/ 日本初! #Jasmy 取扱い記念 第3弾 - 1 \ フォロー&RTで、抽選25名様に1万円相当の #JMY が当たる! ▼応募方法 ① @BITPointJP をフォロー ②この投稿をRT 〆切11/2迄 ▼詳細 bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/… ログイン・入金・購入・保有で参加できるキャンペーンも開催! bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/…
/ 日本初! #Jasmy 取扱い記念 第3弾 - 3 \ フォロー&RTで、抽選25名様に1万円相当の #JMY が当たる! ▼応募方法 ① @BITPointJP をフォロー ②この投稿をRT 〆切11/18迄 ▼詳細 bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/… 今なら開設でもれなく3,000円もらえるキャンペーンも開催中! bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/…
/ 日本初! #Jasmy 取扱い記念 第3弾 - 4 \ フォロー&RTで、抽選25名様に1万円相当の #JMY が当たる! ▼応募方法 ① @BITPointJP をフォロー ②この投稿をRT 〆切11/26迄 ▼詳細 bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/… 12,500円相当のJMYまでは必ずもらえるキャンペーンも開催中! bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/…
/ 日本初! #Jasmy 取扱い記念 第3弾 - 2 \ フォロー&RTで、抽選25名様に1万円相当の #JMY が当たる! ▼応募方法 ① @BITPointJP をフォロー ②この投稿をRT 〆切11/10迄 ▼詳細 bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/… 年率100%の貸して増やすキャンペーンも開催中! bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/…
With this agreement, we will sell #AVITA brand PCs equipped with #JASMY SecurePC to the Asian region. This is the first of several measures to expand Jasmy's international BC network. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #IoT #laptops #IR
Jasmy Secure PC", a robust security system using orijinal blockchain, and "AKASHI", a cloud-based attendance management system by Sony Biz Networks Corporation, begin working together. #IR #Sony #Jasmy #Jasmy #akashi #IoT prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
#Jasmy launches laptop with Secure PC service as a "Device as a Service" with #VAIO. #50weeksIR #Jasmy #DaaS prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
We took a Twitter break last week. I will start posting again this week. We have two AMAs scheduled immediately in US, one tied to an exchange, and the other focusing on Web 3.0 security. Please stay tuned! #50weeksIR #Jasmy #Jasmy
The Happiness Discovery Project phase 3 of the Demonstration Experiment, is now open for applications. We would like to demonstrate the nature of fun tokens: from supporting others to converting that support into value. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #Jasmy #PR #happiness #AI
#Jasmy will begin joint development of a cell culture system with BIOMEDICA SOLUTION. We will further enhance and utilize our personal data locker in terms of safeguarding and effectively using the most core information of cells. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #50weeksIR
We #Jasmy are very pleased to join @travalacom platform. We hope that our partnership with big travel sites like Booking.com will make #JASMY widely available to many more users! #IR twitter.com/travalacom/sta…
First our initiative, #Transcosmos to deploy 1000 #Jasmy #securePC by the end of 2022. #Jasmy's high technology is key to the deployment of Japan's largest call center to home. #50weeksIR #nikkei special.nikkeibp.co.jp/atclh/NXT/22/j…
#Jasmy's article "Securing 'Trust' in Digital Space with Blockchain" was published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun. nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO… #PR #日経電子版 #Jasmy #Jasmy
#Jasmy's article "Securing 'Trust' in Digital Space with Blockchain" was published in Nihon Keizai Shimbun. nikkei.com/article/DGXZQO… #PR #日経電子版 #Jasmy #Jasmy
We #Jasmy report integration with @NOWPayments_io , Widest Range of Crypto Payment Tools and Plugins platform. We are moving forward to expand many more utilities in the future! #IR #Jasmy #NOWpayments twitter.com/NOWPayments_io…
Jasmy Secure PC is versioned up now. #PR #Jasmy #Jasmy #IoT prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
We have updated technical information on the #Jasmy Global website, including #Jasmy Blockchain's Transaction. We will continue to compare our Targets to where we are now. jasmy.global
/ 日本初! #Jasmy 取扱い記念 第1弾 \ #ビットポイント が国内初 #JMY 取扱い #キャンペーン を開催🎉 🎁JMYが必ずもらえる ・ログインで500円相当 ・1万円入金で2,000円相当 ・JMY購入金額の10%(※上限1万円相当) 🎁さらに抽選で ・JMY保有で5万円相当のJMYが当たる bitpoint.co.jp/news/campaign/…
The application period for #Jasmy Find Happiness Project Phase3 is in 5 days. 最大10万ポイントが当たる幸福発見PJの投稿募集中です jasmy.co.jp/thankfulness/p…
#Transcosmos and #Jasmy jointly develop an application that solves "security" and "management" issues at home contact centers. #Jasmy #50weeksIR #blockchain #securePC trans-cosmos.co.jp/company/news/2…
The #Jasmy will use the Neutrix Cloud deployed by Aplix. We have already begun preparing for the expansion of IoT data in the 4th Industrial Revolution with this cloud service that offers high capacity, connectivity, high quality, and low cost. #50weeksIR aplix.co.jp/wp-content/upl…
#Jasmy is pleased to announce the establishment of its overseas offices and will develop its own ecosystem using #JasmyCoin. #25weeksIR #Jasmy jasmy.co.jp/news20220128.h…
🎁各1名様にプレゼント企画🎁(5000円相当) Total $50 token #Giveaway 🎁10#GCAKEAKE 🎁5#GSKYGSKY #MV0 $MV #BANANABANANA #BLOK0 $BLOK 【参加方法】 ✅@Laby_cubes Follow ✅❤️ & RT 〆2/2 #GCAKE #SkyFrontier #元素騎士 #Bloktopia #Airdrop #NFT #Jasmy #GM #プレゼント企画 #エアドロ
Jasmy's new management structure and key personnel have been updated. We will be moving forward with the launch of our product services to achieve further growth. #Jasmy #Jasmy jasmy.co.jp/en_company.htm…