Under #NationalSecurityLaw in #HongKong, now even flying balloons is a crime.
4 more 🇨🇳#CCP commissars / Hong Kong officials involved in the implementation of the #NationalSecurityLaw are sanctioned by the US. in.reuters.com/article/uk-usa…
3. It casts more concerns on the city’s academic freedoms and #freespeech when #CCP members are now nominated to head #Hongkong’s university directly, let alone the chilling effects of the sweeping #NationalSecurityLaw.
Thanks @erinotoole, the leader of Canada’s Conservatives and of the Official Opposition for condemning China’s Ambassador’s threatening remarks on #HK asylum seekers and Canadians in HK & calling for Magnitsky sanctions against those responsible for imposing #NationalSecurityLaw twitter.com/erinotoole/sta…
9/24(四)William係日內瓦聯合國人權理事會嘅發言片段!(附英日字幕) 除咗香港、蒙古新疆等等被中國打壓緊人權嘅國家都好需要我地聲援架! #光復香港時代革命 #save12hkyouths #BoycottCCP #StandWithHongKong #FreeTibet #FreeUyghurs #SaveTheMongolianLanguage #NationalSecurityLaw #unhcr
【速報】たった今の国連人権理事会定期会議でウィリアムがスピーチをしました!後にこちらから字幕版を公開いたします。 #光復香港時代革命 #save12hkyouths #BoycottCCP #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtests #NationalSecurityLaw
[#AntiELAB Movement vs #UmbrellaMovement: are #HKers walking on the old path?] 1.1/ #HK's protests have indeed reduced due to the #COVID19 and the #NationalSecurityLaw. #HKGov mass arrests protestors, and crackdown on the education, mass media, medical and judicial industries.
3. Four years ago, no one would believe what had happened in #HK, with #policebrutality, arbitrary prosecution, draconian #NationalSecurityLaw, censorship, disqualification, election cancellation and media meltdown, with 9000+ #HKers arrested and 12 youths now detained in #China.
5. The implication is enormous - while investors value rule of law & judiciary independence as crucial factors for their confidence in this global city, the new interpretation on the roles of judiciary and legislature will further harm their confidence under #NationalSecurityLaw
.@chowtingagnes says she’s reporting to the #HongKongPolice again in early Dec, a day before her 24th birthday. Her wish? (After several sighs) “I hope I can [come out], spend my birthday....at home” (Re: Life as a #NationalSecurityLaw suspect in #HongKong)
[First anniversary of #831 #PrinceEdward attack] 1. In the past year, everything worsens in #HK, with a draconian #NationalSecurityLaw imposed, textbooks censored, #hkprotesters forced into exile, and the fate of 12 asylum seekers now left unknown during detention in #China.
WATCH: #HongKongPolice have warned people of violating #NationalSecurityLaw by chanting the #AntiELAB slogan, #5DemandsNot1Less. This happened in Kowloon Bay this afternoon when People Power’s Tam Tak-chi was giving out face masks there 15:25 of video: facebook.com/76706787337116…
#RTHK has pulled a TV programme from July with ex-lawmaker Nathan Law (L) @nathanlawkc in it, saying management decided the station has to be cautious becuz sources say he’s wanted on suspicion of violating #NationalSecurityLaw. RTHK Union says this is a step too far since....
#HongKong activist Agnes Chow @chowtingagnes has been released, 26 hours or so after being arrested on suspicion of violating #NationalSecurityLaw. She says passport’s been confiscated, & #HongKongPolice accused her of collusion with foreign forces on social media... 1)
#周庭氏 #アグネス @chowtingagnes に関する逮捕情報ですが、警察署に訴えている罪が「扇動分裂罪」ではなく、改めて「外国勢力と結託して国家安全に危害を加えた疑いがあるとしている」と言われている。 #policebrutality #NationalSecurityLaw #国安法
@SecPompeo @JimmyLaiApple Apple Daily @appledaily_hk is the only newspaper in Hong Kong not controlled by 🇨🇳#CCP, the last bastion of press freedom in Hong Kong. This was the newspaper headlines in Hong Kong when #NationalSecurityLaw comes into effect on 2020-07-01.
Today's arrests have confirmed our gravest fears about how the #NationalSecurityLaw will be used to silence the press and deny fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong. twitter.com/hkfp/status/12…
【速報】香港警察、現在解散した政治団体香港衆志(デモシスト)メンバー周庭(アグネス・チャウ)を逮捕した。 #NationalSecurityLaw
3. Using its sweeping powers under #NationalSecurityLaw, #China now extends its reach to #HK media by clamping down on critical voices on media, halting flow of information to international audiences and turning the city's media outlets into state-controlled propaganda apparatus.
#HongKongPolice block #RTHK from reporting at Apple Daily @appledaily_hk headquarters, including police’s briefing, saying “only those who’ve not been obstructing police in the past are invited” #HongKong #PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw Watch: facebook.com/watch/?v=34077…
#HongKongPolice searching the Apple Daily newsroom in Tseung Kwan O. Credit: Next Media staffer #HongKong #PressFreedom #NationalSecurityLaw twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…
Footage from TVB shows scores of #HongKongPolice officers raid the offices of Apple Daily @appledaily_hk in Tseung Kwan O, following arrests of founder Jimmy Lai & several senior executives of the paper, at least some over #NSL #PressFreedom #HongKong #NationalSecurityLaw
#HongKongPolice have confirmed that 7 are arrested, age 39-72. They are accused of colluding with foreign forces and fraud. More arrests could be coming as the force say the operation is ongoing #NationalSecurityLaw #PressFreedom #HongKong #NSL #HK twitter.com/damon_pang/sta…