Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. Tune in! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Let us reiterate our commitment to #ShareFactsOnDrugs and realise our vision of a Drugs Free India. Remember- addiction is neither cool nor a style statement. Sharing an old #MannKiBaat episode which contained many aspects of overcoming the drugs menace. youtube.com/watch?v=dWIGbp…
On #EngineersDay, we remember the pathbreaking contribution of Sir M. Visvesvaraya. May he keep inspiring generations of future engineers to distinguish themselves. I am also sharing a snippet from one of the previous #MannKiBaat programmes where I talked about this subject.
I’ve been getting numerous inputs for the #MannKiBaat programme next week. Happy to see youngsters share their views in large numbers. Here is a booklet on last month’s episode containing interesting articles on the topics discussed. davp.nic.in/ebook/mkbhin20…
Tune in today at 11 AM. #MannKiBaat
I invite you all to share your inputs for this month’s #MannKiBaat, which will take place on the 29th. I look forward to your comments on the NaMo App and MyGov. You can also record your message on 1800-11-7800. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
28th March...this year’s third #MannKiBaat and yet another opportunity to highlight interesting topics, and inspiring life journeys from across India. Post your views on MyGov or the NaMo App, or record your message. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
#MannKiBaat is enriched by diverse inputs and inspiring collective efforts across India which have brought positive changes in our society. Like always, I look forward to receiving your inputs for this month's episode which will take place on the 25th. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
Do have a look at this e-book containing interesting write-ups on topics covered during last month’s #MannKiBaat such as India’s G-20 Presidency, our continued strides in space, rise in exports of musical instruments and more. davp.nic.in/ebook/e_nov/in… davp.nic.in/ebook/h_nov/in…
Tune in tomorrow at 11 AM. #MannKiBaat
I look forward to receiving your insightful ideas and suggestions for this month’s #MannKiBaat, which will take place on the 27th. Share them on MyGov, the NaMo App or record your message by dialling 1800-11-7800. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
आज सूर्य उपासना का महापर्व छठ मनाया जा रहा है। यह परंपरा इस बात का प्रमाण है कि हमारी संस्कृति और आस्था का प्रकृति से कितना जुड़ाव है। मेरी प्रार्थना है कि छठी मइया सबकी समृद्धि और सबके कल्याण का आशीर्वाद दें। #MannKiBaat
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. It is a great medium to connect with the citizens. Do tune in! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Sharing the first #MannKiBaat of 2023. Do tune in! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Tune in at 11 AM tomorrow. #MannKiBaat
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. Tune in. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Which are the topics that interest you? Would you like them to be featured in this month’s #MannKiBaat? Share them on the NaMo App or MyGov. You could also record a message by dialling 1800-11-7800. mygov.in/group-issue/in…
Tune in to #MannKiBaat February 2022. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Here is a concise booklet that showcases the interesting aspects of last month’s #MannKiBaat episode including interviews with some of those who were featured. Looking forward to your joining this month’s programme at 11 AM on the 27th. davp.nic.in/ebook/mib/mann…
Sharing this month's #MannKiBaat. Do tune in! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Tune in to #MannKiBaat November 2021. twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
I call upon more start-ups to focus on Ayush related themes. To those who are already in this field, I assure continuous support. I also request them to put content in all UN recognised languages to ensure maximum reach. #MannKiBaat @moayush
We are covering diverse topics in this month's #MannKiBaat which will interest you. Do hear! twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1…
Looking forward to ideas and inputs for the upcoming #MannKiBaat programme on 28th August. Write on MyGov or the NaMo App. Alternatively, record a message by dialling 1800-11-7800. mygov.in/group-issue/in…