2022's last #MannKiBaat will take place on the 25th of this month. I am eager to receive your inputs for the programme. I urge you to write on the NaMo App, MyGov or record your message on 1800-11-7800. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
Outstanding! Seeing your rigorous effort, I got an idea- why not share a similar presentation with a series of inputs or themes that can be discussed in the coming #MannKiBaat editions? I would eagerly await such contributions on the NaMo App... twitter.com/clarkprasad/st…
Tune in at 11 AM today. #MannKiBaat
Our Nari Shakti is at the forefront of helping others. Sireesha Ji is a loco pilot who has operated an all-woman Oxygen Special train. Among other things, she highlights the motivation she received from her parents to help others. #MannKiBaat
I invite you all to tune-in to this month's #MannKiBaat tomorrow, 31st July at 11 AM. Also sharing a booklet covering the interesting topics from last month such as India's strides in space, glory on the sports field, Rath Yatra and more. davp.nic.in/ebook/mkb_june…
During the various #MannKiBaat episodes, we have showcased different aspects of women empowerment and highlighted the life journeys of inspiring women who have brought grassroot level changes. Here is a video that highlights how ‘Mann Ki Baat’ has celebrated our Nari Shakti….
Tune in at 11 AM for #MannKiBaat August 2022!
Festive season is here…don’t forget to go ‘Vocal for Local’ and support Indian artisans, craftspeople and entrepreneurs. #MannKiBaat
A few days ago I had the opportunity of meeting my friend, former Kenyan PM Mr. @RailaOdinga. Here is why our interaction was memorable. #MannKiBaat
Tune in at 11 AM. #MannKiBaat
At a time when everybody wants to run away from Coronavirus, our lab technicians do not have that luxury. In the last one year, these lab technicians have strengthened our testing apparatus. Spoke to Prakash Kandpal Ji, a senior lab technician during #MannKiBaat.
National Science Day greetings to all scientists and science enthusiasts. Let us reaffirm our commitment towards fulfilling our collective scientific responsibility and leveraging the power of science for human progress. Here is what I had said during #MannKiBaat yesterday.
Life is all about innovation and learning new things. In that spirit, our farmers are making commendable efforts to further honey bee farming. #MannKiBaat
On Doctors Day, my greetings to all doctors. India's strides in the world of medicine are commendable and have contributed to making our planet healthier. Here is what I said during #MannKiBaat a few days ago.
Group Captain Varun Singh, who was on board the helicopter that crashed in Tamil Nadu, wrote an inspiring letter to his school. This letter has a very motivating message for students, parents and teachers. #MannKiBaat
Bhagwan Birsa Munda taught us how to live in harmony with our surroundings and be proud of our culture. Inspired by him, we are working to fulfil his dreams and to empower our tribal communities. #MannKiBaat
Do join this month’s #MannKiBaat, which begins at 11 AM today. It is always a delight to showcase the life journey of exceptional people who are transforming the lives of others and highlight the views of our citizens on a wide range of subjects.
During one of the #MannKiBaat episodes, had also highlighted the greatness of Sri Aurobindo’s thoughts and what they teach us about self-reliance and learning.
Here is how India will pay tributes to Shaheed Bhagat Singh. #MannKiBaat
Through #MannKiBaat we celebrate the extraordinary feats of grassroots level change-makers. Do you know of such inspiring life journeys? Share them for this month’s programme on the 24th. Write on MyGov, NaMo App or dial 1800-11-7800 to record a message. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
During this month’s #MannKiBaat, we covered diverse topics ranging from India’s strides in space, collective efforts towards ‘waste to wealth’, accomplishments of our athletes and more. The NaMo App has a Quiz based on the episode. Do take part in it...
Tune in for the first #MannKiBaat of 2023 at 11 AM.
गतेषु वर्षेषु युवानः संस्कृतप्रचारे अग्रेसराः सन्ति। अगस्त २०२१ #MannKiBaat मध्ये अहम् एतादृशानां प्रयत्नानां प्रशंसां कृतवान्। आशासे यत् आगामिकाले अपि अस्माकं युवानः संस्कृते रुचिं दर्शयेयुः।
Here is an interesting magazine on last month’s #MannKiBaat in which we discussed diverse topics like India’s exports jump, Ayurveda start-ups, water conservation and traditional fairs. Do join the next episode on the 24th. davp.nic.in/ebook/mib/Mann…
Have you taken part in the #MannKiBaat quiz based on today’s episode?