Just realised it was Cat Day yesterday in #Japan. To all like-minded animal lovers around the world, hope you celebrated in style. A big hello from my Cookie in #Taiwan.
Spring anticipation in South Japan #Blossom #SAKURA #Japan #Awake1周年
During an interview with @Sankei_news, I took the opportunity to share with our friends from #Japan #Taiwan’s strong willingness to join the #CPTPP. With our top-quality products & high export volume, #TaiwanCanHelp advance this potential-laden regional trade partnership.
I’m determined to work with like-minded partners such as #Japan in defending shared values. We’re facing an onslaught of #Disinformation & #FakeNews aimed at undermining democracy. Today, Taiwan is in the crosshairs. Tomorrow, it will be another country. bit.ly/2HaaE4v
①Dead tired へとへと heto heto ②Suck it up 我慢しろ gaman shiro ③Hang in there 負けないで   makenaide ④Get over it 乗り越えようよ norikoeyouyo ⑤Shut up だまれ damare ⑥It's a shame それは残念だな sore wa zannen dana ⑦Damn it ちくしょう chikushou #Japan #Japanese
Spring Season in Tokyo #Japan 🇯🇵
Spring In Claude Monet's Pond #Japan 🇯🇵
@Taiwan_in_NL @MOFA_Taiwan @CulturalTaiwan @eballgogogo @PaddyRoomer @Taiwan_in_UK @TW_Eswatini . @Taiwan_in_UK & @TW_Eswatini, too slow! I accept @eballgogogo’s #推特吃 challenge. #TaiwanCanHelp its friends in #Japan by eating persimmons from #Fukushima. They taste superb 😍 (but sadly cannot be purchased in Taiwan.) 👉 Up next, @chimaichen.
#Taiwan and #Japan are neighbours, friends, and partners for a more free & open region. Whenever we face natural disasters, they are always there for us. So today, on the 8th anniversary of the 311 Eastern Japan Earthquake, I reaffirm this precious friendship & partnership.
3 DAYS! We'll see you soon, #Japan! 🇯🇵 #ArchEnemy #LIVE IN #ASIA 2019 (Tickets: archenemy.net/tour): 21.03 - Download Festival, Japan 23.03 - Shanghai, #China 24.03 - Beijing, China 26.03 - Jinan, China 28.03 - Shenzhen, China 30.03 - Bangkok, #Thailand
#ゴジラジャパン 始動‼️】 #柔道日本代表 🇯🇵と #ゴジラ がコラボレーションすることが決定致しました✨皆様今後とも応援よろしくお願いします‼️ #ゴジラジャパン #東宝 #GODZILLAJAPAN 🇯🇵 #Japan #judo #日本代表 #Judoworlds2019
Spring at Claude Monet's Pond #Japan
Beautiful.. いつかまた日本に住みたい。 戦いが終わったら.. In #Tokyo #Japan. #cherryblossom #桜 instagram.com/p/Bv3-ntqAlik/
祝!来日!!😆 本日6日、ノーマン・リーダスを成田空港にて激写です!!✨😍✨ #ノーマン・リーダス #ノーマンリーダス #NormanReedus #来日 #日本 #Japan #成田空港
Can Nayika × Kai Takahashi (LUCKY TAPES) "LINE" OUT NOW! ▼Official Music Video youtu.be/qOOUKnDtgsE #CanNayika #KaiTakahashi #LUCKYTAPES #LINE #Thailand #Japan
Cherry blossom in #Japan 宫城
A brief excerpt from a piece I did with @NHKWORLD_News this spring about my pitch design process. Can’t wait to see you all in #Japan this off season!
Claude Monet’s Pond That Looks Like Monet’s Paintings #Japan 🇯🇵
“That escalated fast,” is what comes to mind whenever I go to Akihabara every 2 yrs or so & discover that some products have evolved into something completely too much. I predict by 2021 our disposable body warming pads will have USB ports, speakers & acupuncture needles. #Japan
YOUNGJAE JAPAN FANMEETING “BEGIN AGAIN” 2019.6.8(SAT) 2PM/6PM 東京 赤坂BLITZ 😉😍 詳しくは jharmonyent.com #ヨンジェ #영재 #youngjae #FANCY #Japan #Tokyo
Thankfully, many countries understand that to achieve #HealthForAll, everyone has to be on board. So up until today, many like-minded countries including #Australia, #Canada, #France, #Germany, #Japan, the #US & #UK chose to #SpeakUpForTaiwan & help complete the #WHA story.
ニューヨーク市長が、小池百合子東京都知事@ecoyuriに、東京オリンピックまでに象牙販売禁止を支持するよう要請。大会期間中、多数の訪日外国人が気軽に象牙を買い、違法に母国へ持ち帰る事態を懸念。元環境大臣の小池知事の反応はいかに? #象牙日本 #Japan #Tokyo2020 #ゾウ