Couldn’t leave Los Angeles without introducing #LastNightInSoho on 35mm at the magnificent @newbeverly. Love you guys. #alwaysonfilm
Loving all the #LastNightInSoho posters all over London. Not to mention the LED bus adverts!
Indiewire asked me to write about the 60's films that inspired me while making #LastNightInSoho and I obliged. So if you enjoyed the movie, here's some further reading: 25 Films from the 1960s That Inspired ‘Last Night in Soho': Exclusive indiewire.com/gallery/last-n… via @IndieWire
Well, this is just fucking cool. The @EmpireCinemas Haymarket, the very cinema in #LastNightInSoho, is playing it right now. Thanks to the amazing @tomjr1998 for these. I will intro the 8.15pm Saturday show tomorrow night! See you there x
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments on #LastNightInSoho. As a treat, enjoy some more Greg Williams photos from the set…
Behold! The amazing compilation soundtrack to #LastNightInSoho, chock full of 60's hits, Anya Taylor-Joy covers, a @SteveBPrice score suite and one slice of 80's goth magnificence is OUT NOW. backlotmusic.ffm.to/lastnightinsoh…
Here is the very song I named #LastNightInSoho after by (memorise it) Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich. Written by Ken Howard and Alan Blaikley, it was their last top 10 hit of the 60's. I owe Allison Anders & Quentin Tarantino for putting me onto this total gem. Thank you all.
Love this fan poster for #LastNightInSoho by @SapienzaDesigns. Just gorgeous. Available to buy on his account.
If you haven't seen #LastNightInSoho yet or don't want to know how we conjured up some movie magic, then DON'T watch this 'Anatomy Of A Scene' I did for @mekadomurphy at @nytimes. If you do, sneak a look at some wizardry from my hardworking cast & crew... nytimes.com/video/movies/1…
#LastNightInSoho is showing on big screens all over the world. I hope you get a chance to see it. Enjoy the trip x
#LastNightInSoho continues to open in cinemas around the world… this week in Spain, Brazil, Australia, Argentina and Trinidad. I hope you get a chance to experience it on the big screen. Enjoy the trip x
weekend-cinema.com/19206/ 嬉しいお仕事させていただきました。 ずーーーっと待ち遠しかったエドガー・ライト監督作品。 私からのおすすめ一才情報みないで映画館行ってほしいです。 #ラストナイトインソーホー #LastNightInSoho
Check out these amazing #LastNightInSoho Japanese posters by @nekonoboris and @oshimaidea. Love them!
About to call Tokyo soon to do a #LastNightInSoho Q&A with this legend…
Thanks to all who came to the Tokyo event to celebrate the Japanese release in Japan of #LastNightInSoho on 12/10. And not least to the great @HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN, Neru Nagahama (@neru_and_staff), Layla Okuhama & Yoshiko Okura for hosting. Wish I had been there too. Miss you, Tokyo.
Fab #LastNightInSoho art by IG account Suspirialand. Love it. I feel some of these pieces would be the perfect paperback novelisation cover. Beautiful illustrations all.
A countdown to the Japanese release of #LastNightInSoho tomorrow by the amazing @_comaco. Love these.
To celebrate the release of Last Night in Soho in Japan, I made a fan art that looks like an old Japanese movie poster. It's really a great movie! Thank you, Edgar Wright. @edgarwright #LastNightInSoho #edgarwright #anyataylorjoy #thomasinmckenzie #mattsmith
今回はなんども描き直しをくりかえし…消えて行ったサンディが何人もいます。素晴らしい映画だけに妥協したくないということで大島さんや配給さんにたくさんご迷惑おかけしました 日本でも公開始まりましたので是非観に行ってほしい 女優ふたりはもちろん男性陣も最高なんです #LastNightInSoho twitter.com/edgarwright/st…
Thrilled to announce that you can own #LastNightInSoho starring Thomasin McKenzie and Anya Taylor-Joy, with deleted scenes, behind-the-scenes content & commentary, from Jan 4th on Digital and Jan 18th on Blu-ray. Check your favourite retailer for more details. Do hope you enjoy!
DON'T LOOK NOW if you haven't seen #LastNightInSoho yet, but as an end of 2021 treat & taster of making of content to come, let me highlight the amazing VFX work by Tom Proctor & the wizards at @dneg. As you can see, it's a devious mix of in-camera magic & digital sorcery. Enjoy.