イケメン悪魔育成調教ゲーム「Obey Me!」の最新作!! 【Obey Me! Nightbringer】が事前登録を開始します! 事前登録者数に応じで素敵なプレゼントをご用意しました!🎁 ストア登録&Twitterフォローよろしくお願いします!たくさんRTしてね! #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme
📡 The opening song for #ObeyMeNightbringer, Devil's Way, will be released on March 24! / It's finally out tomorrow! 😈✨ \ We hope you'll pay special attention to the lyrics as they highlight the struggle of the boys as they turn from angels to demons. #DevilsWay
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと12日💜 ソロモン:やあ、ソロモンだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもうすんだ? もうすぐ君との刺激的な魔界生活が始まるなんて、考えただけでも楽しみだよ 📲アプリDLはここ ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382…
We're having an #ObeyMeNightbringer AMA! Directly ask the Obey Me! Team all of your burning questions💬 📅 Time: 1⃣ April 5 (Wed) 6 PM (PDT) 2⃣ April 6 (Thu) 1 AM (PDT) *1 hour each 📍 Place: reddit.com/r/Obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMeAMA
We're having an #ObeyMeNightbringer AMA! Directly ask the Obey Me! Team all of your burning questions💬 📅 Time: 1⃣ April 5 (Wed) 6 PM (PDT) 2⃣ April 6 (Thu) 1 AM (PDT) *1 hour each 📍 Place: reddit.com/r/Obeyme #ObeyMeNightbringer #ObeyMeAMA
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out! Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑 Today is Thirteen💀 Download now! 👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame #ObeyMeNB
💜 1 day left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 We'll be putting up countdown videos every day 💙 Enjoy a special message from Kazuya Yamashita, the voice of Lucifer! / Here's a message from him to the Obey Me! fans! \ #ObeyMeNightbringer
#obeymefanart #obeymemc #ObeyMeNightbringer Looking forward to Obey me! Nightbringer
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと3日💜 レヴィアタン:レヴィアタンだ!#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約、もうしたよな!? ぼく?ぼくはアニメ鑑賞徹夜明けでふと見たら終わってたんだよねー。やっぱぼくくらいになると無意識にオタクルーチンこなしちゃうのかな?ギフトってやつかもー。
💜リリースまであと12日💜 Hi! 皆様の魔界生活を応援するアシスタントAI、Karasuです。 本日よりイケメン悪魔調教ゲームObey Me!の最新作 Obey Me! Nightbringerリリースまでのカウントダウンを開始します。 👇Karasuへのファンレターはこちらまで #ObeyMeNightbringer #おべない
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out! Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑 Today is Asmodeus💗 Download now! 👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと5日💜 アスモデウス:はいはいはーい!アスモちゃんだよー!みんな愛してるー!! #ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもうすんだよね?ぼくは完璧すぎて予約しなきゃって思った時にはもうできてた!ぼくってほんと、素敵すぎる…✨
💜 2 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 We'll be putting up countdown videos every day 💛 Enjoy a special message from Hirotaka Kobayashi, the voice of Mammon! / Here's a message from him to the Obey Me! fans! \ #ObeyMeNightbringer
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと7日💜 ベルフェゴール:やあ、ベルフェゴールだよ。#ObeyMeNightbringer もう予約したの? ぼくは忘れてたけど朝起きたらできてた。レヴィかな……?
Karasu: Karasu here with more helpful information for you! I've heard the cries about not being able to proceed in Ruri★Tunes from all you denizens out there, so let me give you some advice 👏 Try to perfect a play style that works for YOU. #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp
💜 6 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 We'll be putting up countdown videos every day❤️ Enjoy a special message from Kyohei Yaguchi, the voice of Beelzebub! / Here's a message from him to the Obey Me! fans! \ #ObeyMeNightbringer
Obey Me! Nightbringer is out! Enjoy special voice messages from demons, angels, sorcerers, and more! 🐑 Today is Barbatos☕ Download now! 👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/us/app/obey-me… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame
【Obey Me! Nightbringer】のリリースまであと6日💜 ベルゼブブ:ベルゼブブだ。#ObeyMeNightbringer の予約はもうできたか? 俺は気づいたらできてた。……レヴィだろうな。 Obey Me! NightbringerのDLはここからだ🍖🍩🍗 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382…
📡 The opening song for #ObeyMeNightbringer, Devil's Way, will be released on March 24! We're releasing the jacket art for "Devil's Way" today! Check out our official website if you are interested in the designs! shallwedate.jp/obeyme-nightbr… #DevilsWay
💜 2 days left until Obey Me! Nightbringer 💜 The added BGM for #ObeyMeNightbringer was made by Hajime, who performed live at our M&G 2022 🎉 Look forward to what we have in store for you 💖 Hajime's Twitter Account: @motif1983
I love how Barbatos absolutely hates Solomon in Nightbringer🤣 巴巴托斯要不要考慮和13成立Anti-Solomon聯盟www #ObeyMeNightbringer #obeymeBarbatos
Obey Me! Nightbringerリリース記念! 悪魔や天使、魔術師、死神からスペシャルボイスが到着🐑 本日はルシファー💙 DLがまだの方はこちら👇 ◆Android play.google.com/store/apps/det… ◆iOS apps.apple.com/jp/app/id16382… #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #おべない #おべいみー
Exlusive outfits for Ruri★Tunes have arrived! Get a fresh new look with the Chess outfits! #ObeyMeNightbringer #Obeyme #obeymejp #anime #otomegame #ObeyMeNB