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\ #プレゼント #キャンペーン✨/ #スマホアプリ #MyMU と連携した #IoT 対応 #三菱ジャー炊飯器 が当たる! 1⃣このアカウントをフォロー 2⃣本ツイートをRT 3⃣スマホアプリ「MyMU」の読み方を覚える!  (マイ・エム・ユー😋) 応募規約 bit.ly/3ixxkOG MyMU bit.ly/3iGiZPY
【竹中工務店】建設ニュース なぜ今までなかったのか、と思うくらいシンプル。 日本初、出火場所に応じて進入禁止を表示する避難口誘導灯を開発 takenaka.co.jp/news/2022/07/0… #建築 #ゼネコン #IoT #火災
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【拡散希望】フォロー&RTキャンペーンを追加開催!! お肉券を2名様に抽選でプレゼント!! ~応募方法~ ①@rokemobaをフォロー ②このツイートをRT ※当選者にはDMで通知致します。 〆切:4月6日(火)18:00 #お肉券 #懸賞 #格安SIM #神プラン #IoT #ロケモバ #肉屋 #肉屋はいいぞ #MVNO #SIM
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🚀ロケモバ4周年記念🚀 フォロー&RTキャンペーンを開催します😋ロケット・モバイルバッテリーを4名様に抽選でプレゼント!! ~応募方法~ ①@rokemobaをフォロー ②このツイートをRT ※当選者にはDMで通知致します。 〆切:5月19日(火)18:00 #格安SIM #神プラン #IoT #ロケモバ #肉屋 #MVNO #SIM
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【拡散希望】フォロー&RTキャンペーンを開催😋 ロケット・モバイルバッテリーを3名様に抽選でプレゼント!! ~応募方法~ ①@rokemobaをフォロー ②このツイートをRT ※当選者にはDMで通知致します。 〆切:4月3日(金)18:00 #格安SIM #神プラン #IoT #ロケモバ #肉屋 #MVNO #SIM #ロケモバはいいぞ
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【拡散希望】フォロー&RTキャンペーンを開催😋 ロケモバの初期事務手数料が3,400円→0円になるクーポンを5名様に抽選でプレゼント!! ~応募方法~ ① @rokemobaをフォロー ②このツイートをRT ※当選者にはDMで通知致します。  〆切:3月6日(金)12:00 #格安SIM #神プラン #IoT #ロケットモバイル
雪の中で立ち往生する配達ロボットたち Delivery robots get stuck in the snow. #robot #robotics #delivery #IoT #sensors #配達ロボットの立ち往生
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【3月11日発売】最新刊発売記念キャンペーン ➡抽選で下記書籍を3名様に\プレゼント/ ✅応募方法 ❶当アカウントをフォロー❷このツイートをRT 応募締切3/17まで/当選連絡はDM 『Raspberry Piクックブック 第3版』 oreilly.co.jp/books/97848731… #RaspberryPi #ラズベリーパイ #ラズパイ #電子工作 #IoT
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【2月28日発売】最新刊プレゼントキャンペーン ➡下記書籍を抽選で3名様に\プレゼント/ ✅応募方法 ❶当アカウントをフォロー❷このツイートをRT 応募締切3/6まで/当選連絡はDM 『SPRESENSEではじめるローパワーエッジAI』 oreilly.co.jp/books/97848731… #エッジAI #IoT #SPRESENSE
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【2月27日発売】最新刊プレゼントキャンペーン ➡下記書籍を抽選で3名様に\プレゼント/ ✅応募方法 ❶当アカウントをフォロー❷このツイートをRT 応募締切3/21まで/当選連絡はDM 『Arduinoをはじめよう 第4版』 oreilly.co.jp/books/97848144… #Arduino #ArduinoCloud #電子工作 #IoT
With this agreement, we will sell #AVITA brand PCs equipped with #JASMY SecurePC to the Asian region. This is the first of several measures to expand Jasmy's international BC network. prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #Jasmy #IoT #laptops #IR
Jasmy Secure PC", a robust security system using orijinal blockchain, and "AKASHI", a cloud-based attendance management system by Sony Biz Networks Corporation, begin working together. #IR #Sony #Jasmy #Jasmy #akashi #IoT prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
Dear #FTX users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #binance . We are looking forward to collaborating with you. #50weeksIR twitter.com/FTX_Official/s…
DIME published an article about our JASMY SecurePC. dime.jp/genre/1492274/ #dime #JASMY #Jasmy #Blockchain #IoT #pr
SaganTosu Fun Token application launched on #GooglePlay /#AppleStore , presented by #Jasmy Inc. It comes standard with a Personal Data Locker built on its our BC and has a mechanism to turn your data into a token of value. #IoT #FanTokens #サガン鳥栖 #IR play.google.com/store/apps/det…
Jasmy Secure PC is versioned up now. #PR #Jasmy #Jasmy #IoT prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
Dear #BitForex users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #binance . We are looking forward to collaborating with you. #50weeksIR twitter.com/bitforexcom/st…
Dear #Kraken users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #binance. We are looking forward to collaborating with you. #50weeksIR twitter.com/krakenfx/statu…
Dear #BitKan users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #binance  . We are looking forward to collaborating with you. #50weeksIR twitter.com/BitKanOfficial…
Dear #LBank users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #Binance . We are looking forward to collaborating with you. #50weeksIR twitter.com/LBank_Exchange…
1)The IoT continues to expand and spread. Data is oil, as they say, and it is proving to be as valuable as diamonds. On the other hand, there are restrictions on the free use of the data arising from IoT, and many transactions require patents. #Jasmy #IoT #SecurePC #DataDemocracy twitter.com/binance/status…
Transforming our industrial sector is crucial for #Taiwan’s economic future. Pleased to join top brass from @Siemens at the 2019 Taiwan Sustainability Summit, & see how we're using #AI & #IoT to drive industrial innovation & create #SmartSolutions for a #SmartNation.
Dear #Hotbit user Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #Binance. We are looking forward to collaborating with you. #50weeksIR twitter.com/Hotbit_news/st…
Dear @ApolloX_com users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy which is a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #binance We are looking forward to collaborating with you #50weeksIR twitter.com/ApolloX_com/st…
Dear #COINTIGER users Nice to meet you, we are #Jasmy , a #web3 company developing an #IoT x #Blockchain platform created by ex-Sony members. We are the only company in Japan to be listed on #Coinbase & #binance  We wish to collaborate with you. #50weeksIR medium.com/cointiger/jasm…