Dear #ExamWarriors, #PPC2021 is back and so is the latest edition of the @examwarriors book. Together, let us make exams stress free! #MannKiBaat
Group Captain Patnaik, like several other colleagues of the Air Force, has been busy with sorties to boost oxygen supply. He shares his experience of the last few weeks. I also had a wonderful interaction with his daughter Aditi. #MannKiBaat
The culture of Nagaland is vibrant and special. Here is how the Lidi Kro-U Society is making a commendable effort to preserve and celebrate aspects of the glorious Nagaland culture. #MannKiBaat
पुरी के राहुल महाराणा जी और नासिक के चंद्रकिशोर जी दो ऐसे स्वच्छाग्रही हैं, जिन्होंने स्वच्छता को लेकर देशवासियों के सामने एक मिसाल पेश की है। #MannKiBaat
हमारे किसान इन दिनों शहद के उत्पादन में कमाल कर रहे हैं। शहद की मिठास उनका जीवन बदलने के साथ ही आय भी बढ़ा रही है। देखिए हमारे कुछ साथी अन्नदाताओं के परिश्रम की कहानी… #MannKiBaat
In one of the previous #MannKiBaat programmes, we had discussed aspects relating to making India a powerhouse of toy manufacturing. I’m glad to share that thanks to our citizens, this vision is being realised.
Dinesh Upadhyay Ji belongs to Jaunpur, UP. He has been driving a truck for years but in the time of COVID-19 he has been transporting oxygen to various parts. He has not met his family for months but says he feels more satisfied when those in need get oxygen. #MannKiBaat
The entire nation is inspired by Swami Sivananda Ji. His life and exemplary work gives important lessons in health and fitness. #MannKiBaat
This month’s #MannKiBaat programme will take place on the 27th. Like always, I am eager to get your suggestions for the same. Write them on MyGov, the NaMo App or dial 1800-11-7800 and record your message. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
Highlighted two exemplary initiatives, one linked with Siachen and the other in Uttar Pradesh, which are aimed at empowering persons with disabilities. #MannKiBaat
In the recent #MannKiBaat programme, we covered topics ranging from wildlife to the environment and from culture to India’s rich history. There’s an interesting quiz on the NaMo App which I urge you all to take part in.
Guided by this year’s theme of ‘Yoga for Humanity’, let us mark Yoga Day 2022 with great enthusiasm! #MannKiBaat
Snow sports and more…news from Jammu and Kashmir which will bring a smile on your face. #MannKiBaat
2022's first #MannKiBaat will take place at 11:30 AM today. Do tune in.
An idea for the upcoming festive season. #MannKiBaat
आत्मनिर्भरता की पहली शर्त है- अपने देश की चीजों पर गर्व होना। जब प्रत्येक देशवासी इससे जुड़ता है, तो ‘आत्मनिर्भर भारत’ सिर्फ एक आर्थिक अभियान न रहकर एक National Spirit बन जाता है। देशभर में ऐसे कई उदाहरण हैं, जहां लोग इस अभियान में अपना योगदान दे रहे हैं। #MannKiBaat
Greetings on the special day of Rath Yatra. We pray to Lord Jagannath for his constant blessings. May we all be blessed with good health and happiness. Sharing what I had spoken about the Rath Yatra and the importance of a Yatra in our culture during the recent #MannKiBaat.
During today’s #MannKiBaat discussed a special effort that celebrates India’s herbal diversity.
India’s successes at the Tokyo Olympics would have made Major Dhyan Chand Ji very happy. This is the best time to look ahead and strengthen the sporting culture in India. #MannKiBaat
I would like to laud all IITs for a unique effort to enhance research and innovation. I also hope other universities and institutions follow this practice. #MannKiBaat
A laudatory effort from Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli which shows the power of human compassion. #MannKiBaat
Encouraging trend...let us keep at it and eliminate Kala Azar. Also sharing what I had spoken on this subject during last month's #MannKiBaat. youtube.com/watch?v=Le5hg0… twitter.com/mansukhmandviy…
During #MannKiBaat, paid tributes to Mahatma Phule, Savitribai Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and recalled their contributions to our society.
This rendition of Vande Mataram by students in Greece will make you very happy and proud. #MannKiBaat
राजस्थान के उदयपुर में कूड़े–कचरे के ढेर में तब्दील हो गई सैकड़ों साल पुरानी एक बावड़ी का कुछ युवाओं ने न सिर्फ कायाकल्प कर दिखाया है, बल्कि उसे संगीत के सुर और तान से भी जोड़ दिया है। आज दुनियाभर में इस बदलाव की चर्चा है। #MannKiBaat