'When you're alone and life is making you lonely You can always go...' Watch the first trailer for my new film: #LastNightInSoho. Can’t wait for you to see it in cinemas this October.
I've been dreaming of this film for a while, but soon will be the time for it to haunt you too. I'll see you in the dark of the cinema this October for #LastNightInSoho.
Here it is! A new trailer for my movie #LastNightInSoho. However, if you are already sold and would prefer to know NOTHING more of the secrets within, then avert your eyes now... Otherwise, please enjoy! Either way, I’ll see you in the dark of the cinema on October 29th x
What happened... #LastNightInSoho?
Love this new official #LastNightInSoho poster by artist James Paterson, look out for it in @vuecinemas in the UK.
WORLD PREMIERE! Miss Anya Taylor-Joy performs “Downtown (Downtempo)” from the #LastNightInSoho soundtrack. Get the single now, and pre-order the soundtrack, available this Friday. ffm.bio/focusfeatures
It only takes one night to change your world... #LastNightInSoho
Dreams really do come true... #LastNightInSoho
I'm incredibly honoured that #LastNightInSoho has been chosen to have its World Premiere at this year's Venice Film Festival. It's very exciting for me show a film of mine in Venice for the first time... and bring Soho to the Lido. #Venezia78 #BiennaleCinema2021 #BiennaleCinema
weekend-cinema.com/19206/ 嬉しいお仕事させていただきました。 ずーーーっと待ち遠しかったエドガー・ライト監督作品。 私からのおすすめ一才情報みないで映画館行ってほしいです。 #ラストナイトインソーホー #LastNightInSoho
Need a 60's playlist as you wait for #LastNightInSoho? My SOHO NIGHTS playlist is now live, featuring 60 UK songs from the 60’s that inspired me while writing the movie. As you get ready to travel back in time with us on October 29th, please enjoy x backlotmusic.ffm.to/sohonights
Meet the characters of #LastNightInSoho
About to call Tokyo soon to do a #LastNightInSoho Q&A with this legend…
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments on #LastNightInSoho. As a treat, enjoy some more Greg Williams photos from the set…
Check out these amazing #LastNightInSoho Japanese posters by @nekonoboris and @oshimaidea. Love them!
"Last night, I had a dream"… One final trailer for #LastNightInSoho. Can't wait for you to see the film in UK cinemas October 29th..x
A murder in the past, a mystery in the future. Here are the UK posters for #LastNightInSoho. Only in Cinemas October 29th... Can't wait to you to see it. Lastnightinsohodates.com
日本でも12月に公開するエドガーライト監督の新作サイコホラー #LastNightInSoho の主演の2人最高すぎる🎬孤独な少女が夢の中でタイムリープし、魅力的な女性とシンクロする。夢での体験は現実にも影響を与え始め、現実の人生もうまくいき始めるが、タイムリープの代償は恐ろしいものだった……
In case you hadn't realised, yes, Michael Ajao who stars in #LastNightInSoho played the part of Mayhem in #AttackTheBlock ten years ago. Believe! x
アニャテイラージョイ、声まで美しいなんて、どこまで才能がある人なんだ…。たまらなく美しい歌声。#LastNightInSoho で歌を披露してるシーンは圧巻だった。女神を目撃した。
October 29th… #LastNightInSoho
今回はなんども描き直しをくりかえし…消えて行ったサンディが何人もいます。素晴らしい映画だけに妥協したくないということで大島さんや配給さんにたくさんご迷惑おかけしました 日本でも公開始まりましたので是非観に行ってほしい 女優ふたりはもちろん男性陣も最高なんです #LastNightInSoho twitter.com/edgarwright/st…
Well, this is just fucking cool. The @EmpireCinemas Haymarket, the very cinema in #LastNightInSoho, is playing it right now. Thanks to the amazing @tomjr1998 for these. I will intro the 8.15pm Saturday show tomorrow night! See you there x
Fab #LastNightInSoho art by IG account Suspirialand. Love it. I feel some of these pieces would be the perfect paperback novelisation cover. Beautiful illustrations all.