームの好きなシーン紹介 Vol.2 それぞれに思惑ありげな悪魔7兄弟の表情😈 中でも、アスモの美しくも悪魔らしい顔がたまりません💗 皆さんのお気に入りのシーンはどこですか? 🎬☛ #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべない #おべいみー
😈 Obey Me! Nightbringer - Story Teaser 📖 I wonder how Satan reacted the first time he saw a cat...? 🐈 What was your favorite Satan and cat moment? Ours was in The Anime S2E4 - Detective Satan 2. ✨ Watch it now on DevilTube! #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
The dev team's favorite scenes from the OP - Vol. 3! "Animated Raphael! Who'd have thought we'd live to see this day!" ⚖ Which part did you like? 🎬☛ #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
Little D. No. 2: Hey everyone! Have you seen those cute emojis of me next to the hashtags?✨ #ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMe It seems like some big info'll be released if you tweet a bunch with these hashtags!