これまでで一番好きなゲームの1つです。🙉🙉🙉 #mobilegame #アークナイツ #Arknights #明日方舟 #Yostar #Japan #명일방주
私が今遊んでいるゲーム!🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮 #明日方舟 #アークナイツ #Japan #명일방주 #mobilegame #Arknights #Yostar
中国の駐日記者曽穎氏は、安倍氏が刺されたニュースを報道する際に何度もむせび泣き、中国の愛国者(つまりピンクちゃん)にネット暴力を振るわれた。その後ストレスでうつ病が発作し、自殺を選んだ。 #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动
どんな条件であれ、お客さんは納得してくれないでしょう? #ShinzoAbe #Japan #安倍晋三 #TheGreatTranslationMovement #大翻译运动 #大翻訳運動
We welcome @SuzukiKeisukeMP of #Japan's🇯🇵 House of Representatives to #Taiwan🇹🇼. It's great to have another strong supporter of the country joining the Ketagalan Forum—2022 #IndoPacific Security Dialogue. All the best to our good friend for the important event & his 3-day visit!
It's a great pleasure to see my dear friend, Suzuki-san (@SuzukiKeisukeMP) of the #LDP. At a time of growing tension caused by the expansion of authoritarianism, #Taiwan & #Japan need to work closer in fighting for democracy. We're #StrongerTogether! JW
Minister Wu hosted a sparkling Ketagalan Forum—2022 #IndoPacific Security Dialogue banquet. #Taiwan🇹🇼 friends such as #Estonia's🇪🇪 @IlvesToomas, #Japan's🇯🇵 @SuzukiKeisukeMP, & #Australia's🇦🇺 @cpyne & @kevinandrewsmp shared strategies & vowed to keep defending democracy worldwide!
Deputy Minister Tien welcomed Shigeru Ishiba & Yasukazu Hamada, leaders of the #Japan🇯🇵 parliamentary delegation, & other members Akihisa Nagashima & Takayuki Shimizu to #Taiwan🇹🇼. We wish the lawmakers a good 4-day visit aimed at getting up to speed on key security developments.
Wow, can #Japan stoop any lower? Japan's defense ministry accepted four new Myanmar military soldiers for training in June, AFTER the junta announced it intends to carry out its death sentences. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar www3.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/en/ne…
Minister Wu hosted a welcome banquet for the #Japan parliamentary delegation. Talk focused on #IndoPacific stability & security, as well as supply chain resilience. We thank the group for the timely visit showing strong cross-party support for democratic #Taiwan.🇹🇼 🇯🇵
Delighted to welcome former #Japan Minister of Defense @shigeruishiba & the members of the cross-party delegation to #Taiwan. Today we held productive discussions on regional security & how our countries can keep working together to ensure peace & stability in the Indo-Pacific.
漫画家の永井豪氏にお会いしました 永井先生の漫画はUAEでも大変有名で、私たちはマジンガーZからグレンダイザーまで、先生の創り出す世界を見て育ちました 漫画に描かれた宇宙に魅了されていた私たちが、いまこうして宇宙開発の分野で日本と協働しているのです #UAE #Japan 🇦🇪🇯🇵 #マジンガーZ
Our gratitude to the foreign ministers of #Canada, #France, #Germany, #Italy, #Japan, #UK, #US & #EU for the @G7 statement on #Taiwan Strait peace & stability. We urge the global community to call on #China to halt military activity & #StandWithTaiwan🇹🇼. auswaertiges-amt.de/en/newsroom/ne…
遂にナンシー・ペロシ下院議長が来日🇺🇸🇯🇵 #Pelosi #Japan twitter.com/sethrobson1/st…
日本のメディアが総スルーの異常事態... 何なの一体?? もはや日本も共産主義国家でしょうよ!? #オールドメディアが報道しない真実 #Peolsi #Japan
背後に工作員らしき人物発見... #Pelosi #Japan
#AmazingLove by the Japanese Iconic Boy Band #KinKiKids lands at #1 on the #Oricon Singles chart in #Japan, scoring 235,030 sale units in its 1st week!💪💥🥇🇯🇵👑👑❤️‍🔥 @johnnys facebook.com/worldmusicawar…
Every Day Is A Good Day ☀️ #Japan #Izu #Summer #伊豆の夏 #日々是好日
네이버 포스트 미공개 컷 Photo by @LeeJungshin91 #Japan instagram.com/p/ChJNMGNBfTJ/…
#DUELMASTERSINDIA #OCG is back in action again #Japan #Takaratomy the game is on..
A hearty welcome to #Taiwan’s🇹🇼 longtime friends, @Furuya_keiji & @kihara_minoru. The visit of the members of #Japan’s🇯🇵 House of Representatives shows our like-minded neighbor’s staunch support in the face of recent provocation. We wish them a fruitful & rewarding 3-day stay.
Minister Wu hosted a banquet for MP @Furuya_keiji & @kihara_minoru & expressed thanks for their longstanding efforts to strengthen #Taiwan🇹🇼-#Japan🇯🇵 friendship. Our two countries will continue to jointly promote peace & stability in the #IndoPacific as forces for good.
#Japan’s future is in #Asia. If it insists to tie itself with the #USA strategy, there will only be a deeper antagonism in the Asia-Pacific region, causing the detriment of all regional countries, including Japan itself.