SNOW EYEs 8月号 出せてなかった8月号、、 9月号は、15日以内に出すね!👍 #SNOWEYEs #Japan #雑誌 #ファッション #パーカー  #earth #DINC
Thank you, Ursula @vonderleyen. #Japan and #EU have built the closest relations ever. I am sure our cooperation will be even closer. twitter.com/vonderleyen/st…
Minister Wu delivered a critical message at the supply chain restructuring forum. It's time for like-minded democracies to cooperate closely in safeguarding strategic industries & key infrastructure from malign actors. We thank our #US, #EU & #Japan partners for the superb event.
#LeaveNoOneBehind is the ethos exemplified in all of #Taiwan's humanitarian efforts, especially amid #COVID19. Our deepest gratitude to the coast guard for sailing 14,000 km to bring home 3 conscripts performing alternative service in ally #Tuvalu, as well as 2 #Japan nationals.
The 1st #GCTF by #Taiwan #US #Japan & #Guatemala is a wrap. Participants from 25+ countries shared strategies for #COVID19, good governance & post-pandemic prosperity. Many thanks VM Tsao @juliechungfso AIT Dir. Christensen JTEA Rep. Izumi @PedroBroloGT & @audreyt for the event.
YouTube「なぎなぎTube 」 の更新したよ〜😊✨ 今回は、美瑛に行ってきた時の ぜひ動画で 一緒に美瑛を回ってみませんか?👀 #YouTube #なぎなぎTube #北海道 #美瑛 #Japan youtu.be/gqjfJmUjp9g
🇬🇧 Tariff free access for more UK goods 🤝 New protections for UK creative industries 🇯🇵 Improved market access for UK financial services A historical day as we sign our first trade deal as an independent nation #Japan #tradedeal Read More: bit.ly/2DPMb5l
YouTube「なぎなぎTube 」 更新⭐️⭐️ 富良野に行ってきた時の動画だよ〜 北海道のおへそって呼ばれるくらい、 真ん中にあるの☺️ ぜひ見てみてね👀✨ #YouTube #AKB48 #なぎなぎTube #北海道 #富良野 #Japan youtu.be/f_TmzXQicx8
Thank you to former Japanese Prime Minister Mori & his delegation for visiting Taiwan to honour the memory of our beloved late President Lee. We truly appreciate the effort you made to commemorate a great friend & leader, further strengthening the close #Taiwan-#Japan friendship.
The warmest of welcomes to ex-PM Yoshiro Mori & the #Japan🇯🇵 delegation. We truly appreciate the group's #Taiwan🇹🇼 visit for the memorial service of late President Lee, & believe it will deepen friendship & expand exchanges between the 2 sides. Learn more➡️bit.ly/3hJ9Gef
Görevini tamamlayan #Japonya Büyükelçisi Akio Miyajima’ya ülkelerimiz arasındaki ilişkilerin geliştirilmesine katkılarından dolayı teşekkür ediyorum. 🇹🇷🇯🇵 Thanked Ambassador Akio Miyajima of #Japan for his contributions to further develop our relations during his tenure. 🇹🇷🇯🇵
Monet’s Pond #Japan
The #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸-#Japan🇯🇵 #GCTF on #IPR protection is underway. Deputy Minister Tien, AIT Director Christensen, JTEA Deputy Rep. Akira & MOJ DM Tsai opened the 2-day virtual event. Good luck to the 180+ attending academics, experts & officials from 19 #IndoPacific countries!
Arrived at Embassy in Tokyo 🇯🇵 ahead of signing our first trade agreement as an independent trading nation. This British-shaped deal is tailored to our 🇬🇧 economy, with major wins that would be impossible as part of the EU. #Japan #FTA #tradedeal
I’ve just signed the UK-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement with @moteging. 🇬🇧 🇯🇵 It shows what our country can achieve as an independent trading nation. Global Britain 🇬🇧 is just getting started. #Japan #FTA #tradedeal
#MidnightSwan is a great #movie that really tugs at your emotions. Some touching uplifting moments, some very saddening losts. Great job by #TsuyoshiKusanagi, playing a very complex and embattled transgender role. #film #Japan #casting #screenplay #HIFF #IMDb #actor #director
🇯🇵 🇯🇵 🇯🇵 #Japan
This is your night, #Japan! Night of Nov 28,2020. I am far away, but thinking about you all. #大阪#名古屋#東京。夜霧に咽ぶ日本の皆さん、おやすみなさい💤
ありがとうございました, @takagikei310.🙏 I also think #Taiwan is a leader in digital transformation & inclusion.🇹🇼 But this isn’t achieved in isolation.🫂 We learned a lot & shared a lot in the virtual — that’s key!🗝 More collaboration with #Japan is a delicious prospect.🇯🇵 twitter.com/takagikei310/s…
#DeleteCheyBro is now trending in #Japan
The #Taiwan🇹🇼-#US🇺🇸-#Japan🇯🇵 Trilateral #IndoPacific Security Dialogue is done & dusted. Plenty of insights from a stellar lineup including @iingwen, Kurt Campbell, Randall Schriver & @SenatorMenendez. A big thanks to @ProspectF, @Project2049 & @JIIA_eng for the successful event.
素心蝋梅(ソシンロウバイ)が咲き、前を通るとふわっと甘い香りがします。 #休園中 #庭園 #garden #Tokyo #Japan #Chimonanthus
Here is a third clip. Police have divided the march into sections so that traffic can pass. Each group has a loudspeaker and many flags and banners. #January6th #tokyo #Japan