An in-depth interview on the strategic importance of Africa, TICAD process, FOCAC with DOI Kenichi Senior Researcher and Advisor Development Innovation #JICA #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア
NEW: #JICA tells @hrw a JP company signed a deal with military-owned #MEC and its affiliate in November 2019 for the #Bago River Bridge Project, 2 months after the #UN FFM called for the financial isolation of #MEC & #MEHL. #SaveMyammar myanmar-now.org/en/news/japan-…
My Webinar lecture in Tokyo University today encompassed wide range of issues related to Africa Japan growing relations and expected future trajectories #TICAD8 #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Djibouti #SouthSudan #Sudan #AUC #JICA #JIADA #JBIC #JETRO @MoFaJp_en tufs.ac.jp/asc/english/ev… twitter.com/EritreaEmbJP/s…
Congratulations to Ghebremicael Estifanos (Jimmy) - a local staff of #JICA in Asmara since 1993 - for receiving The Order of the Sun, Gold and Silver Rays for his contribution in the promotion of Japan’s economic cooperation in #Eritrea エリトリア エチオピア
Important to recognize the multi-dimensional side effects of COVID-19 pandemic and look on how those challenges that are being faced can be interfaced with #TICAD8 #JICA #UNDP #WB #AU #AfDB #Eritrea #Ethiopia エリトリア エチオピア eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/Online_Me…
My remarks to the TICAD Joint Monitoring Group focused on health capacity building eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Virtu… & to MLLT on quality infrastructure cooperations & limelighted #Eritrea/n Railways’ history eritreaembassy-japan.org/data/The_Virtu… #JADA #JICA #MLIT #UNDP #UNIDO エリトリア エチオピア
East or west the simple equation in #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Somalia #Sudan #SouthSudan #Kenya #IGAD shall always remain peace and cooperation because our home is definitely one of the best #AfDB #UNSG #EU #AU #JICA #IGAD afdb-org.jp/jabf2021/doc/d…