I am pleased to announce the launch of a practical #NFT for the club from #DMCC, a Japanese startup project that operates the world's first #Metaverse Club. I @HARA_JasmyCFO am also participating in this project as an advisor. Congrats! #Jasmy #Jasmy #Metaverse twitter.com/Discoverfeedne…
In partnership with @sym101_JP, we #Jasmy will launch a point rally service, the first of a series of fun token projects aimed at regional development. We are pleased to announce that the website is now open. #Fantoken #Jasmy #サガン鳥栖 #松木里菜 en-chant.jp/team/2054/proj…
We #Jasmy report integration with @NOWPayments_io , Widest Range of Crypto Payment Tools and Plugins platform. We are moving forward to expand many more utilities in the future! #IR #Jasmy #NOWpayments twitter.com/NOWPayments_io…
#JASMY-USDT trading pairs is now in full-trading mode on @CoinbaseExch, #CoinbasePro and Advanced Trade. Limit, market and stop orders are all now available. #Jasmy #Coinbase #us #ir twitter.com/CoinbaseExch/s…
#Jasmy's article "Securing 'Trust' in Digital Space with Blockchain" was published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun. nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO… #PR #日経電子版 #Jasmy #Jasmy
#Jasmy's article "Securing 'Trust' in Digital Space with Blockchain" was published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun. nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO… #PR #日経電子版 #Jasmy #Jasmy
We #Jasmy are very pleased to join @travalacom platform. We hope that our partnership with big travel sites like Booking.com will make #JASMY widely available to many more users! #IR twitter.com/travalacom/sta…
ブロックチェーン普及の突破口になるか!? ジャスミーが目指す「インテル式」の市場開拓 A Breakthrough in Blockchain Penetration? Jasmy aims to develop an "Intel-style" market weeklybcn.com/journal/featur… #Jasmy #Jasmy #PR #BCNnews
In collaboration with #Bitget, #Jasmy is starting an AMA. #IR #PR #Jasmy twitter.com/bitgetglobal/s…
The application period for #Jasmy Find Happiness Project Phase3 is in 5 days. 最大10万ポイントが当たる幸福発見PJの投稿募集中です jasmy.co.jp/thankfulness/p…
The Happiness Discovery Project phase 3 of the Demonstration Experiment, is now open for applications. We would like to demonstrate the nature of fun tokens: from supporting others to converting that support into value. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #Jasmy #PR #happiness #AI
Jasmy Secure PC", a robust security system using orijinal blockchain, and "AKASHI", a cloud-based attendance management system by Sony Biz Networks Corporation, begin working together. #IR #Sony #Jasmy #Jasmy #akashi #IoT prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
Jasmy Secure PC is versioned up now. #PR #Jasmy #Jasmy #IoT prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
With this agreement, we will sell #AVITA brand PCs equipped with #JASMY SecurePC to the Asian region. This is the first of several measures to expand Jasmy's international BC network. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #IoT #laptops #IR
#Jasmy がスポンサーとなった #サガン鳥栖 試合観戦チケット🎟️※先ほどの内容に不備があったため既にRT頂いた方に関しましてはお手数ですが改めてRTをお願い致します 📅2022/11/5(土) 14:00 🆚#サンフレッチェ広島 🏟️駅前不動産スタジアム 〈条件〉フォロー&RT🔥 ✅締切11/2 12:00 ✅当選連絡→DM📨
#Jasmy president Sato appeared on #RKB's Professor Z to talk to Generation Z about the new possibilities of data. #Jasmy #HKT48 #SKE48 youtube.com/watch?v=z_P-eF…
【プレゼント企画🎁】 #Jasmy がスポンサーとなった #サガン鳥栖 試合観戦チケットをプレゼント🎟️ 📅2022/10/01(土) 15:00 🆚#京都サンガFC 🏟️駅前不動産スタジアム 〈参加方法〉 フォロー&RT🔥 〈発表〉#抽選  ✅締切→09/28 12:00 ✅発表→09/28 DMで送付 当選者にはDMでご連絡します📨
【プレゼント企画🎁】 #Jasmy がスポンサーとなった #サガン鳥栖 試合観戦チケットをプレゼント🎟️ 📅2022/09/16(金) 19:00 🆚#鹿島アントラーズ 🏟️駅前不動産スタジアム 〈参加方法〉 フォロー&RT🔥 〈発表〉#抽選  ✅締切→09/13 12:00 ✅発表→09/13 DMで送付 当選者にはDMでご連絡します📨
Pre-registration #JASMY fun-token are getting closer to going on sale. This time, #Jasmy is developing an application for iOS/Android. It converts the fan's passionate use of support into data value. Interact with your team while you're active! jasmy.co.jp/sagan-tosu/ #サガン鳥栖
Conversation article in Aera, vol. 3 The transformation of the digital society changes every day, what are the possibilities of blockchain? #50weeksPR #アエラ #AERAdot #Jasmy #Jasmy dot.asahi.com/brandstory/220…
【プレゼント企画🎁】 #Jasmy がスポンサーとなった #サガン鳥栖 試合観戦チケットをプレゼント🎟️ 📅2022/08/26(金) 19:00 🆚#アビスパ福岡 🏟️駅前不動産スタジアム 〈参加方法〉 フォロー&RT🔥 〈発表〉#抽選  ✅締切→08/23 12:00 ✅発表→08/23 DMで送付 当選者にはDMでご連絡いたします📨
#JASMY-#USDT trading pairs will now enter auction mode on @CoinbaseExch #50weeksIR #Jasmy twitter.com/CoinbaseExch/s…
【プレゼント企画🎁】 #Jasmy がスポンサーとなった #サガン鳥栖 試合観戦チケットをプレゼント🎟️ 📅2022/08/14(日) 19:00 🆚#名古屋グランパス 🏟️駅前不動産スタジアム 〈参加方法〉 フォロー&RT🔥 〈発表〉#抽選  ✅締切→08/09 12:00 ✅発表→08/09 DMで送付 当選者にはDMでご連絡します📨
#Jasmy will begin joint development of a cell culture system with BIOMEDICA SOLUTION. We will further enhance and utilize our personal data locker in terms of safeguarding and effectively using the most core information of cells. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #50weeksIR