私が感情に訴えかけない発信力の無さと  私の人徳不足でヘルソン支援への寄付金がほぼ集まりません。100万円にも満たないです。活動費が全く足りず、日本の皆さんお助けくださいませ。 #ヘルソン支援 #Kherson #ウスミシュカキャラバン #Херсон
🇺🇦ヘルソン 問い合わせが多くあるのですが日本からの生活物資や食べ物は個人レベルでは不要です。食べ慣れた物が良いです。生活物資は現地に沢山あります。遠方からの物資は要りません。特に日本からの物資は必要としていません。 #ヘルソン支援 #Kherson #ウスミシュカキャラバン #Херсон
🇺🇦ヘルソン 孤島中間点 水陸両用車SHERP到着🌟素敵すぎる働く車であり カッコいい救助隊🐹⚡️ #Хелсоне #Kherson #ウスミシュカキャラバン #SHERP
Putin's purges, genocide, and relocation of civilians to concentration camps happened in occupied #Kherson as warned during the planning phase in March of 2022 by #WindofChange in the #FSBletters. Evidence collected post-liberation appears to confirm the veracity of that letter. twitter.com/visegrad24/sta…
Last spring a six-year-old Maryna from #Kherson region lost her leg as a result of🇷🇺aggression. She became the first child with a leg amputation due to a war injury to get a prosthetic leg in 🇺🇦. After 10 months of rehabilitation, Maryna can walk again. #RussiaIsATerroistState
🚨 20 torture prisons set up by #Russia identified in liberated #Kherson by #Ukraine's prosecutors after interviewing over 1,000 survivors who had been imprisoned. Still unknown how many Ukrainians were executed by Putin's fascist regime. storage.googleapis.com/istories/news/…
🚨 Yesterday, #Russia attacked Turkish cargo ship "Tuzla" at the port of #Kherson. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
#Kherson today: shelling around the clock. "Every day, every hour, Russian forces shell us." "A clinic, a maternity ward, a school, damaged." "They are liberating us from life." 📹 @ZarinaZabrisky
#Russian occupiers strike perinatal center in #Kherson. A powerful blast wave broke the windows in the children's ward. One woman, a staff member at the center, was injured. 🇷🇺 war criminals must be held accountable for their crimes & suffering caused to 🇺🇦.
Today, a 20-year-old young man was killed by 🇷🇺 shelling of #Kherson. The city lives under constant attacks. The occupiers can’t cope with their defeat, so they resort to terror. Delivery of artillery, air defense systems and tanks is the only way to stop it. Photo: @Liberov
Minister Wu signed MOUs with #Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov, #Mykolaiv Mayor Oleksandr Syenkevych & @ICUVua Chair @HopkoHanna on behalf of the leadership in #Kherson to donate US$2 million to front-line #Ukraine🇺🇦 cities. It’s #Taiwan’s🇹🇼 honor to #StandWithUkraine!
Following #russian shelling on New Year's eve Yaroslav, 13, from #Kherson region, was taken to intensive care unit of the clinical hospital,where doctors fought 4 his life. Later on,the hospital came under fire. What did this boy do to🇷🇺invaders that they tried to kill him twice?
Family in liberated #Kherson on FaceTime with relatives in still-occupied part of the region where there is no access to Ukrainian news, sharing President #Zelensky impassioned #NewYear address to the nation. Please watch & share this historic & inspirational address. ❤️‍🔥
Giving birth under shelling. #russian terrorists shelled maternity hospital in #Kherson. One of the babies there was born right before the attack. #StandWithUkraine
#CHRISTMAS: People in #Kherson are spending their day donating blood. The recently liberated city was shelled by Russian fascists yesterday, resulting in 16 deaths and 64 injured. #Ukraine's spirit will not be broken.
Terrible morning in #Kherson. #russian terrorists shelled city centre, killing at least 8 people. 35 people are badly wounded. This is nothing but weakness and intimidation, as invaders understand they are losing. The only proper response is to #ArmUkraineNow &punish #russia.
Concealed explosive traps planted by the Russian fascists in residential homes continue to be found in liberated #Kherson. War crimes.
Russia kidnapped 46 Ukrainian children from an orphanage in #Kherson last month as the Russians retreated from the city. All 46 kidnapped orphans are under the age of 5. - Kherson Governor, Yaroslav Yanushevich.
Ukrainian girl deported by Putin's fascist regime from #Kherson to occupied #Crimea is being attacked at school for refusing to stand & sing the Russian national anthem and for making a drawing with words "Glory to Ukraine" (#SlavaUkraïni).
Putin's fascist regime burned bodies, including bodies of Russian soldiers, at a landfill in the occupied #Kherson before it was liberated earlier this month. theguardian.com/world/2022/nov…
🇺🇦flag was officially raised in #Kherson this week. We are very touched by your letters sent after the liberation of the city! #united24 has the best donors in the world! Send us your stories and letters to help@u24.gov.ua or in response to our weekly digest.
The first Train to Victory has arrived in #Kherson. Watch people welcome it with flowers and🇺🇦flags. Today, many of them will hug their loved ones for the first time, since February 24. #united24
#Ukraine: Touching images from liberated #Kherson after 300,000 residents suffered the most unspeakable war crimes & terrorism under fascist Putin's occupation. Expect to hear confirmation that well over 100,000 civilians including many women & children are missing.
🚨 Putin's regime kidnapped approximately 2,500 people in #Kherson during the retreat. According to #Osechkin's sources, in Russia's Vladimir region, all prisoners in Penal Colony #5 were moved to #2, and all hostages from Kherson will be held in #5.
Guys, size doesn't matter... 🇺🇦Unless you're in #Kherson #Ukraine 😉❤️